Riverside Museum 河濱博物館

The Riverside Museum is the current location of the Glasgow Museum of Transport, at Pointhouse Quay in the Glasgow Harbour regeneration district of Glasgow, Scotland. The building opened in June 2011. On 18 May 2013, the museum was announced as the Winner of the 2013 European Museum of the Year Award. It received 1,131,814 visitors in 2017, making it the fourth most popular attraction in Scotland.

河濱博物館是格拉斯哥交通博物館的現址,位於蘇格蘭格拉斯哥格拉斯哥港再生區的Pointhouse碼頭。 該建築於2011年6月開業。2013年5月18日,該博物館被宣佈為2013年歐洲年度博物館獎的獲獎者。 2017年,它接待了1,131,814名遊客,成為蘇格蘭第四大受歡迎景點。

Location:100 Pointhouse Place, Glasgow, G3 8RS, Scotland
Collection size:3,000 objects
Visitors:1,355,359 (2017)

地點:100 Pointhouse Place,格拉斯哥,G3 8RS,蘇格蘭

Concept and design
The Riverside Museum building was designed by Zaha Hadid Architects and engineers Buro Happold. The internal exhibitions and displays were designed by Event Communications. The purpose-built Museum replaced the previous home for the city’s transport collection, at the city’s Kelvin Hall, and was the first museum to be opened in the city since the St Mungo Museum of Religious Life and Art in 1993. The location of the museum is on the site of the former A. & J. Inglis Shipyard within Glasgow Harbour, on the north bank of the River Clyde and adjacent to its confluence point with the River Kelvin. This site enabled the Clyde Maritime Trust’s SV Glenlee and other visiting craft to berth alongside the museum.

Riverside博物館大樓由Zaha Hadid建築師和工程師Buro Happold設計。 內部展覽和展覽由Event Communications設計。 這座專門建造的博物館取代了以前的城市交通系列,位於該市的Kelvin大廳,是自1993年聖芒戈宗教生活和藝術博物館以來第一個在該市開放的博物館。博物館的位置 位於格拉斯哥港內的前A.&J。Inglis船廠位於克萊德河北岸,毗鄰其與開爾文河的交匯點。 該網站使Clyde Maritime Trust的SV Glenlee和其他參觀船隻與博物館一起停泊。

On 13 November 2007 the Lord Provost of Glasgow, Bob Winter cut the first turf. During the summer of 2008, foundational work was carried out, with massive underground trenches created to house the services for the building. By late September 2008, the steel framework of the structure was taking shape. During 2010 the cladding of the building was put in place and internal fitting-out work continued along with external landscaping works. The building was structurally completed by late autumn 2010 and work continued to prepare the Riverside Museum for its opening on 21 June 2011.

The main contractors for the project were BAM Construct UK Ltd with a range of trade subcontractors including the services installations being delivered by BBESL’s team of Jordan Kerr, Gordon Ferguson & Jamie Will and FES, project management being the responsibility of Capita Symonds and Buro Happold providing Resident Engineering Services.

The building was completed on 20 June 2011 and the next day it opened to the public.

2007年11月13日,格拉斯哥的Lord Provost,鮑勃·溫特切斷了第一個草皮。在2008年夏天,進行了基礎工作,建立了大量的地下溝渠,以便為建築物提供服務。到2008年9月下旬,該結構的鋼框架正在形成。 2010年,建築物的覆層已經到位,內部裝修工作繼續進行,並進行了外部景觀美化工程。該建築在2010年秋末結構完工,並繼續為濱江博物館的工作做準備,於2011年6月21日開放。

該項目的主要承包商是BAM Construct UK Ltd,其中包括一系列貿易分包商,包括由BBESL的Jordan Kerr,Gordon Ferguson和Jamie Will以及FES團隊提供的服務設施,項目管理由Capita Symonds和Buro Happold提供。駐地工程服務。



FROM:Glasgow Museum of Transport Riverside Project © Zaha Hadid Architects

FROM:Glasgow Riverside Museum of Transportation and Travel 2018-08-18

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