
冰島雷克雅未克一座路德教派教堂 – 哈爾格林姆教堂,教堂高73米(244英尺),是冰島最大的教堂,也是冰島第六高的建築結構,並以冰島詩人和牧師HallgrímurPétursson(1614年至1674年)命名。

Iceland Reykjavik A Lutheran Church – Halgrim Church, 73 meters (244 feet) of the church is the largest church in Iceland and is the sixth tallest building in Iceland, with Icelandic poet and pastor HallgrímurPétursson ( 1614 to 1674).


It is located in the heart of Reykjavik, one of the city’s most famous landmarks, which is visible throughout the city. The church design of the national architect Guðjón Samuelsson was commissioned in 1937. It is said that it is designed to be similar to the Icelandic landscape of the traps of rocks, mountains and glaciers, looks similar to the basalt lava flow landscape.

教會的特色,最引人注目的是一個由波恩的德國機構建造者約翰內斯·克萊斯設計和建造的大型管風琴。高達15米,體重超過25噸,這個機械動作機構由四個手冊和一個踏板驅動,102個等級,72個和5275個管道,全部設計用於重現強大的音符,能夠填充巨大的聖潔空間一系列色調 – 從杜爾塞特到戲劇性的。其建造工程於1992年12月完成。

The characteristics of the church, the most striking is a large organ designed and built by Johannes Chrysler, a German institutional builder of Bonn. Up to 15 meters, weighing more than 25 tons, this mechanical action by four manuals and a pedal drive, 102 grades, 72 and 5275 pipes, all designed to reproduce the powerful notes, to fill the huge holy space Series tones – from Dulceet to dramatic. The construction was completed in December 1992.

直接坐在教堂前面,15年前,是LeifurEiríksson的精美雕像,這是歐洲第一個發現美國的人物。Leifur在公元1000年的這個新世界的岸邊登陸,那就是克里斯托弗·哥倫布之前的500年。由亞歷山大·斯特林·卡爾德(Alexander Stirling Calder)設計的雕像是美國的一件禮物,紀念1930年的Alþingi千禧節,紀念在公元930年在Þingvellir成立冰島議會1000週年。

Sitting directly in front of the church, 15 years ago, is LeifurEiríksson fine statue, which is the first European discovery of the United States. Leifur landed on the shore of this new world in AD 1000, which was 500 years before Christopher Columbus. The statue, designed by Alexander Stirling Calder, is a gift from the United States to commemorate the Alveingi Millennium Festival in 1930, commemorating the 1000th anniversary of the establishment of the Icelandic Parliament in Áingvellir in 930 AD.

地址: Hallgrímstorg 101, 101 Reykjavík, 冰島

電話: +354 510 1000

Address: Hallgrímstorg 101, 101 Reykjavík, Iceland

Tel: +354 510 1000


Café Loki 是最好的選擇。

There is a brunch around which can sit and enjoy the church scenery!

Café Loki is the best choice.

地址:Lokastigur 28, 101 Reykjavík, Reykjavik, Iceland

電話:+354 466 2828


Open all days

週一至週五 Monday to Saturday 9:00-21:00

週日 Sundays 11:00-21:00


Address: Lokastigur 28, 101 Reykjavík, Reykjavik, Iceland

Tel: +354 466 2828

Business hours:

Open all days

Monday to Saturday Monday to Saturday 9: 00-21: 00

Sunday Sundays 11: 00-21: 00



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