Architects: Atelier Scale
Area: 300 m²
Photographs: Nancy Studio
Lead Architects:Huicheng Zhong
Design Team:Huicheng Zhong, Yiliang Zhang, Qimei Ling, Juan Lin, Zhengzheng Xiong, Bingxing Lin
Client:Urban Administration & Enforcement Bureau of Bao’an District
Construction Contractor:ShenZhen FangSen Gardening & Flowers Co.Ltd
Structure Consultant:iStructure Xiaotian Yang


The Wave is a recyclable display garden designed by Atelier Scale. It locates at the 2020 Shenzhen Flower Show Bao’an Garden, with a size of 360 m2.

Wave是Atelier Scale設計的可回收展示花園。 它位於2020年深圳花卉展覽寶安花園,面積360平方米。

Within a visual-dominant flower show context, we realize there is a huge waste for every garden/flower show where most of the materials are turned into trash after the show is finished. Therefore, we think reflectively: using design to reconsider the life cycle of a temporary garden and promote sense of sustainability of a flower show. We come up with a prefabricated module system, with which we are able to rebuild the garden in another site with 90% of the material, after the flower show is over. The module is inspired by the texture of ocean, where the city of Shenzhen is located. Through tilting and moving of modules, a field of wave is created to simulate the ocean.

在以視覺為主導的花卉展覽背景下,我們意識到每個花園/花卉展覽都會產生巨大的浪費,在展覽結束後,大多數材料都會變成垃圾。 因此,我們進行反思性思考:使用設計重新考慮臨時花園的生命週期,並提高花卉展覽的可持續性。 我們提供了一個預製的模塊系統,用它可以在花展結束後用90%的材料在另一個場所重建花園。 該模塊的靈感來自深圳所在的海洋紋理。 通過傾斜和移動模塊,創建了一個波場來模擬海洋。

We believe the protagonist of the garden should be the plants, and the goal of design is to create a stage on which the protagonist shines. The “wave” becomes this stage, where plants “surf”. Inside the garden, a gradient selection of flora from white, light blue to dark blue spread with the planters, represent the ocean wave. Colorful succulent plants with various shapes, together with colored herbs, represent the coral reef under the sea.

我們認為花園的主角應該是植物,而設計的目標是創造一個主角發光的舞台。 “波浪”變成了這個階段,在那裡植物“衝浪”。 在花園內部,從白色,淺藍色到深藍色的植物群的漸變選擇隨著種植者的傳播而散發出,代表了海浪。 各種形狀的五顏六色的肉質植物,加上彩色的草藥,代表了海底的珊瑚礁。

Besides the field of wave, the fish net trellis and wave pavilion trigger richer experience for visitors, through different forms of interaction. The fish nets hung under the trellis are so soft that light breeze easily make them swim like jellyfish. Visitors could “kiss” the nets in certain elevation as they move with the landforms. The wave pavilion rolls up with the “wave”, with plants on the roof, and mirror-finish panel under the ceiling. The mirror magically reflects different environment based on visitors’ location and viewing angle.

除了波浪領域外,魚網架和波浪亭子通過不同形式的互動為遊客帶來了更豐富的體驗。 網格下方懸掛的魚網是如此柔軟,微風輕而易舉地使它們像水母一樣游泳。 訪客可以隨著地形的變化在一定高度上“親吻”網。 波浪亭隨著“波浪”而捲起,屋頂上種著植物,天花板下是鏡面飾板。 鏡子可以根據訪客的位置和視角神奇地反映出不同的環境。

The given construction period is extremely short (one month), with which the module system (composed of total 335 aluminium planters) work perfectly. We have optimized the installation details of the two trellis, which are assembled without welding. With these helps we have been able to complete the construction/installation in advance, when others are still working hard in completing. The extra time has been used for plant maintenance to better prepare for the opening. However the construction process has not been easy. There are learn curves within each step of construction.

給定的施工週期非常短(一個月),模塊系統(由335個鋁製花槽組成)可以完美地工作。 我們已經優化了兩個框架的安裝細節,這兩個框架無需焊接即可組裝。 有了這些幫助,當其他人仍在努力完成時,我們能夠提前完成施工/安裝。 多餘的時間已用於工廠維護,以更好地準備開業。 但是,施工過程並不容易。 在構建的每個步驟中都有學習曲線。

“The Wave” has been accepting visitors and will stay open until January 1, 2021. We look forward to seeing you in Lianhuashan Park, Shenzhen! After the exhibition, the Wave will be dissembled and re-installed in one of the park of Bao’an DIstrict in Shenzhen.

“波浪”號一直在接待遊客,開放時間一直到2021年1月1日。我們期待在深圳蓮花山公園與您相見! 展覽結束後,將在深圳寶安區之一的公園內拆解並重新安裝Wave。


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