Architects: Cox Architecture
Area: 8000 m²
Year: 2019
John Gollings
City:Rooty Hill

建築師:Cox Architecture
城市:Rooty Hill

The Sydney Coliseum Theatre is a 2000-seat multi-mode performance venue located in burgeoning Western Sydney.


The coliseum’s form is distinctive; a flowing concrete curtain swept across the foyers and around the auditorium creating a fluid movement that intrigues, drawing patrons into the performance within. Glimpses through the concrete curtain are accentuated through vertical glass slivers that reveal interior colour to the neighborhood beyond. Shimmering white concrete gently glimmers by day, and as the light dims, the glow of performance illuminates the night sky. The conceptual narrative for the design stems from the concept of transcendence, with the journey from the outside world to the magic of performance reflected through form, materiality and colour.

體育館的形式很獨特; 流動的混凝土帷幕席捲了大廳和禮堂周圍,形成了一種吸引人的流暢運動,吸引著顧客前來表演。 透過混凝土簾子的瞥見通過垂直的玻璃條突顯出來,這些玻璃條向周圍的鄰域揭示了內部色彩。 閃閃發光的白色混凝土在白天會輕輕閃爍,隨著光線的變暗,表演的光芒照亮了夜空。 設計的概念性敘述源於超越性的概念,從外部世界到表現魔術的旅程通過形式,物質性和色彩得以體現。

The use of timber Click-on Battens in the proscenium arch theatre creates warmth and an intimate atmosphere for the 2000 people it can seat throughout its two tiers of raked seating. In addition to providing aesthetic value, timber battens also lend significant theatre acoustic qualities, as they dampen medium to high pitched sounds. We worked with Marshall Day Acoustics to devise a custom solution to achieve the required Noise Reduction Coefficient (NRC). We placed two layers of acoustic backing behind evenly spaced battens and put additional backing between wider battens to further enhance sound absorption. By positioning porous acoustic backing behind the timber battens in addition to leaving an air gap, a board resonator is formed which, when it vibrates, effectively dampens low sounds that are problematic for theatres.

在前廳拱形劇院中使用木質可點擊式踏板,為兩層傾斜座位上可坐的2000人創造了溫暖和親切的氣氛。除了提供美學價值外,木條板還具有顯著的劇院聲學品質,因為它們可以抑制中高音調的聲音。我們與Marshall Day Acoustics合作設計了一種定制解決方案,以實現所需的降噪係數(NRC)。我們在均勻間隔的板條後面放置了兩層聲學背襯,並在較寬的板條之間放置了額外的背襯,以進一步增強聲音的吸收。通過在木材板條的後面放置多孔聲背襯,除了留出空氣間隙,還形成了一個板狀諧振器,當它振動時,可以有效地衰減劇院中有問題的低聲。

The design confidently rejects superfluous decoration and employs a purposely restrained use of three primary materials; timber, terrazzo and plaster. The dramatic interplay between layered mezzanines and sweeping staircases creates a symphonic quality to the interior, imbuing the heart and soul of performance into every inch of its built form.

該設計毫無疑問地拒絕了多餘的裝飾,並故意限制了三種主要材料的使用。 木材,水磨石和灰泥。 層狀的夾層家具和寬闊的樓梯之間的戲劇性相互作用為室內營造出交響的音質,將演奏的心臟和靈魂注入其建築形式的每一英寸。

The Coliseum’s form is easily distinguishable; a prominent flowing concrete curtain sweeps across foyers and around the auditorium creating a fluid movement which mirrors that of a stage curtain. Two thousand square meters of our timber Click-On Battens were chosen to line the expansive walls of the theatre, foyer and heights of the atrium – with sunlight streaming in through the sizeable skylight and window panes. Timber Click-on Battens were installed vertically, creating linear textures which contrast with the organic curves of the Coliseum.

體育館的形式很容易區分; 顯著的流動混凝土幕布橫掃大廳和禮堂周圍,形成一種流暢的運動,與舞台幕布相映成趣。 我們選擇了兩千平方米的木材單擊式板條作為劇院,門廳和中庭高度的廣闊牆的襯砌,陽光從大片的天窗和窗玻璃中射入。 木材點擊式壓條是垂直安裝的,可產生與體育館的有機曲線形成對比的線性紋理。

Specification Details
Product:Sculptform Click-on Battens
Spacing:16mm, 64mm
Coating:Clear Poly
Mounting Track:Standard / Curving
Acoustic Backing:Custom Double Layer Solution


A generous sweeping stair connects the multi-layered atrium, carving out multiple vantage points to take in the charged atmosphere before the quiet calm of curtains up. The palette heightens the drama as you move into the theatre – stirring patrons’ expectancy for what lies within. The space dramatically shifts from an ivory lined façade and dove grey terrazzo floors to a fluid ribbon of timber, enveloping the central volume into an inky dark performance space where all attention is on centre stage.

寬敞的樓梯將多層中庭連接起來,雕刻出多個有利位置,在安靜的窗簾平靜下來之前,將帶電的氣氛帶入室內。 當您進入劇院時,調色板會增強戲劇的效果-激起顧客對裡面物品的期待。 空間從象牙色的外立面和鴿子的灰色水磨石地板急劇變化為流暢的木材色帶,將中心空間包裹成漆黑的表演空間,所有註意力都集中在舞台中央。


Sydney Coliseum Monthly Overview September 2018

Sydney Coliseum Theatre Animated Fly Through

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