Monastery of Santa María de Oseira 聖瑪麗亞德奧塞拉修道院

The monastery of Oseira is a Trappist monastery in Galicia, Spain. It is known in Galician as Mosteiro de Santa María de Oseira and in Castilian as Monasterio de Santa María la Real de Oseira.

Oseira修道院是西班牙加利西亞的特拉普派修道院。 它在加利西亞被稱為聖瑪麗亞德奧塞拉修道院和卡斯蒂利亞聖瑪麗亞皇家德奧塞拉修道院。

In existence since 1137, it became a monastery of the Cistercian order in 1141, an order of French monks sent by Saint Bernard of Clairvaux. The monks left in 1835 forced to leave by the government policies, abandoning it. They returned in 1929, this time being a community of Cistercians of the Strict Reform – commonly called Trappists. The monastery is popular stopping point on the pilgrimage to Santiago de Compostella.

自1137年以來,它成為修道院的修道院,在1141年,由聖伯納德派克萊爾沃派出的法國僧侶的命令。 1835年離開的僧侶被政府政策迫使離開,放棄了。 他們於1929年返回,這次是嚴格改革的Cistercians社區 – 通常稱為特拉普派。 修道院是聖地亞哥德孔波斯特拉朝聖的熱門停留點。

The church was built between c.1200 and c.1239 AD. It is considered a landmark of Romanesque architecture in the Spanish peninsula. Its design was inspired by other pilgrimage churches. The main chamber is known as the “palm tree room” and boasts a dome which is supported by four columns. It also possesses a Lapidarium: a collection of stone pieces obtained during the restorations and excavations. The buildings are in process of restoration by the state & monastic community. The monastery is a major state monument, and open to visitors.

教堂建於公元1200年至公元1239年之間。 它被認為是西班牙半島羅馬式建築的標誌性建築。 它的設計靈感來自其他朝聖教堂。 主室被稱為“棕櫚樹室”,擁有一個由四根柱子支撐的圓頂。 它還擁有一個Lapidarium:一系列在修復和挖掘過程中獲得的石塊。 這些建築正在由國家和修道院社區進行修復。 修道院是一個主要的國家紀念碑,向遊客開放。


FROM:Video aéreo Monasterio de Santa María la Real de Oseira

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