Architecture studio OA+ has threaded a path through this adobe brick and wood house in Envigado, Colombia that leads from its entrance to woodland at the rear.

Extending from a grassy hill on the site, the green roofs staggered over the residence are intended to blend it in with its surrounding in the neighbourhood of Alto de las Palmas, which translates as top of the palms.

建築工作室OA +為穿過位於哥倫比亞恩維加多的這座土坯磚木結構房屋開闢了一條小路,從入口一直通往後方的林地。

從該場地的草山上延伸出來,交錯排列的綠色屋頂旨在將其與Alto de las Palmas附近的周圍環境融為一體,而後者則轉化為棕櫚樹的頂部。

“Casa Carmen protrudes from the mountain, requiring the need to make an impact with its surroundings by means of a habitable green roof, which extends throughout the project and over all spaces of the house,” said OA+, which is based in Medellín.

總部位於麥德林的OA +說:“卡薩卡門(Casa Carmen)從山上伸出來,需要通過可居住的綠色屋頂來影響周圍環境,綠色屋頂貫穿整個項目並覆蓋房屋的所有空間。”

Alto de las Palmas is located in Envigado, a municipality southeast of Medellin that is 2,550 metres above sea level.

Because of its high altitude, the house is fragmented into three volumes laid in a Z-shape through the site, in order to create sheltered gardens and terraces.

上拉斯帕爾馬斯(Alto de las Palmas)位於麥德林市東南部的恩維加多(Envigado),海拔2550米。


“The high altitude of the location, subject to adverse climatic conditions in terms of temperature and wind demanded the project adopt principles of architectural composition to improve the comfort and bioclimatic conditions of the house,” the firm added.


The programme is fragmented into three areas across the 650-square-metre property, which is mainly arranged on the ground floor.

They are threaded with a pathway that leads from the entrance to the forest at the rear to merge the house with nearby nature trails.



“From the point of access, the aim was to generate a route that continues and flows through the family room until reaching the forest,” OA+ explained.

“The private spaces lead to the nearby nature reserve characterised by a dense stand of native trees and small natural stream that descends from the mountain.”

OA +解釋說:“從通路的角度出發,目的是要生成一條繼續並流經家庭房直到到達森林的路線。”


The walkway starts as large stepping stones and then cuts between an open-plan kitchen, lounge and dining room in the middle volume and a south-east facing deck with a dining table and jacuzzi.


It ends outside the bedroom volume, which contains three rooms with en-suite bathrooms, walk-in closets and north-facing terraces.


A reddish abobe clay brick is predominantly used to create the walls of the volumes, with a number of smaller blocks clad in wood boards. These materials, along with concrete flooring, were chosen because of the way they would weather over time.

“Wood, clay adobe, and concrete are proposed to achieve the beauty of their natural properties in the long-term, taking into account that these materials stand the test of time allowing one to witness the project age and adapt to the landscape over generations,” the studio said.

淡紅色的方丈粘土磚主要用於創建體積的牆壁,並在木板上覆蓋了許多較小的磚塊。 選擇這些材料以及混凝土地板是因為它們會隨著時間的流逝而變質。

“考慮到這些材料經得起時間的考驗,可以使人們目睹項目的年代並歷代適應景觀,因此提出了木材,粘土土坯和混凝土以長期實現自然美的建議。 工作室說。

Similar materials are also used throughout the interiors of the house, giving a warm feel and rustic aesthetic. Large expanses of glazing provide views of the surrounding grassy hills, while clerestory windows and rooflights offer additional natural light.

Casa Carmen also has a basement containing a laundry room, spa zone and a gym.

Other residential projects designed to respond to the landscape in Colombia is a tiny black cabin overlooking the Andes mountains, which architect Alfonso Arango built next to his childhood home.

Photography is by Mateo Soto.

整個房屋的內部也使用了類似的材料,給人溫暖的感覺和質樸的美感。 大面積的玻璃窗可以欣賞周圍草木山的景色,而天窗和天窗則可以提供更多的自然光。

Casa Carmen酒店還設有一個地下室,地下室設有洗衣房,水療區和健身房。

旨在應對哥倫比亞景觀的其他住宅項目是一個俯瞰安第斯山脈的黑色小木屋,建築師阿方索·阿蘭戈(Alfonso Arango)在他童年時期的房屋旁建造了該小屋。

攝影是Mateo Soto。



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