For a city that’s displayed to the world a giant bean, 25-foot tall American Gothic statue, and a massive Picasso statue, a three-story tall eyeball should really come as no surprise. Upon a viewer’s first impression the detail of the piece seem almost overwhelming. The EYE appears quite realistic with red veins on all sides. From across the street, or when attempting to push the piece over, the EYE appears incredibly lifelike. Thankfully it does not blink.

對於一個向世界展示巨型豆子,25英尺高的美國哥特式雕像和巨大的畢加索雕像的城市來說,一個三層樓高的眼球應該不足為奇。在觀眾的第一印像中,這件作品的細節似乎幾乎是壓倒性的。 EYE看起來非常逼真,四面都是紅色的靜脈。從街對面,或試圖推動這件作品時,EYE看起來非常逼真。謝天謝地,它沒有眨眼。

Unveiled July 7th, the EYE was designed by Tony Tasset and fabricated in Sparta, Wisconsin. As is par for the course with public art, someone must dismiss it by claiming it’s barely art. In this case it’s urbanist author James Howard Kunstler, who has named it his Eyesore of the Month for August 2010. The EYE will keep a watch on State Street shoppers until October. After that it’s fate is unknown, but given Illinois’s track record it might be wise to use it to keep track of the Governor’s office.

7月7日,EYE由Tony Tasset設計並在威斯康星州斯巴達製造。作為公共藝術課程的標準,有人必須通過聲稱它幾乎不是藝術來解僱它。在這個案例中,它是都市主義作家詹姆斯·霍華德·昆斯特勒(James Howard Kunstler),他將其命名為2010年8月的月度眼睛.EYE將密切關注州街購物者,直到10月份。在那之後,它的命運是未知的,但鑑於伊利諾伊州的記錄,使用它來跟踪總督的辦公室可能是明智的。

Large pieces of public art like the EYE are a breath of fresh air in large cities. They’re often capable of evoking a sense of place on their own. When the right location is selected, a piece of public art redefines the space it occupies. In this case Pritzker Park, a fairly sizable pocket park within the Loop, has been transformed into a destination.


When it comes to large-scale public art, Chicago does it right. Big pieces of art, many of which invite controversy, encourage people by the thousands to go see them. Even if they’re critically-panned, Chicago’s public art installations create a sense of place and make you want to go see them.
Milwaukee has made some inroads on using public art. The controversial orange sculpture The Calling helps define the eastern edge of Wisconsin Avenue and serves as a gateway O’Donnell Park and Milwaukee Art Museum (which makes plenty of a statement on its own). Without the large sculpture, O’Donnell Park is nearly a surface parking lot, a massive piece of concrete. With the orange sunburst it’s at least a defined place, a mildly inviting pedestrian pass-through to the lakefront from downtown.

密爾沃基在使用公共藝術方面取得了一些進展。備受爭議的橙色雕塑The Calling幫助定義威斯康星大道的東部邊緣,並作為奧唐納公園和密爾沃基藝術博物館的門戶(它自己做了很多聲明)。沒有大型雕塑,奧唐奈公園幾乎是一個地面停車場,一塊巨大的混凝土。橙色的森伯斯特至少是一個明確的地方,一個溫和誘人的行人通道從市中心到湖邊。

Coming in 2011 (and almost not at all), Janet Zweig‘s Pedestrian Drama flip-sign animation kiosks coming to Milwaukee’s Wisconsin Avenue will certainly make Wisconsin Avenue a bit more intriguing to walk down. The Milwaukee Riverwalk is adorned with jewelry and the Bronze Fonz (which despite criticism sees a steady stream of tourists).


Milwaukee would be wise to look to take advantage of large-scale public art with some of its urban parks. There are two well-located urban parks that would likely benefit the most, Cathedral Square and Pere Marquette.

Pere Marquette has the permanent gazebo, which functions well as a band shell and wedding photo opportunity spot. Beyond that though, the gazebo doesn’t draw many people into the park.

密爾沃基在一些城市公園中利用大規模的公共藝術是明智之舉。有兩個位置優越的城市公園可能最受益,大教堂廣場和Pere Marquette。

Pere Marquette擁有永久涼亭,可以作為樂隊貝殼和婚禮拍照機會點。除此之外,涼亭並沒有吸引很多人進入公園。

Cathedral Square has a great location, well-defined street wall surrounding it, and a layout that doesn’t make any sense at all based on park use. During the summer the park’s fountain is entirely covered by a stage for the well-attended Jazz in the Park. During the winter the fountain is turned off as the park is covered in snow and holiday lights. The holiday lights make the park a well-lit destination in the winter, but in the summer the park doesn’t encourage anyone to walk through it with the exception of one week. That one is Bastille Days, where MSOE’s miniature Eiffel Tower introduces a welcoming north anchor to the park and the roads are closed to traffic all around the park. Switching the stage location to the north end of the park would allow the fountain to return to summer operation, encourage more pedestrian activity, and open up the south end of the park for temporary art installations that invite more people into the area.


To take full advantage of public art, Milwaukee needs to start thinking bigger.



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