American designer Marc Thorpe has created a simple, off-the-grid dwelling in Upstate New York that is meant to exist “in perfect balance with its environment”.

Edifice was built in the small village of Fremont, which is a two-hour drive from New York City. The town is tucked into the scenic Catskill Mountains – a popular getaway for urban dwellers.

美國設計師馬克·索普(Marc Thorpe)在紐約州北部創建了一個簡單的,沒有網格的住宅,旨在“與周圍環境完美平衡”地生存。

大廈建在弗里蒙特小村莊,距離紐約市只有兩個小時的車程。 該鎮被塞進風景秀麗的卡茨基爾山脈(Catskill Mountains),這是城市居民的熱門度假勝地。

Marc Thorpe, who runs an eponymous Manhattan studio, designed the cabin to serve as a model for a proposed, 30-acre (12-hectare) nature retreat. Laced with walking trails, the development would encompass a mix of one- and two-bedroom cabins.

For the prototype, the designer created a one-bedroom version, which totals 500 square feet (46 square metres). The discreet cabin is nestled into a lush, wooded site.

“The building sits quietly among the trees, in perfect balance with its environment,” Thorpe said in a statement.

馬克·索普(Marc Thorpe)是曼哈頓一家同名工作室的經營者,他設計了這個小屋,作為擬議的30英畝(12公頃)自然度假勝地的模型。 該開發區設有步行道,將包括一臥室和兩臥室小木屋的組合。

對於原型,設計師創建了一個單臥室版本,總面積為500平方英尺(46平方米)。 謹慎的小屋坐落在鬱鬱蔥蔥的樹木茂密的地方。


Thorpe took cues from 19th-century writers Henry David Thoreau and Ralph Waldo Emerson, who were important figures in the transcendentalist philosophical movement, which championed individualism and an appreciation for nature. Thorpe’s aim was to create a self-sustaining building that was an “exercise in reduction”.

“The cabin stands as an example of introverted architecture or neo-transcendentalism,” Thorpe said. “This is exhibited through its physical isolation, essentialist programming and self-sustaining infrastructure.”

索普借鑒了19世紀作家亨利·戴維·梭羅和拉爾夫·沃爾多·愛默生的靈感,他們是超越哲學的運動的重要人物,該運動倡導個人主義和對自然的欣賞。 索普的目標是創建一個自我維持的建築,即“減少運動”。

索普說:“機艙是內向型建築或新超越主義的典範。” “這通過其物理隔離,本質主義編程和自我維持的基礎設施得以體現。”

Rectangular in plan, the dwelling is a simple box clad in stained cedar. Limited openings enhance the cabin’s sense of enclosure and privacy.

The east elevation has no glazing, while the south and west walls have thin, vertical windows. The cabin opens up on the north, where the designer incorporated a glass wall and a recessed deck that subtly alludes to a farmhouse porch.

住宅呈長方形設計,是一個簡單的盒子,上面鋪著染色的雪松。 有限的開口增強了機艙的封閉感和私密性。

東部立面沒有玻璃,而南牆和西牆則有薄而垂直的窗戶。 機艙向北敞開,設計師將玻璃牆和凹陷的甲板巧妙地暗示了農舍的門廊。

“Upon approach, the building offers no clear entry, as it remains undefined until physically engaged,” the designer said. “As in art, one must move around the work to understand it in relation to its context, revealing more of itself over time.”

Inside, the cabin encompasses four distinct zones – live, cook, dine and sleep. Adjacent to the deck is the lounge area, which flows into the dining and cooking space.

A service core containing a bathroom and storage separates the public zone from a compact bedroom.

設計師說:“按照方法,建築物沒有明確的入口,因為直到有人參與之前,它都是不確定的。” “就像在藝術中一樣,人們必須四處走動,以根據其上下文來理解它,並隨著時間的流逝而更多地展現其自身。”

在內部,機艙包含四個不同的區域-生活,烹飪,用餐和睡眠。 休息區毗鄰甲板,流入用餐和烹飪空間。


The building has been designed for off-the-grid living. A composting toilet, a rainwater collection system and a wood-burning stove are among the features that reduce reliance on public utilities. The design also features solar panels that help generate energy and heat water. Lighting is meant to be provided by candles.

“This architecture is systemically connected to the environment through sustainable technology and infrastructure,” Thorpe said. “The Edifice is an architecture of responsibility and respect for our environment and ourselves.”

該建築是為離網生活設計的。 堆肥廁所,雨水收集系統和燃木爐灶是減少對公共事業的依賴的功能。 該設計還具有太陽能板,可幫助產生能量和加熱水。 照明應由蠟燭提供。

索普說:“該架構通過可持續的技術和基礎設施與環境系統連接。” “大廈是責任和尊重我們的環境以及我們自己的體系結構。”

Since starting his practice in 2010, Thorpe has developed an extensive portfolio of products and architectural designs.

Earlier work includes a clubhouse for classic car enthusiasts in Manhattan, a chair for Moroso that was influenced by corn husks, and a draft beer dispenser for Stella Artois that was created for small restaurants and bars.


早期的工作包括在曼哈頓為老爺車愛好者準備的會所,受玉米殼影響的Moroso椅子以及為小型餐館和酒吧創建的Stella Artois的生啤酒分配器。

Project credits:

Architecture: Marc Thorpe Design
Contractor: Beaverkill Construction
Client: Marc Thorpe and Claire Pijoulat


建築:Marc Thorpe設計
客戶:Marc Thorpe和Claire Pijoulat



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