Architects: MacKay-Lyons Sweetapple Architects
Area: 1350 m²
Year: 2018
Photographs: Doublespace Photography
Manufacturers: HanStone Quartz, Luminaire Authentik, Timber Pro Coatings
Lead Architects:Brian MacKay-Lyons, Jennifer Esposito, Diana Carl
Design Lead:Brian MacKay-Lyons
Project Team:Jonny Leger, Duncan Patterson, William Green, Rimon Soliman, Will Perkins, Matt Jones, Alastair Bird
Project Manager:Dave Smith, Eagle Landing Company
Clients:Eagle Landing Company, John S. Wadsworth Jr.
Engineering:Blackwell Structural Engineers
Landscape:Baker Turner Inc.
General Contractor:Greystone Construction

建築師:MacKay-Lyons Sweetapple建築師
製造商:HanStone石英,Luminaire Authentik,木材專業塗料
首席建築師:Brian MacKay-Lyons,Jennifer Esposito,Diana Carl
設計負責人:Brian MacKay-Lyons
項目經理:Eagle Landing Company的戴夫史密斯
客戶:Eagle Landing Company,小約翰·沃茲沃思(John S. Wadsworth Jr.)

The first three cabins of a planned community of 40 on Bigwin Island sit nestled among maple, pine and ash trees. The sweeping view they enjoy, down to the golf course and the lake beyond, is courtesy of the island’s deer: the grazing line under the trees, a swath of open air through the greenery, influenced the siting of the buildings and their emphasis on transparency between roof and floor, and earth and sky. The 40 cabins will follow three design templates, each inspired by a different type of landscape found on the island: linear on the lake, courtyard in the woods, and pinwheel on the meadow.

比格文島(Bigwin Island)上計劃有40個社區的前三個小屋坐落在楓樹,松樹和白蠟樹之間。 他們欣賞到高爾夫球場和遠處湖泊的一覽無餘的景象,是島上的鹿提供的:樹木下的掠食線,綠樹成蔭的露天區域,影響了建築物的位置以及對透明度的重視 在屋頂和地板之間,以及地球和天空之間。 40個艙室將遵循三個設計模板,每個模板均受到島上不同類型的景觀的啟發:在湖上呈線性,在樹林中呈庭院,在草地上呈風車。

MacKay-Lyons Sweetapple Architects’ design process begins this way: by listening to the land. On Bigwin Island, there was a lot to hear. The cabins stand on storied ground. Named after Ojibway Chief John Bigwin, the island was historically a home to sacred spaces, a place of significance to the region’s Indigenous population. The first golf course on Bigwin Island was built in 1922, and for decades the island was the site of a glittering luxury resort — the summer home of Canadian industrial titans, Hollywood stars, and even the Dutch royal family.

MacKay-Lyons Sweetapple Architects的設計過程是這樣開始的:聆聽土地。 在比格文島(Bigwin Island)上,有很多可以聽到的聲音。 機艙站立在地面上。 該島以奧吉布韋酋長約翰·比格溫(John Bigwin)的名字命名,歷史上曾是神聖空間的所在地,這對該地區的土著居民而言意義非凡。 比格溫島(Bigwin Island)上的第一個高爾夫球場建於1922年,幾十年來,該島一直是閃閃發光的豪華度假勝地的所在地-加拿大工業巨人,好萊塢明星甚至荷蘭王室的避暑勝地。

This development is part of property owner Jack Wadsworth’s plan for the island’s revitalization. Wadsworth nixed a proposed 150-room hotel in favor of 40 guest houses, ranging from 1230 to 1350 square feet each, and launched a design competition for the project, inviting proposals from six Canadian architectural firms. His vision, laid out in the competition’s design brief, was of a project that would respect the island’s history, the Muskoka region’s distinctive architectural aesthetic, and the environment, employing practical construction techniques and maximizing energy efficiency and sustainability.

這項發展是業主傑克·沃茲沃思(Jack Wadsworth)振興該島計劃的一部分。 沃茲沃思(Wadsworth)取消了擬議的150間客房的酒店,以40間旅館(每間1230至1350平方英尺)的青睞,並發起了該項目的設計競賽,邀請了六家加拿大建築公司的提議。 他在比賽設計簡報中提出的願景是尊重該島的歷史,穆斯科卡地區獨特的建築美學和環境的項目,採用實用的建築技術並最大限度地提高能源效率和可持續性。

MacKay-Lyons Sweetapple Architects won the competition with a project that uses a modernist stylistic vocabulary to express archetypal concepts. Exquisitely crafted from natural materials, with a quietly assertive design, the cabins reference the big, sheltering roofs of Muskoka’s historic cottages and boathouses, and even evoke the interior of a canoe, without ever veering into kitsch. Each cabin is assembled from a simple kit of parts: a screened-in porch, a deck, a hearth, a great room, a sleeping box, and a roof, all fitted seamlessly together.

