FRAC Centre FRAC中心

The FRAC Centre is a contemporary art museum in the Centre-Val de Loire region in France, part of the national FRAC network of regional art collections. It is based in Orleans. In 2013, it moved onto the site of a former military base, with a new museum building designed by Jacob + MacFarlane.

FRAC中心是法國中心 – 瓦爾德盧瓦爾地區的當代藝術博物館,是國家FRAC區域藝術收藏網絡的一部分。 它位於奧爾良。 2013年,它搬到了前軍事基地,有一座由Jacob + MacFarlane設計的新博物館建築。

Architects: Jakob + Macfarlane Architects
Location :75 Rue du Colombier, 45000 Orléans, France Category Cultural Center
Area :3400.0 sqm
Project: Year 2013

建築師:Jakob + Macfarlane Architects
地址:75 Rue du Colombier,45000Orléans,France類別文化中心

Since 1999, FRAC Centre has organized a series of contemporary art exhibits featuring both local and global work, titled ArchiLab and focused on architecture. The collection includes come 13,000 works, 700 architectural models and more than 12,000 drawings. It traces the history of the visionary architects of the 1960s, the utopian and radical architecture of the 1970s, and the deconstructivists of the 1980s. It also features contemporary Japanese architects and illustrates the impact of digital technologies on architecture.

Other museums have held exhibits dedicated to the FRAC Centre collection, including Tokyo’s Mori Art Museum and the Barbican’s Future City exhibit in 2007.

自1999年以來,FRAC中心組織了一系列當地和全球工作的當代藝術展覽,名為ArchiLab,專注於建築。 該系列包括13,000件作品,700件建築模型和12,000多幅圖紙。 它追溯了20世紀60年代有遠見的建築師的歷史,20世紀70年代的烏托邦和激進建築,以及20世紀80年代的解構主義者。 它還展示了當代日本建築師,並展示了數字技術對建築的影響。


The architectural idea is to take the entire site, which determines the surface of intervention. We identified two predominate grids emanating from the historic context of the site. The meeting and the convergence of these two geometries materialises in a deformation, a zone of turbulence, the future presence of the FRAC Centre.

建築理念是採取整個網站,這決定了乾預的表面。 我們確定了兩個主要的網格來自該網站的歷史背景。 會議和這兩種幾何形狀的匯合體現在變形,湍流區域,FRAC中心的未來存在。

The inner court is treated like a public space, linking all the buildings and carrying the program of the FRAC. Our intention is to create not only a landscape but a topographic surface. This surface follows the interferences of the two building grids and accommodates the natural slopes the site towards the entries of the different programs of exhibition spaces.

內院被視為公共空間,連接所有建築物並承載FRAC的計劃。 我們的目的不僅是創造景觀,還創造地形表面。 該表面遵循兩個建築物網格的干擾,並且將場地的自然斜坡容納在不同的展覽空間節目的入口處。

The volumes created by the meeting of these geometries are extruded vertically and stretched over the court and toward the city.They are organised into three parts and conceived to be simple and facetted in form, a language derived from the fusion of the grids of the site.


These “turbulent” extrusions each contain an element of the program: the first and tallest a temporary exhibition gallery with its accompanying scenographic spaces, the smallest an audiovisual gallery, and the third the welcome lobby, sales space, and a convivial social space which extends out into the court. This central space is an intersection, a place of meeting and exchange, material and immaterial. This ambulatory space leads the public to the temporary and permanent exhibition spaces and research areas.

這些“動盪”的擠壓件各自包含該程序的元素:第一個和最高的臨時展覽畫廊及其附帶的景觀空間,最小的視聽畫廊,第三個歡迎大廳,銷售空間和歡樂的社交空間 進入法庭。 這個中心空間是一個交匯點,是會面和交流的場所,物質和非物質。 這個動態空間引導公眾進入臨時和永久的展覽空間和研究區域。

The exterior and interior skins of the intervention are fine metallic and textile meshes which convey a perpetually modifying flow of information. The idea is to create a building which continually describes the process of creation, disappearing behind the lines which were drawn only to reappear in volume, a three dimensional image, the materialisation of architecture. Volume, light and image fuse together to create a dynamic form of architecture of information.

干預的外部和內部皮膚是精細的金屬和紡織網狀物,它們傳達了永久改變的信息流。 我們的想法是創建一個不斷描述創作過程的建築,消失在線條後面,這些線條只是為了重新出現在體積中,三維圖像,建築的物化。 體積,光線和圖像融合在一起,創造出動態的信息架構形式。

These digital surfaces are addressed to the city and, as such, the building surface transcribes flows of information into light images through an intervention of Electronic Shadow. These flows of information can be the weather, connections to their internet site or any capturable flow of real time information.

這些數字表面是針對城市的,因此,建築物表面通過電子陰影的干預將信息流轉換為光圖像。 這些信息流可以是天氣,與其互聯網站點的連接或任何可捕獲的實時信息流。

The light surface of the building is simultaneously an architectural and artistic intervention, an urban signal, and signage of the buildings’ activities. This idea is also pursued in the interior under the form of a dynamic system of signage. The objective is to give the FRAC a tool that is sized by its public dimension, open and visible.

建築物的光線表面同時是建築和藝術干預,城市信號和建築活動的標誌。 這種想法也在內部以動態標牌系統的形式進行。 目標是為FRAC提供一個工具,其大小由其公共維度,開放和可見。

By its new open urban façade, obtained through the demolition of the existing building on the Boulevard Rocheplatte, the FRAC Centre is connected to the urban cultural promenade of Orleans, the interior court thus becoming a public plaza. We have displaced the centre of gravity to the heart of the site. The new architectural intervention is the new point of gravity, a new structure, a new geometry and a new departure for the site, creating an architecture with a new presence that communicates a welcoming, an opening, and a vision for both the public and researchers. The project explains itself through its extraverted nature.

通過拆除現有的大道Rocheplatte大樓獲得的新的開放式城市立面,FRAC中心與奧爾良的城市文化長廊相連,內部法院因此成為公共廣場。 我們已將重心移到了場地的中心。 新的建築干預是新的重心,新的結構,新的幾何形狀和新的出發點,創造了一個新的存在的建築,傳達了公眾和研究人員的歡迎,開放和願景。 該項目通過其外向性質解釋自己。

These “turbulences” are to be investigated as a metaphor, inspiring the architecture which is in turn exuded to the public or passers-by along the edges of the site.




FROM:Le nouveau FRAC Centre dévoilé

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