Architects: Iconico
Area: 94184 ft²
Year: 2016
Photographs: Moritz Bernoully
Manufacturers: AutoDesk, Owens Corning, USG, Doorlock, Panelrey, Reja de Acero, Resolite, Ternium
Director:Moritz Melchert
Coordinator:José Moreno
Construction Supervisor:Joaquín Miranda
Executive Coordinator:René Cruz
City:San Luis Potosí

製造商:AutoDesk,Owens Corning,USG,Doorlock,Panelrey,Reja de Acero,Resolite,Ternium

Mexican architecture office ICONICO has completed the 8,750-square-meter industrial complex QUIN in central Mexican city of San Luis Potosí. ICONICO was commissioned for design & construction supervision by Joysonquin, an automobile supplier who is producing wood-made car interiors for the luxury section.

墨西哥建築事務所ICONICO已在墨西哥中部城市聖路易斯波托西完成了佔地8,750平方米的QUIN工業園區。 汽車供應商Joysonquin委託ICONICO進行設計和施工監督,該公司為豪華車生產木製汽車內飾件。

The project is located within an industrial park, comprising a program of an industrial plant, an administrative building and circulation areas composed in a well-organized masterplan, occupying more than 5 hectares of land. The masterplan also takes into consideration the company’s future growth over the next two decades, in different stages.

該項目位於一個工業園區內,包括一個工廠計劃,一個行政大樓和由精心組織的總體規劃組成的流通區,佔地超過5公頃。 總體規劃還考慮了該公司未來二十年(處於不同階段)的未來發展。

The design challenge consisted in deeply analyzing the needs of the industrial process and operational character for the industrial complex without losing the habitable scale of each space and the employee’s well-being.


Spanning from north to south, the plot presents a height difference of nearly 10 meters, which is transformed into two platforms; one for the administrative building at street level and the other for the industrial plant four meters below. The design of the industrial complex is balanced by these two very opposing buildings.

從北向南跨越,該地塊的高度差將近10米,並轉換為兩個平台。 一處為街道行政大樓,另一處為四米以下的工業廠房。 工業園區的設計由這兩座相對的建築平衡。

The area between the two buildings turns into the center point of the project. Together with a covering saw-tooth roof, providing a contemporary and identifiable signature of the industrial purpose of the project, it creates an outdoor foyer connecting the two buildings; it is furnished with attractive stairways and benches where employees can socialize and enjoy the outdoors.

兩座建築物之間的區域成為項目的中心點。 它與覆蓋的鋸齒形屋頂一起,為該項目的工業目的提供了現代且可識別的標誌,它創造了連接兩棟建築的室外門廳; 它配有誘人的樓梯和長椅,員工可以在這里社交和享受戶外活動。

The design of the complex sets a strong statement and contrasts the messy appearance of its industrial context; its architectural approach can be described as sober, contemporary and monumental. All building shapes and facades have a clean and solid appearance. The industrial plant´s facade is composed of a bright metal façade, while the administrative building´s façade contrasts with dark ceramic tiles. Both buildings have a high amount of daylight penetration, which is rather uncommon within its local industrial context.

該綜合大樓的設計樹立了鮮明的特色,並對比了其工業環境的凌亂外觀。 其建築方式可謂清醒,現代和宏偉。 所有建築物的形狀和外牆都具有整潔的外觀。 工業廠房的立面由明亮的金屬立面組成,而行政大樓的立面則與深色瓷磚形成鮮明對比。 這兩座建築物都有大量的日光穿透,這在當地的工業環境中並不常見。

In line with the company’s corporate image, the interior is simple and clean with as much open spaces as possible, relying on polished concrete floors and whitewashed walls. Special emphasis was put in the furniture design of public areas such as in lobby and canteen, where custom wood furnishings make a contrast and reinforce the owners corporate design process.

與公司的企業形像一致,內部簡潔,乾淨,並有盡可能多的開放空間,依靠拋光的水泥地板和粉刷牆壁。 特別強調了公共區域的家具設計,例如大廳和食堂,其中定制的木製家具形成對比並加強了業主的公司設計過程。

A green belt surrounds the several buildings, serving as a buffer zone between the buildings and its urban environment and contributes to the human scale the project embodies. The predominant species planted are palm trees and Lamparanthus as ground vegetation, which typically has long, smooth, elongated, succulent leaves. Maintenance requirements are reduced to a minimum, as this plant is quite undemanding and belongs to the endemic vegetation of the region; it appears green all year round.

綠化帶環繞著幾棟建築物,在建築物及其城市環境之間充當緩衝帶,並為該項目體現的人性化做出了貢獻。 種植的主要樹種是棕櫚樹和蘭帕蘭特斯作為地面植被,通常有長而光滑,拉長的肉質葉子。 維護要求降低到最低限度,因為這種植物需求不大,屬於該地區的特有植被。 一年四季看起來都是綠色的。


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