Location: Taipei, Taiwan
Design: 2009 – 2014
Construction: 2013-2021 (North side completed 2019)
Site area: 89,223 sqm
Gross floor area: 70,200 sqm
Height: concert hall (north side): 35.5m, exhibition hall (south side): 46.7m, creative area building (south side): 30m
Budget: north side: 2.6 billion NTD; south side: 1.8 billion NTD
Type: pop music center
Client: ministry of culture of taiwan + taipei city government
Design architect: RUR architecture DPC, new york
Principals: jesse reiser + nanako umemoto
RUR team: jesse reiser, nanako umemoto, neil cook, michael overby, Juan de marco, hilary simon, john murphy, kris hedges, eleftheria xanthouli, toshiki hirano, ryosuke imaeda, joy wang, massimiliano orzi, xian lai, jasmine lee (liaison with fca during construction)
Architect of record: fei and cheng and associates, taipei, taiwan; philip fei, michael fei, mei cheng, angela yang, si-heng shen
Structural engineer: ARUP, hong kong (schematic design); supertek, taiwan (detailed design)
Facade consultant: meinhardt façade technology (shanghai)
Theater, acoustics consultants: ARUP, new york (schematic design); ARUP, hong kong (detailed design)

設計:2009 – 2014
設計架構師:RUR Architecture DPC,紐約
校長:jesse reiser +梅納奈奈子
RUR團隊:傑西·賴澤(Jesse Reiser),梅納納奈科(Nanako Umemoto),尼爾·庫克(Neil Cook),邁克爾·奧比(Michael Overby),胡安·德·馬可(Juan de marco),希拉里·西蒙(Haryary Simon),約翰·墨菲(John墨菲),克里斯·樹籬(Krishedge),埃萊夫特里亞·桑圖赫里(Eleftheria xanthouli),托希基·希拉諾(toshiki hirano),ryosuke imaeda,喬伊·旺(joy wang),馬西米利亞諾·奧爾齊(massimiliano orzi),先萊,茉莉李(Jasmine Lee(在施工期間使用fca)

Designed by RUR architecture, the taipei music center (TMC) comprises three landmark buildings: A cube-shaped exhibition hall, the ‘creative area building’, and the 6,000-seat concert hall (shown in the images below). The entire complex is unified by a plinth that integrates the development into the city of taipei while allowing it to remain architecturally distinct. ‘The iconic architectural programs symbolize the principal uses and attractions of the complex, making it a powerful representation of taiwan’s pop music industry worldwide,’ explain the architects.

台北音樂中心(TMC)由RUR建築設計,由三座地標性建築組成:一個立方體形的展覽廳,“創意區建築”和可容納6000個座位的音樂廳(如下圖所示)。 整個建築群由底座統一,將開發項目整合到台北市,同時使其在建築上保持獨特。 建築師解釋說:“標誌性的建築計劃象徵著該建築群的主要用途和吸引力,使其成為台灣全球流行音樂產業的有力代表。”

Called the ‘event horizon’, the elevated circulation route connects the complex and allows for additional civic programs. ‘The groundwork for the public spaces is developed from a flowing crystalline geometry,’ continues RUR, a new york-based firm led by jesse reiser and nanako umemoto. ‘It emerges from the ground but maintains its artificiality rather than being mimetic of landforms. this fabric also serves as the socle for the principle honorific programs of the TMC.’

高架的流通路線被稱為“事件視界”,將綜合大樓連接起來,並允許進行其他公民計劃。 由傑西·賴瑟(Jesse Reiser)和納奈子·梅本(nanako umemoto)領導的紐約公司RUR繼續說道:“公共空間的基礎是從流動的晶體幾何體發展而來的。” ‘它是從地面冒出來的,但保持了人造性,而不是模仿地形。 這種織物還可以作為TMC原則性榮譽計劃的基礎。’

The concert hall in particular has been designed as a new landmark for the city and its music scene. ‘The importance of the architectural expression of the TMC cannot be overstated,’ the architects say. ‘It is very important for the public and users to know that when they enter the precinct of the TMC they are entering a unique creative part of taipei city with its own architectural identity, style, and aesthetics; for the identity of taiwanese pop music, while enmeshed in its local roots has also transcended them and operates on a world stage.’

音樂廳特別是被設計為城市及其音樂界的新地標。 建築師說:“ TMC的建築表達方式的重要性不能高估。” ‘對於公眾和用戶來說,了解當他們進入TMC區域時,他們正在進入台北市具有自己的建築特色,風格和美學的獨特創意部分非常重要; 以台灣流行音樂的身份而聞名,儘管它根植於當地,但也超越了它們,並在世界舞台上運作。



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