Cuckoo House 杜鵑之家

The Cuckoo House is a house for 4 people (parents and 2 kids) combining with a coffee shop located in Da Nang, Vietnam and designed by Tropical Space in 2018. The project is built by the local clay brick which brings a familiar feeling to the user and has the architectural shape reminding about the Cuckoo Clock

Cuckoo House是一個可容納4人(父母和2個孩子)的房子,與位於越南峴港的咖啡店相結合,於2018年由Tropical Space設計。該項目由當地的粘土磚建造,給人一種熟悉的感覺。 用戶並具有提醒咕咕鐘的建築形狀

Architects: Tropical Space
Location: Hòa Xuân, Vietnam
Category: Houses Lead
Architects: Nguyen Hai Long, Tran Thi Ngu Ngon, Nguyen Anh Duc, Teresa Tran
Area: 274.0 m2
Project Year: 2019
Photographs: Oki Hiroyuki

建築師:Nguyen Hai Long,Tran Thi Ngu Ngon,Nguyen Anh Duc,Teresa Tran
照片:Oki Hiroyuki

The Cuckoo house includes three blocks which is connected by the buffer layers. These blocks place on another rectangular block which is function as a base. This base block is the coffee shop with the garden as outdoor area and the indoor space.

Cuckoo房屋包括三個由緩衝層連接的街區。 這些塊放置在另一個矩形塊上,該塊用作基礎。 這個基座是咖啡廳,花園作為室外區域和室內空間。

Three blocks above are separated functional spaces of the house and linked by the buffer layers which is un-fully covered.


Block A is the master bedroom including two floors. The upper floor is the bedroom and the other one is bathroom and walk-in closet. Block B also has two floors. The upper floor is the kids’ bedroom and the bellow is the living room. Block C accommodates the kitchen and dining table.

A座是主臥室,包括兩層樓。 樓上是臥室,另一個是浴室和步入式衣櫃。 B座也有兩層。 樓上是兒童臥室,下面是客廳。 C座可容納廚房和餐桌。

Like a habit, most of people’ daily activities usually take place in functional spaces, Tropical Space detaches walls which are used to defined the place and offer the buffer space to urge people leave their rooms and join together. These buffer layers can be used flexibly, connecting the indoor and the outdoor of the house which could make the family activities could be both private and open, Meanwhile, it allows the breeze go through all corners of the house and make it chill in the tropical summer.

像一個習慣,大多數人的日常活動通常發生在功能空間,熱帶空間分隔牆壁,用於定義地點,並提供緩衝空間,以敦促人們離開他們的房間,並加入到一起。 這些緩衝層可以靈活使用,連接房屋的室內和室外,這可以使家庭活動既私密又開放。同時,它允許微風穿過房子的各個角落,讓它在熱帶的寒冷 夏季。


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