FROM:AD Interviews: Andreas G. Gjertsen / TYIN tegnestue

A young, cooperative architecture practice based in Trondheim, Norway and founded in 2008 by Andreas G. Gjertsen and Yashar Hanstad, TYIN tegnestue has already built in Thailand, Myanmar, Haiti, Uganda and their native Norway. Though the partners are relatively young, the quality of their designs has earned them the important distinction of being recognized for The European Prize for Architecture (joining the ranks of GRAFT, BIG and Marco Casagrande).

作為一家年輕的合作建築公司,位於挪威特隆赫姆,由Andreas G. Gjertsen和Yashar Hanstad於2008年創立,TYIN tegnestue已在泰國,緬甸,海地,烏干達及其本土挪威建立。雖然合作夥伴相對年輕,但他們的設計質量為他們贏得了歐洲建築獎(加入GRAFT,BIG和Marco Casagrande等行列)的重要區別。

TYIN tengstue started working as students, and the success of their firm has been dependent on their ability to find a way to fund the kind of work they were passionate about in school. For us, their approach to knowledge sharing is notable; they make their projects completely available. Also, when they build and create new architecture that uses traditional materials, they train local work forces so that the designs can be replicated–giving the architecture a better chance for proliferating within the context it was specifically design for.

TYIN tengstue開始以學生的身份工作,他們公司的成功取決於他們找到一種方式來資助他們在學校充滿熱情的工作。對我們來說,他們的知識共享方法是值得注意的;他們使他們的項目完全可用。此外,當他們構建和創建使用傳統材料的新架構時,他們會培訓本地工作人員,以便可以復制設計 – 為架構提供更好的機會,以便在專門設計的環境中進行擴散。



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