American firm LOHA has unveiled plans for an affordable housing complex in Los Angeles, comprising stacks of shipping containers arranged on a triangular site near a busy highway interchange.

The complex, called Isla Intersections, is slated to be built on a three-sided parcel that is just under a half-acre. Located in South LA, the property is near “one of the world’s busiest freeway interchanges”, said local firm LOHA (Lorcan O’Herlihy Architects) – a winner of a 2019 Dezeen Award.

For the challenging site, LOHA has envisioned a housing block with stretches of green space. The complex, slated to open next year, is reserved for tenants who were formerly homeless.

The design features a series of 16 “staggered towers” arranged around a central courtyard. Walkways and pocket parks encircle the cluster of buildings, forming a “green lung” that filters car emissions and other air pollutants.


該綜合大樓被稱為Isla Intersections,預計將建在一個佔地半英畝的三面土地上。 當地公司LOHA(Lorcan O’Herlihy Architects)表示,該物業位於洛杉磯南部,靠近“世界上最繁忙的高速公路交匯處之一”,它是2019年Dezeen獎的獲得者。

對於具有挑戰性的場所,LOHA設想了一個帶有綠色空間的住宅區。 該建築群計劃於明年開放,僅供以前無家可歸的住戶使用。

設計以圍繞中央庭院的一系列16座“交錯塔”為特色。 人行道和小型公園環繞著建築物群,形成了一個“綠肺”,可以過濾汽車排放物和其他空氣污染物。

LOHA has designed the affordable housing for tenants who were fomerly homeless|LOHA為以前無家可歸的租戶設計了經濟適用房

“The landscaping is site-specific, with trees, shrubs and vines chosen for their ability to clean the air and offer a respite from the sea of concrete enclosing the site,” the studio said.

The tower heights vary. On the east side, where the site approaches a low-scale neighbourhood, the buildings transition from five storeys to two. This side of the complex runs along Broadway, a major thoroughfare.

On the property’s west side, which is more pedestrian-friendly, the design incorporates a tree-lined promenade, envisioned as a “slow space” that preferences walkers and cyclists.

“Our aim was to create something that was compartmental but solid, strong enough to withstand the demands of the project’s location but porous enough to engage the residents on a human scale with outdoor activities and places to work and socialise,” the firm said of the overall scheme.


塔的高度各不相同。 在該地點接近一個小規模社區的東側,建築物從五層過渡到兩層。 綜合大樓的這一側沿著主要通道百老匯。


該公司表示:“我們的目標是創造一種既有間隔又堅固的東西,堅固到足以承受項目所在地的要求,但又要有足夠的疏鬆感,以使居民能夠在人類規模上參與戶外活動以及工作和社交的場所。” 總體方案。

It will comprise 16 staggered towers built from shipping containers|它將包括16個由運輸集裝箱建造的交錯塔

The complex is designed to be quickly constructed using steel shipping containers. The team has designed a modular unit that consists of three containers welded together. The units are then stacked to form interconnected towers with shared circulation.

The 480-square-foot (45-square-metre) units will feature “compact and efficient” interior layouts. Each will serve as a one-bedroom apartment that complies with requirements outlined in the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA).

The proposed design would result in 54 individual apartments and a total square footage of 34,000 square feet (3,159 square metres). In addition to the apartments, the scheme calls for retail and support spaces.

該綜合體旨在使用鋼製運輸容器快速構建。 該團隊設計了一個模塊化單元,該單元由三個焊接在一起的容器組成。 然後將這些單元堆疊在一起,以形成具有共同流通的相互連接的塔。

480平方英尺(45平方米)的單位將具有“緊湊而高效”的內部佈局。 每間都將作為一間臥室的公寓,符合《美國殘疾人法案》(ADA)概述的要求。

擬議的設計將產生54套獨立公寓,總建築面積為34,000平方英尺(3,159平方米)。 除公寓外,該計劃還要求有零售和支持空間。

“While the project is predominantly residential and green space, the ground level along the paseo will provide a number of storefront spaces for retail, incubation and job training and support services, as well as administrative offices,” the firm said.

The plan also calls for rooftop farms and edible gardens, which will provide fresh food for tenants.

“This project has the chance to become part of a larger network of urban farms in the area, whose mission is to preserve the tradition of farming in South Los Angeles, bringing affordable produce to what many consider a food desert,” the team said.

The architects cited the Stanford Avalon Community Garden, a nine-acre (3.6-hectare) urban farm that sits under power lines in the Watts neighbourhood.





The project will occupy a triangular site in Los Angeles|該項目將佔據洛杉磯的一個三角形場地

“Isla aspires to build on their legacy, harnessing the potential to be a part of a much larger green lung that can potentially wind its way through the city,” the studio said.

The Isla Intersections project is part of an initiative by the City of Los Angeles to address its housing crisis. In 2018, more than 1,700 city-owned parcels were made available to developers of affordable housing, according to LOHA.

The sites are less than ideal, with many located near freeways or situated along heavy traffic corridors. In some instances, the sites are a composition of parcels that “have been left untouched for decades”.

“It is in this kind of liminal space, fraught with ambiguity, that we see opportunity, and a potentially significant next step for the future of housing in the city,” said the firm.

LOHA was founded in 1987 and is run by Irish architect Lorcan O’Herlihy. Isla Intersections marks its second collaboration with Clifford Beers Housing, a nonprofit developer. The other is MLK1101, a housing complex in LA for homeless residents that features white facades and a sloped green roof. The project was named housing project of the year in the 2019 Dezeen Awards.

該工作室說:“ Isla希望繼續發展自己的遺產,利用潛力成為更大的綠色肺的一部分,這種綠色肺有可能在整個城市中蜿蜒前進。”




LOHA成立於1987年,由愛爾蘭建築師Lorcan O’Herlihy經營。 Isla Intersections標誌著它與非盈利開發商Clifford Beers Housing的第二次合作。另一個是MLK1101,這是位於洛杉磯的無家可歸者居住綜合體,具有白色外牆和傾斜的綠色屋頂。該項目在2019年Dezeen大獎中被評為年度最佳住房項目。

Other projects by the firm include student housing at a university in central California, an apartment building in West Hollywood, and a housing block in LA’s Koreatown.


Project credits:

Architect: Lorcan O’Herlihy Architects (LOHA)
Client: Clifford Beers Housing in collaboration with the Annenberg Foundation


建築師:Lorcan O’Herlihy Architects(LOHA)
客戶:Clifford Beers Housing與Annenberg Foundation合作



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