Basilique du Sacré-Cœur 法國巴黎-聖心聖殿


The Basilica of Sacré-Cœur, as seen from the base of the butte Montmartre.
Basic information
Location Paris, France
Geographic coordinates 48°53′12.1″N 2°20′34.8″ECoordinates: 48°53′12.1″N 2°20′34.8″E
Affiliation Roman Catholic
Province Archdiocese of Paris
Country France
Year consecrated 1919
Ecclesiastical or organizational status Minor basilica
Website Basilica of the Sacré Cœur
Architectural description
Architect(s) Paul Abadie
Groundbreaking 1875
Completed 1914
Length 85 metres (279 ft)
Width 35 metres (115 ft)
Height (max) 83 metres (272 ft)
Materials Travertine stone

地理坐標48°53’12.1“N 2°20’34.8”經濟坐標:48°53’12.1“N 2°20’34.8”E
建築師保羅·阿比迪(Paul Abadie)


From: WorldSiteGuides

The Basilica of the Sacred Heart of Paris, commonly known as Sacré-Cœur Basilica and often simply Sacré-Cœur(French: Basilique du Sacré-Cœur, pronounced [sakʁe kœʁ]), is a Roman Catholic church and minor basilica, dedicated to the Sacred Heart of Jesus, in Paris, France. A popular landmark, the basilica is located at the summit of the butteMontmartre, the highest point in the city. Sacré-Cœur is a double monument, political and cultural, both a national penance for the defeat of France in the 1870 Franco-Prussian War and the socialist Paris Commune of 1871 crowning its most rebellious neighborhood, and an embodiment of conservative moral order, publicly dedicated to the Sacred Heart of Jesus, which was an increasingly popular vision of a loving and sympathetic Christ.

The Sacré-Cœur Basilica was designed by Paul Abadie. Construction began in 1875 and was finished in 1914. It was consecrated after the end of World War I in 1919.

巴黎圣心大教堂,俗稱Sacré-CœurBasilica,通常簡稱Sacré-Cœur(法語:BasiliqueduSacré-Cœur,發音為[sakʁekœʁ]),是羅馬天主教堂和小教堂,致力於 耶穌的聖心,在巴黎,法國。 大教堂是一個受歡迎的地標,位於城市最高點butteMontmartre的山頂。 Sacré-Cœur是一個雙重紀念碑,政治和文化,都是1870年法國 – 普魯士戰爭中法國戰敗的國家懺悔和1871年社會主義巴黎公社加冕其最叛逆的鄰居,以及公開保守道德秩序的體現 致力於耶穌的聖心,這是一個越來越受歡迎的愛心和同情基督的願景。

Sacré-CœurBasilica大教堂由Paul Abadie設計。 建築始於1875年,於1914年完工。它於1919年第一次世界大戰結束後奉獻。


The inspiration for Sacré Cœur’s design originated on 4 September 1870, the day of the proclamation of the Third Republic, with a speech by Bishop Fournier attributing the defeat of French troops during the Franco-Prussian War to a divine punishment after “a century of moral decline” since the French Revolution, in the wake of the division in French society that arose in the decades following that revolution, between devout Catholics and legitimist royalists on one side, and democrats, secularists, socialists, and radicals on the other. This schism in the French social order became particularly pronounced after the 1870 withdrawal of the French military garrison protecting the Vatican in Rome to the front of the Franco-Prussian War by Napoleon III, the secular uprising of the Paris Commune of 1870-1871, and the subsequent 1871 defeat of France in the Franco-Prussian War.

Though today the basilica is asserted to be dedicated in honor of the 58,000 who lost their lives during the war, the decree of the Assemblée nationale 24 July 1873, responding to a request by the archbishop of Paris and voting its construction, specifies that it is to “expiate the crimes of the Commune.” Montmartre had been the site of the Commune’s first insurrection, and the Communards had executed Georges Darboy, Archbishop of Paris, who became a martyr for the resurgent Catholic Church. His successor Guibert, climbing the Butte Montmartre in October 1872, was reported to have had a vision as clouds dispersed over the panorama: “It is here, it is here where the martyrs are, it is here that the Sacred Heart must reign so that it can beckon all to come.”

In the moment of inertia following the resignation of the government of Adolphe Thiers, 24 May 1873, François Pie, bishop of Poitiers, expressed the national yearning for spiritual renewal— “the hour of the Church has come”— that would be expressed through the “Government of Moral Order” of the Third Republic, which linked Catholic institutions with secular ones, in “a project of religious and national renewal, the main features of which were the restoration of monarchy and the defense of Rome within a cultural framework of official piety,”of which Sacré-Cœur is the chief lasting, triumphalist monument.

