CHIMEI Museum 奇美博物館

The Chimei Museum (Chinese: 奇美博物館; pinyin: Qíměi Bówùguǎn) is a private museum established in 1992 by the Chi Mei Corporation in Rende District, Tainan, Taiwan. The museum’s collection is divided into five categories: Western Art (including painting, sculpture, decorative arts and period furniture); Musical instruments; Natural history; Arms and armor; Antiquities and artifacts. The museum is known for having one of the largest collections of violins in the world, and also for its significant collections of ancient weapons and Western paintings and sculptures. Forbes magazine, in its February 1996 article on private collectors in Asia, called Chimei Museum “one of the world’s most surprising art collections.” The museum moved to its current venue on Wenhua Road in 2014.

奇美博物館(中文:奇美博物館;拼音:QíměiBówùguǎn)是一家私人博物館,於1992年由台灣台南仁德區的奇美公司成立。 博物館的藏品分為五類:西方藝術(包括繪畫,雕塑,裝飾藝術和古典家具); 樂器; 自然歷史; 武器和盔甲; 古物和文物。 該博物館以擁有世界上最大的小提琴系列之一而聞名,同時也因其大量的古代武器和西方繪畫和雕塑而聞名。 “福布斯”雜誌在其1996年2月關於亞洲私人收藏家的文章中稱奇美博物館是“世界上最令人驚訝的藝術收藏品之一”。 博物館於2014年遷至文化路現址。

Location:No. 66, Sec. 2, Wenhua Rd., Rende District, Tainan 71755, Taiwan
Type:Comprehensive Museum
Visitors :1.5 million (2015)
Director: Ching-Siang Liao

地點:No。 66,Sec。 台灣市台南市仁德區文化路2號71755


The museum was established in 1992 by Shi Wen-long.He is known for his collection of antique violins — Stradivarius, Guarneri del Gesù and Nicolo Amati. Besides being an entrepreneur, Shi is also an amateur violinist who has performed in public many times. To improve the level of classical music in Taiwan, he founded the Chi Mei Cultural Foundation and also provided a scholarship for developing artists.

該博物館由施文龍於1992年創立。他以古董小提琴收藏而聞名 – 斯特拉迪瓦里,瓜爾內里斯和尼古拉阿瑪蒂。 除了作為一名企業家,施也是一位業餘小提琴家,多次在公開演出。 為提高台灣古典音樂水平,他創立了奇美文化基金會,並為發展中的藝術家提供獎學金。

Interior style
The combination of Western classical art exhibits and Western classical architectural elements sets the interior towards the direction of “classical art style”. The design team has never performed Western classical style design in the past, and fears it. The primary task of the design is to study the relationship between art history, Western architectural history, and interior decoration history, and to travel to France and the United Kingdom to inspect the elements of interior decoration art from the 15th to the 19th centuries, rigorously from space control and The artistic connotation of each period is designed to avoid the over-decoration or patchwork of the flavor of the mansion.


The design team believes that through the Chi Mei Museum, visitors will know the development of collection art and art history. The collection is combined with the social environment background at that time to let the public contact and understand the development of world art, cultivate the people’s appreciation of art, establish an art base for an international museum in Taiwan, and open a door to appreciate Western art.


Sculpture Avenue: Open the door to art
The Sculpture Avenue is an important axis connecting the exhibition halls. The group of Olympus gods echoing the entrance of the park, expressing the internal and external echoes in the form of niches, and the entrance door of each exhibition hall constitutes the gate of art; therefore, at the beginning The design is different in the design of the age with the age, including the entrance floor pavement has different performance, because the exhibits of the halls do not completely match the style of the door in the period, it is transformed into a single form, so that the form of the decoration is weakened, so as to highlight Engraved exhibits in the niches.


Hall: the hall of art
Classical elements such as arched beams, curved ceilings, and domes are the images of the initial architectural hall. Since the construction techniques of modern buildings are no longer necessary for ARCH arch beams, they are transformed into parallel straight beams and ceilings.
The scale of the dome is slightly reduced with the construction. Many investigation cases are brought back to the country. Finally, the spiral form of self-design is still adopted. With the help of French consultants, the new decorative pattern is proposed, which is the final result of combining mathematics and art.

Rodin Hall: Grouping together
Everyone knows Rodin, but may not know that Rodin’s teachers, colleagues, and students are working hard at the same time to dance with the sculptures. In the small studios of European neighborhoods, this group of teachers, students, and peers compete and compete with each other. Creation.
Therefore, the original idea was a magnificent and distinguished stage palace. The reverse thinking became a populist studio with no steps, reflecting the atmosphere of that era, the environment, and the gathering of emotions.



Musical Instrument Hall: Travel around the world with music
Music is a worldwide language with a free and flowing artistic identity. This hall is an open flat architecture to echo the freedom of music, and to define the field with platforms, panels, and colors, and to present world-class national instruments of different cultures.
The unique design of the “Entering the Orchestra” for the instrument is based on the actual orchestra’s composition and configuration as a display of the instrument. The audience can be on the podium and the conductor’s overview of the audience, or enter the orchestra to perform. From the perspective of understanding the operation and characteristics of various instruments.


Continuing the open and flowing spatial tonality of the “World National Musical Instrument” and “Going into the Orchestra”, this area is changed from the original fixed platform platform seat to the stage space and the active seat combination. There is no height difference design, which brings the distance between the instrument display and the visitors, and shapes the free-flowing space extension.

Art Hall: Unlimited dialogue with creators
The interior styles of different eras reflect the cultural and aesthetic perspectives of the period. The early design, with different decorative styles to set off paintings and exhibits, such as the Baroque style, set off the creation at the time, but this style, the decoration of ceilings and lines is strong, and the future of the exhibits may be more dynamic, in order to meet the future change, It should be based on highlighting the exhibits, supplemented by the interior style, which is composed of neoclassical forms and exhibits that constitute a calm classical artistic expression and interpretation.



Chi Mei Hall: the curve of music
Taking into account the acoustics and form is the design element of the Chi Mei (Performance) Hall. The initial design is based on the irregular and rational composition of the elements of the sound performance. Later, Chairman Liao Jinxiang and Chi Mei Tongren considered it “ambiguous” in the review meeting. It does not conform to the Chi Mei culture, but it is a form that changes the form substantially, with the rhythm of the music melody, and the reflective plate with diffuse sound effects, forming the form of the entire exhibition hall.


Animal Hall: The Stage of Life
Life has evolved over the earth for billions of years, and human beings are co-evolving with all life on earth to move toward the future; human beings are a part of life on earth, and there should be no distance between us and animals. People are animals, animals and people. Based on this concept, the goal of the exhibition is to let people stand on this stage with their lives. We rarely see them so close, or watch them without distance, while expecting surprises and expectations. Give the Taiwanese people a sense of life and bring a little thought.



FROM:【奇美博物館 空拍影片】看見奇美(建議以高畫質觀賞)

FROM:【奇美博物館 關於藏品系列】雕與塑 探索大理石雕像製作過程 「阿波羅噴泉」製作

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