Architects: Inspiral Architecture and Design Studios
Area: 980 m²
Year: 2020
Photographs: Mati Allendes
Manufacturers: AutoDesk, Bona, BASF, Daikin, Toto, Bentley Systems, Ecosmart, Forta ferro, Hilon, Trimble Navigation
Lead Architect:Charlie Hearn
Design Team:Laura Tika, Puce Subagiono Soepeno, Gunawan Rusdiana
Clients:Dino Magnatta
Engineering And Construction:Inspiral Engineering, Ratmo Guna Susilo, Eri Gunawan
Main Contractor:Wkon
Bamboo Contractors:Ateng Tiying Mas, Asali Bamboo, Chiko Wirahadi
Consultants:Binar lighting Studio
Collaborators:Clifton Schooley

照片:馬蒂·阿連德斯(Mati Allendes)
製造商:AutoDesk,Bona,BASF,Daikin,Toto,Bentley Systems,Ecosmart,Forta ferro,Hilon,Trimble Navigation
首席建築師:Charlie Hearn
設計團隊:Laura Tika,Puce Subagiono Soepeno,Gunawan Rusdiana
客戶:迪諾·馬格納塔(Dino Magnatta)
工程與建設:Inspiral Engineering,Ratmo Guna Susilo,Eri Gunawan
竹承包商:Ateng Tiying Mas,Asali Bamboo,Chiko Wirahadi
合作者:Clifton Schooley

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Located inland in Bali, this wellness retreat has been integrated into a forest that borders luscious rice fields on one side and a dramatic river on the other. The river converges water from the whole area creating a junction of small waterfalls that produces enough flow to power a hydro electric generator that can sustain the power of the buildings within the complex. Merging with nature has been at the forefront in the approach to the design, not just by its operation but by using materials found directly on the site and the immediate locality, therefore enabling the resort to become fully carbon zero.

這個療養勝地位於巴厘島的內陸,已經融入了一片森林,該森林的一側與甜美的稻田接壤,而另一側則是一條引人入勝的河流。 河流匯聚了整個區域的水,形成了小瀑布的交匯處,產生了足夠的水流來為水力發電機提供動力,從而可以維持綜合大樓內建築物的能量。 在設計方法中,與自然融合一直是最重要的,不僅是其操作,而且還使用了直接在場地和附近地區發現的材料,因此使度假村能夠完全實現零碳排放。

The first instigation of this can be seen in the dramatic use of rammed earth for all ground level walls. Being located on a hill required significant ground works, therefore with much excess soil, creating these significant mass of curved walls was easily justified. Along with being able to connect the occupant to the beauty of rammed earth with its physicality and layered coloring, it also maintains superior insulation and structural properties. Being very intensive to build we were able to recruit the nearby village to work on what has become the most substantial rammed earth project in Indonesia.

可以從所有地面牆壁上大量使用夯土的方式看出這一點。 位於丘陵上需要大量的地面工作,因此土壤過多,因此很容易證明產生大量的彎曲牆是合理的。 除了能夠通過其物理特性和分層的著色將乘員與夯土之美聯繫起來之外,它還保持了出色的隔熱性和結構特性。 由於建設非常密集,我們能夠招募附近的村莊來從事印度尼西亞最堅固的夯土項目。

The rest of the structure has been made with bamboo, much of which was harvested from the site. Not only is this fast growing material incredibly sustainable, its flexibility means were able to create spaces that echo the abundance of life in the tropics. Built objects have been created which seek to biologically morph from the surrounding elements, in effect growing from the ground and sprouting among the rich vegetation.

其餘的結構是用竹子製成的,其中大部分是從當地採伐的。 這種快速增長的材料不僅具有令人難以置信的可持續性,而且其靈活性意味著能夠創造出與熱帶地區豐富的生活相呼應的空間。 人們已經創造出可以從周圍元素進行生物變形的建築物體,實際上是從地面生長並在豐富的植被中萌芽。

One such building is the yoga studio which literally floats from the cliff’s edge with a cantilevered structure supporting a parabolic bamboo pavilion. The rooms themselves provide the eco luxury that is required for this up market project, with a feeling that is nurturing and in some feature bedrooms, almost cocoon like.

這樣的建築之一就是瑜伽工作室,它的字面意思是從懸崖的邊緣漂浮出來的,懸臂的結構支撐著一個拋物線竹亭。 房間本身提供了高端市場項目所需的生態奢華,給人一種滋養的感覺,在一些功能臥室中,幾乎像繭一樣。

The guest villas too look towards a unique design, yet with the common denominator of bamboo architecture and the warming tones of rammed earth that make up the resort. The curvilinear formations of the roofs can be admired from different heights and angles while the reflections from the meandering pool below add to the effect.

賓客別墅也追求獨特的設計,但以竹子建築的共同特徵和構成度假村的夯土的溫暖色調為特色。 可以從不同的高度和角度欣賞屋頂的曲線形構造,而下方蜿蜒曲折的水池的反射則增添了效果。

FROM:Ulaman Eco Retreat

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