The 24 July decree voting its construction as a “matter of public utility” followed close on Thiers’ resignation. The project was expressed by the Church as a National Vow (Vœu national) and financial support came from parishes throughout France. The dedicatory inscription records the basilica as the accomplishment of a vow by Alexandre Legentil and Hubert Rohault de Fleury, ratified by Joseph-Hippolyte Guibert, Archbishop of Paris. The project took many years to complete.

聖誕老人設計的靈感起源於1870年9月4日,宣布第三共和國的日子,由Fournier主教的講話,將法國普魯士戰爭中的法國軍隊的失敗歸因於“一個世紀的道德上在法國革命之後,在法國社會分裂之後,在革命後的幾十年中出現,在虔誠的天主教徒和一方的合法保衛者之間,民主人士,世俗主義者,社會主義者和激進分子在另一邊。法國社會秩序的這種分裂在1870年撤出法國軍事駐紮在羅馬的梵蒂岡撤回到拿破崙三世法蘭克福 – 普魯士戰爭的前面之後變得特別明顯 1870年巴黎公社的世俗起義, 1871年和隨後的1871年法國在普法戰爭中的失敗。


1873年5月24日,Adolphe Thiers政府辭職之後的慣性時刻,普瓦捷主教弗朗索瓦·皮耶夫(FrançoisPie)表達了對精神復興的渴望 – “教會的時候到了” – [9]通過第三共和國的“道德秩序政府”表達了這一觀點,即將天主教機構與世俗化的機構聯繫起來,在“宗教和國家重建項目中,其主要特徵是在文化中恢復君主制和羅馬辯護官方虔誠的框架“,[10]其中Sacré-Cœur是首席持久,凱旋門[11]紀念碑。

7月24日的法令將其建設視為“公用事業”,緊隨其後的辭職。該項目被教會認定為國家誓言(Vœunational),財政支持來自法國各地的教區。巴黎大主教Joseph-Hippolyte Guibert批准了“大教堂”作為Alexandre Legentil和Hubert Rohault de Fleury發誓的成就。該項目花了好幾年時間才能完成。

1875年開始建造的聖心堂(Basilique du Sacre-Coeu)於1914年完工。

The Basilique du Sacre-Coeu, which was built in 1875, was completed in 1914.

坐落於法國巴黎北部的蒙馬特高地上,由建築設計師Paul Abadie設計的天主教宗座聖殿-聖心聖殿是以耶穌聖心為主保而得名。

Located on the Montmete Heights in northern Paris, France, the Catholic Pontifical Temple, designed by architect Paul Abadie, is named after the Sacred Heart of Jesus.

Basilique du Sacré-Cœur|法國巴黎-聖心聖殿

Both Roman and Byzantine-style eclectic architecture, when Paul Abadie and other seventy-seven architects stand out from the competition, made the sacred building of the case, but because of the ownership of property, the church until the base of the 1875 The church began to work, the church suffered a lot of controversy in the year, and finally settled in the parliament in the dust, the establishment of the church is still going on, and the architect began to build in the Sacred Church soon after the death of 1884, follow-up by Other architects Paul Abadie, Lucien Magne, Henri-Pierre-Marie Rauline, Honoré Daumet, Charles Laisné, Charles Garnier, Jean-Louis Hulot build together, due to the height of the city of Paris, Area of other architectural design style, making it one of the famous landmarks in Paris.

兼具羅馬及拜占庭風格折衷主義建築,當時Paul Abadie與其他七十七位建築師的競爭下脫穎而出,取得了聖心堂的建造案,不過因為取得財產所有權的問題,這座教堂的地基直到了1875年才開始真正動土,教堂當年遭受了不少爭議,最後在議會中塵埃落定,教堂的建立工作依舊繼續進行,而建築師在聖心堂開始建造不久後的1884年便辭世,後續便由其他建築師 Paul Abadie, Lucien Magne, Henri-Pierre-Marie Rauline, Honoré Daumet, Charles Laisné, 查爾斯·加尼葉, Jean-Louis Hulot攜手打造,由於位於巴黎市區的高處,加上有別於市區其他建築的設計風格,使其成為巴黎著名的地標之一。

The overall style of the structure shows a free interpretation of Romano-Byzantine features, an unusual architectural vocabulary at the time, which was a conscious reaction against the neo-Baroque excesses of the Palais Garnier cited in the competition.[18] Many design elements of the basilica symbolise nationalist themes: the portico, with its three arches, is adorned by two equestrian statues of French national saints Joan of Arc (1927) and King Saint Louis IX, both executed in bronze by Hippolyte Lefebvre; and the nineteen-ton Savoyarde bell (one of the world’s heaviest), cast in 1895 in Annecy, alludes to the annexation of Savoy in 1860.

