Architecture photography studio Hufton + Crow has captured the chimney of Amager Bakke, a waste-to-energy power station covered by a ski slope designed by BIG, rising from the mist.

The Danish architecture firm completed the pioneering waste-to-energy power plant for Copenhagen, Denmark, in 2019.

建築攝影工作室Hufton + Crow捕捉到了Amager Bakke的煙囪,Amager Bakke是一個垃圾發電站,由BIG設計的滑雪坡覆蓋,從薄霧中升起。


Designed in collaboration with SLA Architects, the energy station is topped by the dry ski slope of the Copenhill mountain activity centre.

Hufton + Crow shot the 124-metre-high chimney and chequered aluminium facade gleaming in the sunrise using a drone.

該能源站與SLA Architects合作設計,其頂部是Copenhill山區活動中心的干燥滑雪坡。

Hufton + Crow用無人駕駛飛機拍攝了124米高的煙囪和方格鋁製立面,在日出時閃閃發光。

These new photos show the landscaping around the winding ski slope has bedded in, so the whole sloping side of the power station looks like a bright green hillock.

Starting at a height of 90 metres, the 400-metre long slope serviced by a lift makes a 180-degree turn as it twists down to ground level.



Trees planted on the slope act as windbreaks and shade for hikers, who can follow walking trails up the slope.

Along with outdoor pursuits, the plan is for the green roof to add biodiversity to the industrial area it sits in by attracting bees and butterflies. Visitors will be encouraged to contribute by planting seed bombs.


除了戶外活動外,該計劃還計劃通過吸引蜜蜂和蝴蝶為屋頂綠化,以增加生物多樣性。 將鼓勵遊客通過種植種子炸彈做出貢獻。

Part of the activity centre features a climbing wall up one of the power station’s vertical faces.

Hufton + Crow’s photographs show the vertiginous climbing wall is covered in a rainbow of colourful holds and bevelled surfaces to create challenging ascents.


Hufton + Crow的照片顯示,陡峭的攀岩牆被彩虹覆蓋的多彩貨艙和斜面覆蓋,創造出具有挑戰性的上升效果。

The top of the slope is crowned by a viewpoint, an attraction where visitors can look out over the city and enjoy panoramic views.

Built as a replacement for Copenhagen’s ageing Amagerforbraending facility, the power station generates power by burning the city’s waste.



Photos taken by Hufton + Crow show giant industrial claws hovering above a mountain of rubbish that arrives in bin lorries and is tipped or shovelled straight into the power plant.

As a waste-to-energy facility, Amager Bakke helps Denmark reduce its reliance on fossil fuels and provides a greener alternative to landfill. The plant is expected to process some 400,000 tonnes of waste a year and heat 140,000 households.

赫夫頓+烏鴉(Hufton + Crow)拍攝的照片顯示,巨大的工業爪子盤旋在垃圾山上,到達垃圾箱卡車後,直接傾倒或鏟入發電廠。

作為廢物轉化為能源的設施,Amager Bakke幫助丹麥減少了對化石燃料的依賴,並為垃圾填埋場提供了更綠色的替代方案。 預計該工廠每年將處理約40萬噸廢物,並為140,000戶家庭供熱。

In 2015 BIG founder Bjarke Ingels launched a fundraising campaign on Kickstarter to raise money to install technology in the chimney that would allow it to blow smoke rings from steam.

The original plan was for the chimney to emit a puff of steam for every ton of CO2 burned on Earth, to make a statement about climate change.

BIG創始人Bjarke Ingels於2015年在Kickstarter上發起了一項籌款活動,以籌集資金在煙囪中安裝技術,從而使其能夠從蒸汽中吹出煙圈。


Hufton + Crow is an architecture photography studio founded by Nick Hufton and Allan Crow.

Previous projects photographed by the duo include MAD’s Huangshan Mountain Village and the King Abdullah Petroleum Studies and Research Centre by Zaha Hadid Architects.

Photography is by Hufton + Crow.

Hufton + Crow是由Nick Hufton和Allan Crow創立的建築攝影工作室。

兩人拍攝的先前項目包括MAD的黃山村和Zaha Hadid Architects的阿卜杜拉國王石油研究中心。

攝影由Hufton + Crow攝。



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