Architects: Jane Z Studio
Area: 700 m²
Year: 2017
Photographs: Yu Bai
Architect In Charge:Jane JH Zhang
Design Team:Thijs van Oostrum, Shitao Wang
Client:Bureau of Construction Engineering Affairs, Yantian District, Shenzhen

建築師:Jane Z Studio
負責建築師:Jane JH Zhang
設計團隊:Thijs van Oostrum,王世濤

Shenzhen is the fastest-growing city in the world, expanding over 1000 hectares of new construction land each year. Xiaomeisha is located in Dapeng Bay in the east part of the city, surrounded by mountains on three sides and facing the water on one side. It has always been a valuable natural spot for people to escape from urban chaos. Here the Split Bridge is designed for hikers to cross the lake. The idea of splitting the footbridge into two paths is to open up choices of calm and relax for urbanites.

深圳是世界上發展最快的城市,每年新增建築面積超過1000公頃。 小梅沙位於城市東部的大鵬灣,三面環山,一側面向水。 它一直是人們擺脫城市混亂的寶貴自然景點。 這裡的斯普利特橋是為徒步旅行者穿越湖而設計的。 將人行天橋分為兩條路徑的想法是為都市人提供選擇來放鬆和放鬆。

The eight-meters-wide bridge is splatted into two four-meters passages. One is a straight body, which provides flatness. This is a barrier-free passage that can be used by walking, jogging, cycling, wheelchairs, and small strollers. The other one is an undulating leisure trail, which runs from ground level down to lake water level and up to a higher-level that overlooks the driveway. The streamlined design allows people to slow down, or in other words, gives people a choice to slow down, if they wish to.

八米寬的橋被分成兩個四米長的通道。 一個是筆直的物體,可以提供平坦度。 這是一個無障礙通道,可用於散步,慢跑,騎自行車,輪椅和小型手推車。 另一條是一條起伏的休閒步道,從地面一直延伸到湖水,一直延伸到可以俯瞰車道的更高水平。 流線型設計使人們可以放慢速度,換句話說,如果他們願意,可以讓人們選擇放慢速度。

To become a landscape feature, the design looks into the Jade Belt Bridge (famous in Chinese classical gardens) as a reference. Straight-line reflects the water surface, while the curved line represents the undulating hills. Two passage of Split Bridge makes a combination of both. Also, the different heights of walking trails create interesting viewpoints for spectators.

為了成為景觀特色,設計參考了玉帶橋(在中國古典園林中很有名)作為參考。 直線反映水面,而曲線代表起伏的山丘。 拆分橋的兩個通道將兩者結合在一起。 同樣,步行道的不同高度為觀眾創造了有趣的觀點。

We want simple solutions in construction. In plan, the bridge body is mainly composed of one straight line and one tangent arc, while the elevation is composed of multiple straight lines and multiple tangent arcs. To meet simple implementation during the construction period, the design optimized the geometric composition and adjusted the curve distribution to have correspondence between the straight lines of the plane and the curve segment of the elevation, and vice versa, avoiding hyperboloid geometry.

我們需要簡單的建築解決方案。 在平面圖中,橋體主要由一條直線和一條切線組成,而高程則由多條直線和多條切線組成。 為了在施工期間實現簡單的實現,設計優化了幾何組成並調整了曲線分佈,使平面的直線與高程的曲線段之間具有對應關係,反之亦然,避免了雙曲面幾何。

To weigh the height and span of beams, also to release the bridge shrinkage, creep, and temperature stress, the design used rational structural division to compromise column position. In order to keep beam size within 750mm high, the column span was kept between 15 to 22 meters. The bridge body was divided into three parts. The juncture was formed by cantilever beams on both sides. The length of cantilever beams is within 4m.

為了權衡樑的高度和跨度,以及釋放橋的收縮,蠕變和溫度應力,該設計使用合理的結構劃分來折衷柱的位置。 為了將光束尺寸保持在750mm以內,將柱距保持在15至22米之間。 橋體分為三部分。 接合處由兩側的懸臂梁形成。 懸臂樑的長度在4m以內。

As a municipal project, we want it cheap in cost. Split Bridge advocates the principle of economy and rapid construction. Low maintenance is also taken into account. Therefore, the application of building materials adopts the standards of the Urban Management Bureau: colored asphalt, floor tiles, and metal railing. Besides, due to the salty and wet environment by the sea, to ensure the anti-erosion of structure, the main body of the bridge adopts a cast-in-place reinforced concrete structure.

Nowadays, the value of rights to choose is mostly neglected, and efficiency is over dominating in urban living. Providing two walking modes, Split Bridge is an installation of performance art, which encourage public participant for reclaiming the rights of making choice.

作為市政項目,我們希望它的成本便宜。 斯普利特橋倡導經濟和快速建設的原則。 低維護也被考慮在內。 因此,建築材料的應用遵循城市管理局的標準:彩色瀝青,地磚和金屬欄杆。 此外,由於海上鹹濕環境,為確保結構的抗腐蝕,橋樑主體採用現澆鋼筋混凝土結構。

如今,選擇權的價值大都被忽略了,效率在城市生活中已佔據主導地位。 拆分橋提供兩種步行模式,是表演藝術的裝置,它鼓勵公眾參與者收回做出選擇的權利。


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