Architects: NEWS
Area: 40000 m²
Year: 2020
Photographs: ZY Architectural Photography
Design Team:Chao Wu, Bonix Chung, Jonathan But, Koasis Fung, Serena Tse
Client:Quantum Industry Company
Construction Drawing And Execution:XIAN university of architecture and technology (Wei Zhang, Huifen Li, Chao Wang, Jing Xu, Weifeng Guan)


After decades of intensive urban development and changes in China, Xian’s Guoba Factory cluster was left as a residual product of industrial transformation, yet also a potential space for revitalization of the local cultural identity and urban regeneration in the rapidly changing environment. The site is located at the junction of Qu Jiang Road and Xi Ying Road, surrounded by existing residences at the West. The project is an experiment how to regenerate the city by fusing the architecture design and new commercial phenomena, the space making toinspire the young people’s creativity, positivity and ventures. By respecting the urban context, enhancing the sharing of public space, and generating the sense of belonging and recognition of users, the design aimed to further inspire the vitality of the district and even the city.

在中國數十年的密集城市發展和變化之後,西安的國壩工廠群被作為工業轉型的殘餘產品保留下來,但在瞬息萬變的環境中,這仍然是振興當地文化特徵和城市復興的潛在空間。 該場地位於曲江路與西營路的交界處,周圍是西方現有的住所。 該項目是一項實驗,旨在通過融合建築設計和新的商業現象來改造城市,從而激發年輕人的創造力,積極性和冒險精神。 通過尊重城市環境,增強公共空間共享並產生歸屬感和用戶認可度,該設計旨在進一步激發該地區乃至城市的活力。

The site was under challenging situation with very scattered and fragmented old factory building pieces, without organic connections to the surroundings. And these old factory buildings are not at sustainable situations in terms of its stable-ability, it could just be another forgotten area in the city. To let the site more accessible, the design open up two plazas as the sensible urban welcoming nodes, the pedestrian was directed through new axis from the main road to the deep end of the whole developments and connect the scattered building pieces together. The approach believes the penetration could bring more livable activities to the forgotten area, hence creating the interesting moments in life.

該場地處於充滿挑戰的局面,舊廠房的碎片非常零散,零散,與周圍環境沒有有機聯繫。 這些舊廠房的穩定性無法保持可持續發展,可能只是城市中另一個被遺忘的地區。 為了使站點更易於訪問,該設計開放了兩個廣場作為明智的城市歡迎節點,行人被引導通過新的軸線,從主要道路到達整個開發項目的最深處,並將分散的建築構件連接在一起。 該方法認為,滲透可以為被遺忘的區域帶來更多宜居的活動,從而創造生活中有趣的時刻。

Design also brought the hidden old factory memory to the public by re-layout the internal plaza around the water tower and chimney. By making it as the heart, which connecting the urban nodes and developments’ axis physically and visually, the new master plan offered the new life for this city block. It is trust that the city’s spirit could only stay or reborn when respecting the past.

設計還通過重新佈置水塔和煙囪周圍的內部廣場,將隱藏的舊工廠記憶帶給了公眾。 通過將其作為心臟,在視覺和視覺上連接城市節點和開發軸線,新的總體規劃為這座城市街區提供了新的生活。 值得信賴的是,只有尊重過去,這座城市的精神才能留下或重生。

Another experiment in the design is following the concept that Vitality city of fusing the architecture design and new commercial phenomena. New programs are needed here to make the architecture lively. There are two new buildings, it was called them‘adventurers’, sitting in the development, anchoring the two urban nodes. One is the game house entertainment, and it reflects the rises of esports, particularly among the youth. The interlock & smashed forms was used to represent the technology power with the materials reflecting post industry influences. It is the statement and beacon delivering the message to the surroundings.

設計中的另一個實驗遵循的概念是,活力城市將建築設計和新的商業現象融合在一起。 這裡需要新的程序來使體系結構生動。 有兩座新建築,被稱為“冒險家”,坐落在開發區中,錨定了兩個城市節點。 一種是遊戲室娛樂,它反映了電子競技的興起,尤其是在年輕人中間。 聯鎖和砸碎的形式被用來代表技術力量,其材料反映了後工業的影響。 它是將消息傳遞到周圍環境的聲明和信標。

Another new one is the mixed use co working and retail blocks sitting behind the skatepark. With the form in sliding and incline manner, which echoing the movement of the skate park at the front. The colorful glazing façade is spreading out the vibrant and energetic notions,It was trying to provide the simply but recognizable images for this urban node, the calling for people with creativity and adventurous minds.

另一個新功能是位於滑板場後面的混合用途合作和零售區。 滑行和傾斜的形式與前部滑板公園的運動相呼應。 多彩的玻璃幕牆散發出充滿活力和活力的概念,它試圖為這個城市節點提供簡單但可識別的圖像,呼籲具有創造力和冒險精神的人們。

There are four preserved buildings with different new functions implanted according to the building natures. The book store, one single-storey building with pitch roof. The roof structure was reinforced. The youngster’s apartment, the four-storey building was re-cladded. The art gallery was a one storey high headroom factory building. New entrances and means of escape rearranged. The slab tower was pretty much just repainted for standard working space based on its existing layouts.

根據建築物的性質,有四座保存完好的建築物具有不同的新功能。 書店,一棟帶有瀝青屋頂的單層建築。 屋頂結構得到加強。 這座四層樓的年輕人的公寓被重新裝修。 美術館是一棟高高一層的工廠廠房。 重新佈置了新的入口和逃生通道。 平板塔幾乎是根據其現有佈局重新粉刷成標準工作空間的。

Between all these, are the ‘connector’, which have the multi levels activities of F&B and retail. The Connector formed and direct the axis from the urban nodes to the heart of the developments. It also links the two ‘adventurers’ visually and integrates the old and new seamlessly. Transfer from old industry area to a dynamic, public and open destination by implanting in interactive spaces, breaking through the traditional boundaries, It is trust the design could represent the mission of design with social responsibility.

在所有這些之間,是“連接器”,具有餐飲和零售的多層次活動。 連接器形成並引導軸線從城市節點到開發的中心。 它還在視覺上鍊接了兩個“冒險者”,並將新舊事物無縫集成。 通過植入互動空間,突破傳統界限,從舊工業區轉移到動態,公共和開放的目的地,相信設計可以代表具有社會責任的設計使命。


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