Architectural photographer Sebastian Weiss has captured the brightly coloured La Muralla Roja housing estate designed by Spanish architect Ricardo Bofill in his latest photo series.

Weiss decided to photograph the Calpe housing estate La Muralla Roja, which translates into English as the Red Wall, after seeing the building in a monograph published to celebrate Bofill’s 80th birthday.

建築攝影師塞巴斯蒂安·魏斯(Sebastian Weiss)在他最新的照片系列中捕捉了西班牙建築師里卡多·波菲(Ricardo Bofill)設計的色彩鮮豔的La Muralla Roja住宅區。

魏斯在為慶祝Bofill誕辰80週年而出版的專著中看到了該建築後,決定拍攝Calpe住宅區La Muralla Roja(譯為紅牆)的照片。

“I already visited Ricardo Bofill’s buildings in Paris and Montpellier, but from his architecture in Calpe, I had only seen images up to then,” Weiss told Dezeen.

“When Bofill celebrated his 80th anniversary in 2019, the Gestalten Verlag published an extensive monograph which also contains a very impressive series of pictures about Muralla Roja,” he continued. “When I saw this, it was clear to me that I had to see and photograph this extraordinary building myself.”


他繼續說:“當波菲爾(Bofill)在2019年慶祝其成立80週年時,吉斯塔滕出版社(Gestalten Verlag)出版了廣泛的專著,其中還包括一系列關於穆拉拉·羅亞(Muralla Roja)的令人印象深刻的照片。” “當我看到這一點時,對我來說很清楚,我必須親自觀察和拍攝這座非凡的建築。”

La Muralla Roja stands on the Spanish coast at the top of a cliff overlooking the Mediterranean Sea.

Bofill designed the apartment building to be a fortress-like structure with tall red walls shielding a series of internal courtyards.

La Muralla Roja站在西班牙海岸的懸崖頂上,俯瞰地中海。


“I think the remarkable aspects are the enormous geometrical reduction, the radical simplicity and visual severity of the building, considering the growing mass tourism on the Spanish coast at that time – it was completed in 1973!” explained Weiss.

“Also the defensible character of the construction is impressive, which Bofill derived from the Maghreb castle architecture,” he continued.

“It kind of represents a fortress, which seals itself off from the public and in which the inner courtyards and lanes resemble the confusing layouts of the old souks of north Africa.”

“考慮到當時西班牙海岸日益增長的大規模旅遊業,它於1973年竣工! 魏斯解釋說。



Bofill, who is known for his bold use of colour within his architecture projects, painted the walls of the block in various shades of red, from which the building takes its name.


This is contrasted with light blue shades that were used for some of the buildings stairs and its many rooftop terraces, including the area around its pool.


Weiss was also drawn to the building’s complex geometric internal stairs and circulation routes, which reminded him of the work of Dutch graphic artist MC Escher.

“In my eyes, the most fascinating feature is the optical illusion which makes the building unique,” the photographer said.

“Stairs and alleys seem to go to nowhere, they change from wide to narrow, and this brings to my mind MC Escher. In combination with the sunlight – stronger and smoother saturation – the construction is a delightfully confusing and absurdly beautiful architecture.”

魏斯還被這座建築複雜的幾何內部樓梯和循環路線所吸引,這使他想起了荷蘭圖形藝術家MC Escher的作品。


“樓梯和小巷似乎無處可去,它們從寬到窄變化,這讓我想到MC Escher。結合陽光-更強更平滑的飽和度-該建築是令人愉悅的令人困惑且荒唐的美麗建築。”

“This surreal place is a feast for the senses and fascinates with its perfect tuning of colours, geometrical shapes, public and private areas as well as light and shadow plays,” continued Weiss.

“I lived in an apartment of this building for one week and it feels like to move through a set of a movie production.”



Since La Muralla Roja was completed it has become a landmark in the town of Calpe and is now used as the backdrop for numerous photoshoots, which were witnessed by Weiss.

“All in all it was a great pleasure to take the photos there,” he said. “The exposed location on top of the coastal rocks in combination with a sometimes dramatic play of colours result in fascinating view axis. However, it was a puzzle with the sun, as I shot the pictures in late autumn.”

自從La Muralla Roja建成以來,它已成為Calpe鎮的地標建築,現在被用作眾多攝影作品的背景,Weiss見證了這些攝影作品。

他說:“總的來說,很高興在那兒照相。” “沿海岩石頂部的裸露位置,有時還帶有戲劇性的色彩,導致了令人著迷的視軸。但是,當我在深秋拍攝照片時,太陽對它來說是一個難題。”

“It was difficult not to disturb the residents of the building,” he continued.

“Nearly everyday photoshoots take place, mostly fashion shootings with several persons, so the inhabitants are annoyed of these happenings. Voices echo very much in the inner courtyard, also every camera trigger mechanism, every step and word can be heard easily.”



Although Weiss enjoyed photographing the housing block, he believes that the building is best understood in person.

“Photography can convey the fascination for this location to a certain extent,” he said.

“But in the end, I believe that the magic and the surreal utopia of La Muralla Roja can be understood best if it is experienced on the spot within the facilities.”



“但是最後,我相信如果能在設施內當場體驗到,La Muralla Roja的魔力和超現實的烏托邦就可以得到最好的理解。”

Another of Bofill’s colourful housing blocks, Walden 7, was captured from the air by Hungarian photographer Márton Mogyorósy as part of his photo series Barcelona From Above.

The office of Bofill’s eponymous studio, Ricardo Bofill Taller de Arquitectura, was also photographed by Marc Goodwin as part of a series on Barcelona-based architecture practices.

匈牙利攝影師MártonMogyorósy從空中捕獲了Bofill另一個色彩斑housing的房屋Walden 7,作為他的攝影作品《巴塞羅那從上而下》的一部分。

Bofill的同名工作室Ricardo Bofill Taller de Arquitectura的辦公室也被Marc Goodwin拍攝,這是一系列基於巴塞羅那的建築實踐的一部分。



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