MacKay-Lyons Sweetapple Architects通過使用現代主義風格詞彙表達原型概念的項目而贏得了比賽。 客艙採用天然材料精巧製作而成,並採用了安靜而自信的設計,並引用了Muskoka歷史悠久的小屋和船屋的大而遮蔽的屋頂,甚至喚起了獨木舟的內部,而從未涉足媚俗。 每個機艙均由一套簡單的組件組裝而成:一個隱藏的門廊,一個甲板,一個爐膛,一個大房間,一個睡箱和一個屋頂,所有這些都無縫地裝配在一起。

An extruded box, clad in shiplapped wood, adjoins a glass pavilion holding an open plan living and dining space, which is topped by a deep hip roof, clad with cedar shingles. Characteristic of MacKay- Lyons Sweetapple Architects’ designs, the exterior is understated, and the interior is sensuously dramatic, airy, and gracious — the main living space of the pavilion rises to a peak. Shiplapped wood also lines the interior of the bed box and hearth, enhancing the seamlessness between indoors and out. The room is naturally lit from above via a periscope window in the gable. The bedrooms and bathrooms (two of each) are spare and elegant.

一個擠塑的盒子,上面覆蓋著木屑,與玻璃涼亭相連,玻璃涼亭上有一個開放式的起居和就餐空間,頂部是一個深厚的臀部屋頂,上面覆蓋著雪松木帶狀板。 MacKay- Lyons Sweetapple Architects的設計特點是,外觀低調,內部感官生動,通風且優雅—展館的主要居住空間達到了頂峰。 床箱和爐膛的內部還舖有木材,以增強室內外的無縫度。 通過山牆中的潛望鏡窗口,房間從上方自然採光。 臥室和浴室(每間兩間)都閒置而優雅。

Although sophisticated in appearance, the buildings employ practical, prosaic construction techniques. The roof structure, for example, is made from ordinary engineered trusses, elevated through meticulous design into something beautiful. An important principle in practice for MacKay-Lyons Sweetapple is to touch the land lightly, to minimize disruption of the landscape. This simplicity of craft is, in part, a response to the significant challenges of building on an island during the short cold period between the fall and spring golf seasons. Environmental sustainability is also built into their construction. Materials and labor were locally sourced. The geothermal heating system harvests heat from the lake and radiates it from the floors. In the summer, a natural, passive ventilation system channels hot air up and away through the peaked roof.

這些建築物雖然外觀精美,但採用實用,平淡的施工技術。 例如,屋頂結構是由普通的工程桁架製成的,通過精心設計將其提升為漂亮的東西。 MacKay-Lyons Sweetapple實踐中的一個重要原則是輕輕接觸土地,以最大程度地減少對景觀的破壞。 工藝的簡單性部分是對在秋季和春季高爾夫球季節之間的短暫寒冷時期在島上建造的重大挑戰的反應。 環境的可持續性也被納入其建設之中。 材料和勞動力均來自當地。 地熱供暖系統從湖中收集熱量,並從地板上散發熱量。 在夏季,自然,被動的通風系統將熱空氣從高聳的屋頂向上引導並帶走。

The ambition of this project transcends the individual guesthouses; Mackay-Lyons Sweetapple is bringing to Bigwin Island a vision of community. The buildings engage not only with the landscape, but with each other. They are sited in clusters, where their transparency and openness put them in conversational relationships. The spaces between them are small enough to allow neighbors to wave each other over; some will encircle meadows ideally sized for cookouts and children’s games.

這個項目的野心超越了各個旅館。 Mackay-Lyons Sweetapple為Bigwin Island帶來了社區願景。 建築物不僅與景觀互動,而且彼此互動。 它們位於群集中,它們的透明性和開放性使它們處於對話關係中。 它們之間的空間很小,足以讓鄰居互相揮舞。 有些會圍成適合野炊和兒童遊戲的大小的草地。

At once familiar and experimental, respectful and assertive, and durable enough to stand up to the demanding climate of their location while elegantly referencing its layered heritage and beauty, the Bigwin Island cabins offer a balanced, inventive and sustainable response to a complex architectural challenge.

Bigwin Island小屋既熟悉又試驗性,尊重和自信並且經久耐用,足以承受其所處位置的苛刻氣候,同時優雅地引用了其分層的遺產和美感,可為複雜的建築挑戰提供平衡,創新和可持續的響應。


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