Nobis Hotel 諾比斯酒店

Hotel Nobis Copenhagen is an upscale hotel in central Copenhagen, Denmark.

Hotel Nobis Copenhagen酒店是一家位於丹麥哥本哈根市中心的高檔酒店。

General information
Address:Niels Brocks Gade 1, 1574 København V
Coordinates:55.6724°N 12.5711°ECoordinates: 55.6724°N 12.5711°E
Opening:2017; 2 years ago
Other dimensions:105 metres (length)
Technical details
Floor count:6

地址:Niels Brocks Gade1,1574KøbenhavnV
坐標:55.6724°N 12.5711°ECoordinates:55.6724°N 12.5711°E
開幕時間:2017年; 2年前

The recently opened grand 77-room Nobis Hotel in Copenhagen is housed in an gorgeous historic 5,400-square-meter landmark building that originally served as the Royal Danish Conservatory of Music. Bringing the Nobis magic to the midst of the Danish capital, the hotel is starchitect Gert Wingårdh’s “updated take on Le Corbusier. Danish classicism, which this building is a fine example of, is something special—more sophisticated, more stripped down than in Sweden,” he says.

最近在哥本哈根開設的擁有77間客房的Nobis酒店擁有77間客房,坐落在一座佔地5400平方米的歷史悠久的標誌性建築內,該建築最初是丹麥皇家音樂學院。 將Nobis魔法帶到丹麥首都中間,酒店是GertWingårdh的“更新的Le Corbusier”。 丹尼古典主義,這個建築是一個很好的例子,是一種特殊的東西 – 比瑞典更精緻,更精簡,“他說。

The historic landmark building on Niels Brocks Gade has been transformed into a cutting-edge contemporary luxury hotel—one where, like its Stockholm predecessor, food plays a central role.

The restaurant, which takes liberty with design styles from the 20th-century, borrows from the best of Nordic culinary traditions and serves up modern seasonal cuisine. At Nobis Hotel Copenhagen, modernism meets classicism and it’s all lusciously augmented by such embracing amenities as a gym, a sauna with cooling pool and hammam, a bar, and a lounge area that, taken together, serve as an attractive new locus for Copenhagen’s downtown social scene.

Niels Brocks Gade歷史悠久的標誌性建築已經變成了一家前沿的現代豪華酒店 – 與斯德哥爾摩的前身一樣,食品起著核心作用。

餐廳採用20世紀的設計風格,秉承北歐最好的烹飪傳統,提供現代時令美食。 在哥本哈根諾比斯酒店,現代主義與古典主義相得益彰,健身房,帶冷卻池和土耳其浴室的桑拿浴室,酒吧和休息區等設施融為一體,是哥本哈根市中心迷人的新地點。 社交場景。



FROM:Celestielle #287 Nobis Hotel, Stockholm, Sweden

FROM:Nobis Hotel Stockholm Video Review

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