Basilica of the Sacred Heart of Christ Night view.jpg
Sacré-Cœur is built of travertine stone quarried in Château-Landon (Seine-et-Marne), France.

A mosaic in the apse entitled Christ in Majesty, created by Luc-Olivier Merson, is among the largest in the world.

The basilica complex includes a garden for meditation, with a fountain. The top of the dome is open to tourists and affords a spectacular panoramic view of the city of Paris, which is mostly to the south of the basilica.

The use of cameras and video recorders is forbidden inside the basilica.

結構的整體風格顯示了Romano-Byzantine特徵的自由解讀,當時這是一種不尋常的建築詞彙,這是對比賽中引用的卡尼爾宮新巴洛克式超越的有意義的反應。[18]大教堂的許多設計元素象徵著民族主義的主題:門廊,其三個拱門,由法國國家聖人瓊(1927年)和聖路易九世國王的兩個馬術雕像裝飾,兩人都是由希波利特·勒菲夫勒(Gippolyte Lefebvre)執行的。以及1895年在阿訥西投下的十九瓦薩瓦耶爾鐘(世界上最重的一枚鐘),暗示了1860年吞併薩沃伊。

基督之聖心大教堂Night view.jpg

由盧克·奧利維爾·默森(Luc-Olivier Merson)創作的題為“陛下基督”的散文是世界上最大的。



With a height of 83 meters of the holy heart of the overall style has a strong color of the Roman Byzantine, which was popular with the new Baroque style is a strong contrast, but also unique style of choice, by Château-Landon mining limestone Rock built, this rock will continue to seep out the calcite, you can ensure that the sanctuary, even in weather weather and pollution under the influence, can still maintain a white appearance. The Sanctuary Church design is composed of elements of nationalism, with three arch of the porch, decorated on both sides of Joan of Arc and Louis IX’s riding statue, 19 tons of Savoyarde clock was built in 1885 in Annecy , It is also one of the world’s largest bells, the dome has a huge mosaic, known as the Christ in the image (Christ in Majesty), is also one of the world’s largest mosaic, the sanctuary surrounded by a people for meditation , A garden with a fountain. The dome of the sanctuary is open to visitors, and you can see the panorama of the city of Paris from here. The square platform in front of the sanctuary always gathers a lot of tourists, taking pictures with the urban landscape of Paris. The square and the ladder to climb the same also in the movie “Amy’s fantasy world” appeared, perhaps these visitors are inside the fans have come to pilgrimage route it.

有著83 公尺高度的聖心堂整體風格有著濃厚的羅馬拜占庭的色彩,這與當年那時流行的新巴洛克風格是強烈的對比,也是獨有特色的風格選擇,由Château-Landon所開採的石灰華岩所建成的,這種岩石會不斷的滲出方解石,可以確保聖心堂既使在天候風化與污染的影響下,依然可以保持著白色的外觀。而聖心堂設計是包含著國家主義的元素的,擁有3個拱的門廊,在兩側裝飾著聖女貞德與路易九世的騎馬雕像,19噸的Savoyarde鐘是1885年時在Annecy所鑄造的,它也是世界上最大的鐘之一,圓頂有巨大的鑲嵌畫,被稱為基督聖像(Christ in Majesty),也是世界上最大的鑲嵌畫之一,聖心堂外圍包括了一個供人們冥想,擁有噴水池的花園。聖心堂的圓頂式開放給遊客參觀的,可以從這裡看到巴黎市的全景,聖心堂前方的廣場平台總會聚集很多的遊客,這裡與巴黎的市區景色拍照留影. 教堂前的這片廣場與登上來的階梯同樣也在電影「愛蜜麗的異想世界」裡出現過,或許這些遊客裡頭有著是電影迷們前來朝聖的路線呢。

Address: 35 Rue du Chevalier de la Barre, 75018 Paris, France

Tel: +33 1 53 41 89 00

地址:35 Rue du Chevalier de la Barre, 75018 Paris, 法國

電話:+33 1 53 41 89 00

Parigi: La Basilica Del Sacro Cuore – Travel & Discover


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