Architects: Studio Anna Heringer
Area: 1153 m²
Year: 2016
Photographs: Jenny JI, Julien Lanoo
Lead Architect:Anna Heringer
Team Studio Anna Heringer:Stefano Mori, Karolina Switzer, Wayne Switzer, Yu Xi
Client/Sponsor:Municipality of Longquan, China
Main Contractor:Shanghai Kangye Construction & Decoration Co.,Ltd
Consultant In Earthen Structures And Over All Concept:Martin Rauch
Consultant In Bamboo Structures:Emmanuel Heringer
Consultant In Heating System:Harald Mueller, Franz Petermann
Consultant In Energy System:Prof. Klaus Daniels

建築師:Studio Anna Heringer工作室
照片:Jenny JI,Julien Lanoo
首席建築師:Anna Heringer
Studio Studio Anna Heringer:Stefano Mori,Karolina Switzer,Wayne Switzer和Yu Xi
土木結構及整體概念顧問:Martin Rauch
竹結構顧問:Emmanuel Heringer
供熱系統顧問:Harald Mueller,Franz Petermann
能源系統顧問:教授。 克勞斯·丹尼爾斯

Within three years (2011-2014) China consumed more cement than the USA during the last century. Most of those people living now in concrete housing blocks were living in houses made of natural materials. This trend happens all over the world. Alternatives are needed to reduce CO2 emissions.

在過去的三年中(2011年至2014年),中國的水泥消費量超過了美國。 現在住在混凝土房屋中的大多數人住在自然材料製成的房屋中。 這種趨勢在世界各地都有發生。 需要替代方案以減少二氧化碳排放量。

The 3 hostels show that traditional, natural materials can be used in contemporary ways: unlike many traditional houses that hide mud behind fake facades, this project celebrates the beauty of natural materials. Using non-standardized, local materials will lead to more diversity in urban and rural regions, foster fair economics – through the creation of jobs – and preserve our planet`s ecosystem.

這三家旅館表明,傳統的天然材料可用於現代方式:與許多傳統房屋將泥土掩藏在假外牆後面不同,該項目彰顯了天然材料的美感。 使用非標準化的本地材料將導致城鄉地區更多的多樣性,通過創造就業機會促進公平的經濟發展,並保護地球的生態系統。

This project was part of the Longquan International Biennale that sought to build with bamboo, for which 12 architects were invited to build permanent structures.


Our studio was commissioned for 2 hostels and 1 guesthouse. The structure of the hostels is formed out of a core made of stones and rammed earth. The core hosts all facility units and the stairs. Attached to it are the sleeping units. The latter are designed like Chinese lampshades that gloom in the night. Around them is an expressive structure out of woven bamboo.

我們的工作室委託2旅館和1旅館。 旅館的結構由石頭和夯土製成的芯子形成。 核心託管所有設施單元和樓梯。 與之相連的是睡眠單元。 後者的設計就像夜晚的中國燈罩。 它們周圍是由竹編織而成的表達結構。

In general we tend to think that sustainability is about scarcity. But the nature of nature is not limitation. These great building materials bamboo and mud are there in abundance. They make sense in economic as well as ecological perspective, are healthy for people and the planet. These buildings are a statement that sustainability is about quality of life and the celebration of nature`s vast resources.

一般而言,我們傾向於認為可持續性與稀缺性有關。 但是自然的本質不是限制性的。 這些偉大的建築材料竹子和泥土很多。 從經濟和生態角度看,它們都有意義,對人類和地球都是健康的。 這些建築表明,可持續性與生活質量和自然資源的豐富有關。

The applied techniques bamboo weaving and rammed earth are labour intensive, challenge the skills of local craftsmen and leaving the biggest share of the profit with the community.


The project wants to re-connect with the authenticity of cultural goods shaped out of immanent material characteristics like the bending strength of bamboo, and with the rich tradition in craftsmanship of China like basket weaving. One of the cultural identities of Baoxi is ceramic vessels. Those were the inspirations behind the shapes.

該項目希望與由內在的材料特性(如竹子的彎曲強度)塑造的文化產品的真實性,以及與籃筐編織等中國手工藝的悠久傳統重新聯繫起來。 寶雞的文化特徵之一是陶瓷器皿。 這些就是形狀背後的靈感。

The energy system is based on direct and ‘archaic’ sources like fire and sun, wind, shade, plants and the concept of minimizing the conditioned spaces. Rather than making a huge effort in both money and resources for controlling the climate of the entire volume of the hostels, only the core – that hosts the utility rooms – and the cocoons are thermally controlled. They are protected from the rain and have heating or cooling options on a very low-tech level. The fire is used as a heating source through an effective oven that also heats warm water for the showers supported by solar collectors, while creating a communicative atmosphere in the common rooms.

能源系統基於直接和“古老”的能源,例如火和陽光,風,陰涼處,植物以及最小化可調節空間的概念。 與其花費大量金錢和資源來控制整個旅館的氣候,還不如對雜物間的主人核心和繭進行熱控制。 它們不受雨水的影響,並且具有非常低技術水平的加熱或冷卻選項。 火通過有效的烤箱用作加熱源,該烤箱還為太陽能收集器支撐的淋浴加熱熱水,同時在普通房間中營造了交流的氛圍。

With our planet`s limited resources we can’t provide 7 billion people an appropriate habitat made of industrialized materials only. The use of natural materials is vital in order to enable a sustainable and fair development. This project can act as a model for building simple but with sense and believing in the ‘charming power’ which lies in the natural materials’ authenticity.

由於地球資源有限,我們無法為70億人提供僅由工業化材料製成的合適棲息地。 為了實現可持續和公平的發展,使用天然材料至關重要。 該項目可以作為構建簡單但有意識並相信天然材料真實性的“魅力”的典範。



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