Feilden Fowles and J & L Gibbons have unveiled plans to overhaul the gardens at London’s Natural History Museum to create a hub for education and biodiversity called the Urban Nature Project.

The Urban Nature Project will involve the redesign of two hectares of land around the iconic 19th-century building by Alfred Waterhouse, alongside the construction of two low-lying, stone-clad pavilions.

Feilden Fowles and J & L Gibbons’ aim is to maximise the biodiversity and accessibility of the museum’s grounds and, in turn, invite people living in and visiting the capital to re-engage with nature.

Feilden Fowles和J&L Gibbons在倫敦自然歷史博物館宣布了大修花園的計劃,以創建一個稱為“城市自然項目”的教育和生物多樣性中心。

城市自然項目將涉及重新設計由阿爾弗雷德·沃特豪斯(Alfred Waterhouse)建造的標誌性的19世紀建築周圍的兩公頃土地,以及建造兩個低矮的石砌亭子。

Feilden Fowles和J&L Gibbons的目標是最大程度地提高博物館場地的生物多樣性和可及性,並反過來邀請居住和參觀首都的人們與自然重新融合。

“The Urban Nature Project is a dream commission, embodying so many of our team’s social and environmental values,” said Edmund Fowles, director of Feilden Fowles.

“Never has the need to re-engage with nature and understand our impact on biodiversity been more urgent,” he explained.

“Together with the transformation of the museum’s five-acre gardens, two new pavilions embedded within the landscape will provide much-needed facilities to broaden access and engagement with the vital messages of the project.”

費爾登·福爾斯(Feilden Fowles)董事埃德蒙·福爾斯(Edmund Fowles)表示:“城市自然項目是一個夢想委員會,體現了我們團隊的許多社會和環境價值。



The Urban Nature Project is slated for completion in 2023 and forms a part of the Natural History Museum’s wider ambition to protect nature in urban areas and make cities more sustainable places to live.

The proposal replaces another design for the site by Niall McLaughlin Architects and Kim Wilkie that imagined an upgrade to the museum’s entrance areas, but was never realised.


該提案取代了Niall McLaughlin Architects和Kim Wilkie為該場地設計的另一種設計,該設計原本是對博物館入口區域的升級,但從未實現。

The scheme is divided into two gardens, positioned to the east and west of the museum’s entrance, which will be landscaped to offer a brief overview of natural history and encourage local biodiversity.

In the east-side garden, this will include plants, fossils and exhibits that echo different geological eras ranging from the Cambrian period 540 million years ago to the present day.

The east garden will also feature a replica of Dippy, the Natural History Museum’s famous dinosaur skeleton that once occupied its main hall, and incorporate the first of the two pavilions by Feilden Fowles.

This pavilion, named the Garden Building, is modelled on Victorian orangeries and contains a cafe, seasonal storage and a display of the exotic plants.



東部花園還將以自然歷史博物館著名的恐龍骨架Dippy的複製品為原型,該骨架曾佔據其主要大廳,並融合了Feilden Fowles的兩個展館中的第一個。


Urban Nature Project’s west garden will be designed by the studios as a model urban landscape, giving insight into biodiversity that can be found in cities in the UK.

Nestled within it will be the scheme’s second pavilion, the Learning Centre, which will be used for scientific projects, educational activities, and as space for the volunteers that maintain the museum’s gardens.



According to Feilden Fowles, both pavilions will be clad in stone and are being developed with a “low-tech” approach to ensure they have a low carbon footprint.

“[The pavilions] embody our practice’s low-tech design approach, providing buildings with exceptionally low energy use to meet the project’s net-zero carbon target,” explained Fowles.

根據Feilden Fowles的說法,兩個展館都將被石頭覆蓋,並且正在採用“低技術”方法進行開發,以確保它們的碳足跡較低。


The west garden will end at the museum’s existing Darwin Centre courtyard, which will be redesigned to address the future of biodiversity on Earth.

It will showcase pioneer species – types of organisms that are the first to colonise barren environments – and encourage visitors to help preserve nature by highlighting approaches to climate adaptation and ways to improve biodiversity.



The scheme will be complete with a bronze sign at the end of a ramp leading to the museum’s entrance featuring a quote by David Attenborough, reading: “the future of the natural world, on which we all depend, is in your hands”.

Attenborough, a British broadcaster and natural historian, has welcomed the proposal and said it will help “the next generation develop the strong connection with nature that is needed to protect it.”

該計劃將在通往博物館入口的坡道盡頭帶有青銅標誌,並引述大衛·阿滕伯勒(David Attenborough)的話:“我們賴以生存的自然世界的未來,掌握在您的手中”。


Feilden Fowles is a British architecture studio founded in 2009 by Fergus Feilden and Edmund Fowles. In 2019, it was shortlisted for the Stirling Prize for its design of The Weston visitor centre and gallery at Yorkshire Sculpture Park.

Other recent projects by the studio include a red brick school building in Somerset and a showroom and office for Uniform Wares that offers visitors a glimpse of the watchmaking process.

Visuals are by Feilden Fowles and J & L Gibbons.

Feilden Fowles是一家英國建築工作室,由Fergus Feilden和Edmund Fowles於2009年成立。 在2019年,因其在約克郡雕塑公園的威斯頓遊客中心和畫廊的設計而入圍斯特林獎。


視覺效果由Feilden Fowles和J&L Gibbons撰寫。



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