Architects: OLI Architecture PLLC
Year: 2019
Photographs: Albert Cheung Photography
Manufacturers: Accoya
Lead Architects: Hiroshi Okamoto, Dongshin Lee
Country:United States

建築師:OLI Architecture PLLC

Located on a private estate in Bedford, New York, LX Pavilion is a site-specific structure named for the Richard Serra sculpture it houses, London Cross (2014). The pavilion is designed to not just be a container but an integral component of the artistic experience, becoming spatially, figuratively, and contractually the “art” itself.

LX Pavilion坐落在紐約貝德福德的一個私人莊園內,是一個特定地點的結構,以其所安置的理查德·塞拉(Richard Serra)雕塑倫敦十字(London Cross,2014年)命名。 展館的設計不僅是容器,而且是藝術體驗的組成部分,在空間,形象和合同上都成為“藝術”本身。

Constructed in a carefully choreographed sequence with the sculpture installation, LX Pavilion is a quiet sanctuary where time and space merge. Wrapped in charred Accoya timber, the facade is intended to naturally patina marking the passage of time, yet unlike many of Serra’s outdoor sculptures that measure time and space through material transformation, London Cross is protected by this intervention. The interior of the pavilion also emphasizes transience and the passing of time.

LX Pavilion以精心編排的順序與雕塑裝置一起建造,是一個安靜的避難所,時空融合在一起。 外牆採用燒焦的Accoya木材包裹,旨在自然地保留古銅色,標誌著時間的流逝,但與Serra的許多戶外雕塑通過材質轉換來測量時間和空間不同,倫敦十字會受到這種干預的保護。 展館的內部還強調了短暫性和時間的流逝。

A north-facing sawtooth skylight distributes soft indirect lighting into space which changes throughout the day, offering an ever-changing experience of London Cross. The sculpture itself is physically connected to space, composed of two fifteen-ton weathering-steel plates measuring 40’ long, 7’ tall, and 2-1/2” thick, the lower running diagonally between two corners of the room and the other perched atop. These are held in place by a specially constructed hydrated-lime wall partition which eliminates construction joints.

朝北的鋸齒狀天窗將柔和的間接照明分佈到全天變化的空間中,為倫敦十字會帶來千變萬化的體驗。 雕塑本身與空間緊密相連,由兩塊15噸的耐候鋼板組成,長40英尺,高7英尺,厚2-1 / 2英寸,下部在房間的兩個角之間對角延伸。 棲息在上面。 這些通過特殊構造的水合石灰牆隔板固定在適當位置,從而消除了施工縫。

The project came to OLI through Serra himself, with who the firm had previously collaborated, designing an abstract trapezoidal granite pier as a base for his 80-foot-tall sculpture, 7 (2011) at the Museum of Islamic Art Park in Doha. The artist worked closely with OLI throughout the design process for LX Pavilion, choosing the site with them and even sharing a copy of a Japanese joinery book from his library.

該項目是通過Serra自己(與該公司之前曾合作過的)來到OLI的,他設計了一個抽象的梯形花崗岩墩,作為他80英尺高的雕塑的底座(7,2011年,位於多哈伊斯蘭藝術公園博物館)。 在整個LX Pavilion設計過程中,藝術家與OLI密切合作,與他們一起選擇場地,甚至還從他的圖書館中分享了一本日本細木工書的副本。


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