British studio Moxon Architects has used huge beams of Douglas fir to construct its new studio building in a Scottish national park.

Located within the Cairngorms National Park, the office occupies a former quarry site, which most recently was used as a tip.

英國工作室Moxon Architects利用巨大的道格拉斯冷杉梁在蘇格蘭國家公園建造了新的工作室建築。

該辦公室位於凱恩戈姆斯國家公園(Cairngorms National Park)內,位於一個以前的採石場,最近被用作小費。

Moxon Architects founder Ben Addy saw the potential to transform this wasted site into a building that complements the natural landscape, and also takes advantage of its scenic outlook.

The building he and his team designed and built, Quarry Studios, does exactly that. It is built from simple materials – locally sourced timber, cast concrete and stone gabion walls – and features large windows overlooking the highland countryside.

Moxon Architects創始人Ben Addy看到了將這個浪費的場地改造成與自然景觀互補的建築的潛力,並且還利用了其優美的風景。

他和他的團隊設計和建造的建築物Quarry Studios正是這樣做的。 它是用簡單的材料建造而成的-當地採購的木材,鑄造混凝土和石質石籠牆-並設有俯瞰高地鄉村的大窗戶。

“The disused quarry was only a short walk away from our previous space,” explained Addy, “and it kept playing on the mind.”

“It was a fascinating prospect – a brownfield site that had been used as a tip but it was surrounded by spectacularly beautiful ancient woodland,” he told Dezeen.

“In addition, the topography was highly three dimensional with a characteristic bowl cut into the landform, yet there was perfectly level access to the public footpath and highway. It seemed the ideal site for a secluded and yet highly accessible workplace.”




Moxon Architects was originally based in London only, but Addy set up a second studio in rural Scotland in 2012. Initially, it was just a satellite studio, but it has grown over time to become as large as the London office.

This new base for the Scottish team provides studio space for 25 members of staff, plus a cafe where they can eat lunch together, which is also open to the public.

Moxon Architects最初僅位於倫敦,但Addy於2012年在蘇格蘭鄉村地區建立了第二個工作室。最初,它只是一個衛星工作室,但隨著時間的推移,它的規模已擴大到與倫敦辦公室一樣大。


These two activities are housed in a pair of separate, single-storey buildings, both with hybrid steel and timber frames, timber-clad walls and mono-pitched sheet-metal roofs, and both anchored by cast concrete chimneys.

A sheltered colonnade links to the two buildings, interrupting the otherwise rectilinear layout of the floor plans. Its backdrop is a wall of interlocking Douglas fir beams, which continue inside the buildings and integrates seating elements.

Clerestory windows allow north light to filter into the workspace from above, and visually connect the space with a roof terrace overhead.


一個有遮蓋的柱廊連接到這兩個建築物,中斷了原本為平面圖的直線佈局。 它的背景牆是一堵互鎖的道格拉斯冷杉木牆,在建築物內部延續並整合了座椅元素。


The project also involved re-establishing the site’s landscaping, protecting the native silver birch trees and planting new juniper seedlings. A new wetland area was created too, as part of a natural drainage system for rainwater.

A ground source heat pump, connected to a 250-metre borehole, satisfies all the building’s heating requirements.

該項目還涉及重建場地的景觀,保護當地的白樺樹並種植新的杜松苗。 作為雨水自然排水系統的一部分,還創建了一個新的濕地區域。


Moxon Architects is now able to use its studio to attract new staff to relocate to this remote location. Addy said the team like having the opportunity to take walks in the countryside on their lunch breaks.

“The hills, nature and above all space, combined with identical salary bands across the practice and a workload that is not so different from colleagues in London, mean that the location brings as many advantages as it does apparent drawbacks,” he said.

Moxon Architects現在可以使用其工作室來吸引新員工搬遷到這個偏遠地區。 艾迪說,團隊喜歡有機會在午餐時間在鄉下散步。


Following the Covid-19 lockdowns enforced all over the country, Addy even found that staff in Scotland were more keen to return to the office than those in London.

“None of us recognise the ‘death of the office’ widely proclaimed during the summer,” he said.

“Here we have more space to experiment, layout models/drawings, collaborate more effectively and socialise. In a sense we have brought the some of the experience of working in an urban-based practice to a very rural location.”




Other projects that Moxon Architects has completed in the Scottish Highlands include a restored granite farmhouse and a grass-roofed cabin.

Photography is by Timothy Soar.

Moxon Architects在蘇格蘭高地完成的其他項目包括修復後的花崗岩農舍和草頂小屋。

攝影是蒂莫西·索爾(Timothy Soar)拍攝的。



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