Skanderbeg Square 斯坎德培廣場

The Skanderbeg Square (Albanian: Sheshi Skënderbej) is the main plaza in the centre of Tirana, Albania. The square is named after the Albanian national hero Gjergj Kastrioti Skënderbeu. The total area is about 40.000 square metres. The Skanderbeg Monument dominates the square.

During the Italian invasion of Albania, the city plan for Tirana was designed by Florestano Di Fausto and Armando Brasini in a Neo-Renaissance style with articulate angular solutions and giant order fascias.

Many buildings including the Tirana International Hotel, the Palace of Culture, the National Opera, the National Library, the National Bank, the Ethem Bey Mosque, the Clock Tower, the City Hall, the Ministry of Infrastructure, the Ministry of Agriculture, the Ministry of Economy, the Ministry of Energy, and the National Historical Museum are situated at the square.

斯坎德培廣場(阿爾巴尼亞語:SheshiSkënderbej)是阿爾巴尼亞地拉那市中心的主要廣場。 廣場以阿爾巴尼亞民族英雄GjergjKastriotiSkënderbeu命名。 總面積約為40.000平方米。 斯坎德培紀念碑佔據了廣場。

在意大利入侵阿爾巴尼亞期間,地拉那的城市規劃由Florestano Di Fausto和Armando Brasini以新文藝復興風格設計,具有清晰的角度解決方案和巨大的訂單面板。

許多建築物包括地拉那國際酒店,文化宮,國家歌劇院,國家圖書館,國家銀行,Ethem Bey清真寺,鐘樓,市政廳,基礎設施部,農業部,部 經濟,能源部和國家歷史博物館都位於廣場。

Construction:1968 (naming)
Area:40.000 m²
Dedicated to:Gjergj Kastrioti Skënderbeu
Location:Tirana Albania

致力於:Gjergj Kastrioti Skanderbeg

In 1917, the Austrians built a public square, where the Skanderbeg Square is located nowadays. After Tirana became the capital in 1920, and the population increased, several city plans were planned. During the time of the Albanian monarchy from 1928 to 1939, the square was composed of a number of buildings that would eventually be detonated during the communist period. The square was composed of a roundabout with a fountain in the center. The Old Bazaar used to be established on the grounds of modern-day Palace of Culture, the Orthodox Cathedral (present-day Tirana International Hotel), while the former City Hall building, on the grounds of where the National Historical Museum is located nowadays. A statue of Joseph Stalin was erected, where today the Skanderbeg Monument is located. Besides the construction of the above new elements during communism, the statue of Albania’s leader Enver Hoxha was erected at the space between the National Historical Museum and the National Bank. Following the fall of communism in 1991, the statue would be removed amid student-led demonstrations. Since June 2017, the square has been renovated and is now part of the biggest pedestrian zone in the Balkans. The renovation has been distinguished with the European Prize for Urban Public Space in 2018.

1917年,奧地利人建造了一個公共廣場,現在斯坎德培廣場就在那裡。地拉那在1920年成為首都後,人口增加,計劃了幾個城市規劃。在1928年至1939年阿爾巴尼亞君主制時期,廣場由許多建築物組成,這些建築物最終將在共產主義時期引爆。廣場由一個環形交叉口組成,中間有一個噴泉。舊市集曾經建立在現代文化宮,東正教大教堂(現今的地拉那國際酒店)的場地上,而前市政廳大樓則是現在國家歷史博物館所在地。約瑟夫斯大林的雕像豎立起來,今天斯坎德培紀念碑所在地。除了在共產主義時期建造上述新元素外,阿爾巴尼亞領導人恩維爾·霍查的雕像也在國家歷史博物館和國家銀行之間的空間豎立起來。 1991年共產主義垮台後,雕像將在學生主導的示威遊行中被刪除。自2017年6月起,該廣場已經過翻修,現已成為巴爾乾地區最大的步行區的一部分。裝修以2018年歐洲城市公共空間獎為特色。


FROM:Albania from the air: Skanderbeg Square in Tirana

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