Guangxi Culture & Art Center 廣西文化藝術中心

The Guangxi Culture & Art Center in Nanning has opened its doors. It is a grand theater of the kind that is very popular in China and serves as a venue for a wide range of musical and cultural programs: in addition to classical works in the European tradition of operas, events include concerts, musicals, and gala shows.

位於南寧的廣西文化藝術中心開業。 這是一個在中國非常受歡迎的大劇院,是舉辦各種音樂和文化節目的場所:除了歐洲歌劇傳統的古典作品外,音樂會,音樂劇和聯歡晚會等活動 。

Architects: gmp Architects
Area:113764.0 m²
Photographs:Christian Gahl

建築師:gmp Architects
攝影:克里斯蒂安·加爾(Christian Gahl)

Three concert halls have been arranged as separate volumes on a natural stone-clad plinth building that accommodates the service functions. The opera house to the south-west with its 1,600 seats and a 600 square-meter stage opens out to a newly created lake.

在一座天然石砌基座建築上,三個音樂廳被單獨佈置成一個空間,可容納各種服務功能。 西南的歌劇院擁有1,600個座位和600平方米的舞台,通向一個新建的湖泊。

Following the tradition of classical opera houses, the seating has been laid out in the shape of a horseshoe. The stalls and balconies are reached via a foyer and an arrangement of stairs. Softly curved wood-paneled surfaces create a warm interior atmosphere, and the reverberation time of 1.5 to 1.8 seconds provides ideal acoustic conditions.

遵循古典歌劇院的傳統,座位以馬蹄形佈置。 攤位和陽台可通過門廳和樓梯佈置到達。 柔軟彎曲的木板表面營造出溫暖的內部氛圍,而1.5至1.8秒的混響時間則提供了理想的聲學條件。

The concert hall with its 1,200 seats is located on the eastern side and has been designed as an oblong hexagon with a rounded stage area. It features an organ with 64 registers and is therefore suitable for a wide repertoire of musical performances ranging from chamber music to symphony concerts by composers like Bruckner. Wide wooden stripes on walls and ceilings provide a certain rhythmic order to the visual appearance.

擁有1200個座位的音樂廳位於東側,設計為帶有圓形舞台區域的長方形六邊形。 它具有一個帶有64個寄存器的管風琴,因此適用於從室內音樂到布魯克納等作曲家的交響音樂會的各種音樂表演。 牆壁和天花板上的寬闊木條紋為視覺外觀提供了一定的節奏感。

The smallest hall, with 550 seats, is a multi-functional hall and is located to the north. Its electronically controlled acoustics ensure that the reverberation time can be adjusted with infinite variability. Different stage scenarios for music, ballet, and theater performances as well as fashion shows can be created with the help of lift platforms.

最小的大廳有550個座位,是多功能廳,位於北部。 其電子控制的聲學特性確保混響時間可以無限變化地進行調節。 借助升降平台,可以創建音樂,芭蕾舞,戲劇表演和時裝表演的不同舞台場景。

Guangxi Culture & Art Center, Nanning
Internationaler Wettbewerb 2014 – 1. Preis
Das Guangxi Culture & Art Center in Nanning besteht aus einem Grand Theatre für ca. 1800 Zuschauer, einer Konzerthalle mit ca. 1200 Plätzen und einer Multifunktionshalle mit ca. 500 Plätzen. Es soll als Einrichtung der Provinz Guangxi das kulturelle Angebot in Nanning als Provinzhausptstadt steigern und ein Forum für die darstellenden Künste bieten.
Entwurf: Meinhard von Gerkan
Partner: Nikolaus Goetze
Assoziierter Partner: Dirk Heller
Projektmanagement: Wu Di, Lin Wei, Liu Yangjiao
Projektleitung: Dirk Seyffert
Partnerbüro (lokal): ECADI & Shanghai Modern: Kang Zhiyi & Wen Yong
Bauherr: Weining Ltd., Nanning, China
BGF: 113.764 m²

The three venue buildings are unified by a shared, seemingly floating roof. Similar to the facades, it appears as a large structure of louvers, which has been constructed with a steel frame substructure and white folded aluminum panels as cladding. When viewed from the opposite bank of the River Yong or from the approach via Nanning Bridge, the radiant white shape of this outstanding culture center of Nanning and the Guangxi province appears confidently in contrast to its surroundings. Depending on the viewpoint, the silhouette of the building changes dynamically, evoking associations with the natural karst formations that are so typical of the Guangxi landscape.

這三個場館建築由一個看似浮動的共用屋頂統一起來。 與外牆相似,它看起來像是百葉窗的大型結構,其由鋼框架下部結構和白色折疊鋁板作為外牆構成。 從雍河對岸或經過南寧橋的通道觀看時,南寧和廣西這個傑出文化中心的光芒四射的白色形狀與其周圍環境形成了鮮明的對比。 根據不同的視角,建築物的輪廓會動態變化,從而引起與廣西地貌中典型的自然喀斯特地貌的聯繫。


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