The Orange Cube 橙色立方體

The ambition of the urban planning project for the old harbor zone, developed by VNF (Voies Naviguables de France) in partnership with Caisse des Dépôts and Sem Lyon Confluence, was to reinvest the docks of Lyon on the river side and its industrial patrimony, bringing together architecture and a cultural and commercial program. These docks, initially made of warehouses (la Sucrière, les Douanes, les Salins, la Capitainerie), cranes, functional elements bound to the river and its flow, mutate into a territory of experimentation in order to create a new landscape that is articulated towards the river and the surrounding hills.

由VNF(Voies Naviguables de France)與CaissedesDépôts和Sem Lyon Confluence合作開發的舊港區城市規劃項目的目標是將里昂的碼頭再投資於河邊及其工業遺產, 一起建築和文化和商業計劃。 這些碼頭最初由倉庫(laSucrière,les Douanes,les Salins,la Capitainerie),起重機,與河流及其流動相連的功能元件組成,變成了一個實驗區域,以創建一個朝向 河流和周圍的山丘。

The project is designed as a simple orthogonal « cube » into which a giant hole is carved, responding to necessities of light, air movement and views. This hole creates a void, piercing the building horizontally from the river side inwards and upwards through the roof terrace. The cube, next to the existing hall (the Salins building, made from three archs) highlights its autonomy. It is designed on a regular framework (29 x 33m) made of concrete pillars on 5 levels. A light façade, with seemingly random openings is completed by another façade, pierced with pixilated patterns that accompany the movement of the river. The orange color refers to lead paint, an industrial color often used for harbor zones.

該項目被設計為一個簡單的正交“立方體”,其中雕刻了一個巨大的洞,以滿足光線,空氣運動和景觀的需要。 這個洞形成一個空洞,從河邊向內和向上穿過屋頂露台水平穿透建築物。 現有大廳旁邊的立方體(Salins建築,由三個拱門組成)突出了它的自治。 它採用5層混凝土支柱的常規框架(29 x 33米)設計。 一個明亮的立面,看似隨意的開口由另一個外立面完成,穿過與河流運動相伴的像素化圖案。 橙色是指含鉛塗料,一種常用於港口區域的工業顏色。

In order to create the void, Jakob + MacFarlane worked with a series of volumetric perturbations, linked to the subtraction of three “conic” volumes disposed on three levels: the angle of the façade, the roof and the level of the entry. These perturbations generate spaces and relations between the building, its users, the site and the light supply, inside a common office program. The first perturbation is based on direct visual relation with the arched structure of the hall, its proximity and its buttress form. It allows to connect the two architectural elements and to create new space on a double height, protected inside the building.

為了創造空隙,Jakob + MacFarlane進行了一系列體積擾動,與三個層次上的三個“圓錐”體積的減法相關聯:立面的角度,屋頂和入口的高度。 這些擾動在共同的辦公室計劃內產生建築物,其用戶,場地和光源之間的空間和關係。 第一次擾動是基於與大廳的拱形結構,其接近度和支撐形式的直接視覺關係。 它允許連接兩個建築元素,並在雙層高度上創建新的空間,在建築物內部受到保護。

A second, obviously an elliptic one, breaks the structural regularity of the pole-girder structure on four levels at the level of the façade corner that gives on the river side. This perforation, result of the encounter of two curves, establishes a diagonal relation towards the angle. It generates a huge atrium in the depth of the volume, surrounded by a series of corridors connected to the office platforms. The plan of the façade is hence shifted towards the interior, constructing a new relation to light and view, from both interior and exterior. This creates an extremely dynamic relation with the building that changes geometry according to the position of the spectator.

第二個,顯然是一個橢圓形結構,在河邊的立面角落的水平上打破了四層的桿梁結構的結構規律。 這種穿孔是兩條曲線相遇的結果,它建立了與角度的對角線關係。 它在體積的深處產生了一個巨大的中庭,周圍是一系列連接到辦公平台的走廊。 因此,立面的平面圖向內部移動,從內部和外部構建了與光和視圖的新關係。 這與建築物形成了極其動態的關係,該建築物根據觀眾的位置改變幾何形狀。

The tertiary platforms benefit from light and views at different levels with balconies that are accessible from each level. Each platform enjoys a new sort of conviviality through the access on the balconies and its views, creating spaces for encounter and informal exchanges. The research for transparency and optimal light transmission on the platforms contributes to make the working spaces more elegant and light. The last floor has a big terrace in the background from which one can admire the whole panoramic view on Lyon, la Fourvière and Lyon-Confluence. The project is part of the approach for sustainable development and respects the following principles:

高等教育平台受益於光線和不同層次的景觀,每層都有陽台。 每個平台都通過陽台及其景觀進入,享受新的歡樂,為相遇和非正式交流創造空間。 平台上透明度和最佳透光率的研究有助於使工作空間更加優雅和輕盈。 最後一層在背景中設有一個大露台,人們可以欣賞到Lyon,laFourvière和Lyon-Confluence的全景。 該項目是可持續發展方法的一部分,並遵循以下原則:

Optimization of the façade conception allowing to reconcile thermal performance and visual comfort with an Ubat < 0,7 W / m2 K and a daylight factor of 2% for almost the total number of offices, a thermo frigorific production through heat pumps on the water level and the replacement of new hygienic air with recuperation of high efficient calories of the extracted air. The building is connected to future huge floating terraces connected to the banks of the river/ quays.

優化外立面概念,使熱性能和視覺舒適度與Ubat <0.7 W / m2 K和日光係數2%幾乎相同,幾乎可以通過水位上的熱泵進行熱量生產 並且通過回收高效的提取空氣卡路里來替換新的衛生空氣。 該建築與未來連接到河岸/碼頭的巨大浮動梯田相連。


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