Architects: GKC Architectes
Area: 53420 m²
Year: 2020
Photographs: Stéphan Poulin, Stéphane Groleau
Manufacturers: AutoDesk, Dri-Design, Kingspan Insulated Panels, Lumion, Saramac schok beton, Trimble Navigation
Interior Design Architects:Aedifica
Landscape Architects :BC2
General Contractor:The Reliance construction group
Mechanical Electrical:Cima +
Fire Protection:Civelec
Kitchen Designer:Sodexo
Laboratory Soil Study :GHD

建築師:GKC Architectes
製造商:AutoDesk,Dri-Design,Kingspan絕緣板,Lumion,Saramac schok beton,Trimble Navigation
機械電氣:Cima +

The project involves the creation and construction of a Distribution Centre for Maison Simons, a large chain of retail clothing and home decoration stores. The building, with a total area of 53,420 m2, is located on a 195,360 m2 piece of land in the north section of Quebec City, in the Espace d’innovation Chauveau. The new Distribution Centre and adjoining office space facility, named Campus Simons, offers an inspiring and architecturally modern design.

該項目涉及為Maison Simons建立和建設一個配送中心,這是一家大型零售服裝和家庭裝飾商店連鎖店。 該建築總面積為53,420平方米,位于魁北克市北部Espace d’innovation Chauveau的一塊195,360平方米土地上。 新的配送中心和毗鄰的辦公空間設施,稱為Campus Simons,提供了具有啟發性的建築現代設計。

This large-scale, state-of-the-art industrial, and logistics development site presents a number of innovative aspects. Innovations Inspired by the fashion industry, the concept revolves around the symbolic themes of modeling and weaving and promotes architectural cohesion and occupant well-being. The project features pure lines and a contemporary, refined look. The office building brings together two overlapping volumes—one solid, the other glazed—that retrace the transformation of raw materials into a finished, woven product.

這個大規模,最先進的工業和物流開發基地展現了許多創新方面。 受時尚界啟發的創新,這一概念圍繞著建模和編織的象徵性主題展開,並促進了建築的凝聚力和居住者的幸福感。 該項目具有純淨的線條和現代,精緻的外觀。 辦公樓匯集了兩個重疊的部分,一個是實心的,另一個是玻璃的,它們追溯了從原材料到成品編織產品的轉變。

The solid volume is weightlessly structured and reflects creative thought. Its aluminum paneling forms a vibration-like interplay between light and shadow that mimics the effervescence of artistic design. The glazed volume represents the end product of the weaving process; more relaxing and peaceful, its spaces are bathed in natural light. Overall space distribution is characterized by contrasting colored volumes. A pattern of interlacing threads adorns the concrete outer walls, creating a subtle rhythm that suggests a high-technology setting and high-speed e-commerce data processing.

固體體積輕巧,反映了創造性思維。 它的鋁鑲板在光影之間形成了類似振動的相互作用,模仿了藝術設計的散發。 上釉的體積代表編織過程的最終產品; 更輕鬆,更寧靜,其空間沐浴在自然光線下。 總體空間分佈的特點是對比色的體積。 混凝土外牆裝飾有交織的螺紋,營造出微妙的節奏,暗示著高科技的設置和高速的電子商務數據處理。

Environmental qualities and sustainability. The project was designed according to the principle of consistency, with the aim of striking a balance between landscape and architecture. The plan centered on minimizing the impact on the environment and on the wooded areas around the site. Also, the project followed bioclimatic design principles, with conceptual emphasis on solar orientation and its bioenergy contribution to indoor comfort. Furthermore, special care was given to selecting renewable and environment-friendly materials, as well as to maximizing performance and energy efficiency. As a final point, this project’s green construction strategy in harmony with the natural surroundings is equivalent to a LEED® certification and a testament to the site’s sustainability and the quality of its environmental footprint.

環境質量和可持續性。 該項目是根據一致性原則設計的,目的是在景觀和建築之間取得平衡。 該計劃的重點是將對環境和場地周圍林區的影響降至最低。 此外,該項目遵循生物氣候設計原則,概念上側重於太陽能定向及其對室內舒適度的生物能貢獻。 此外,還特別注意選擇可再生和環保材料,以及最大程度地提高性能和能源效率。 最後,該項目的綠色建築策略與自然環境相協調,等同於獲得LEED®認證,並證明了該站點的可持續性及其環境足蹟的質量。

Orientations of interior design. The principle of overall coherence between landscape and architecture begins with the inseparable link between the exterior and the interior of the project. To meet this desire we designed the plan by mastering the perspectives and viewpoints from the inside to the outside and vice versa. This work of transparency and connection with the nature of the site offers users a visual escape and a direct relationship with the landscaped environment.

室內設計的方向。 景觀與建築之間整體協調的原則始於項目外部與內部之間不可分割的聯繫。 為了滿足這一願望,我們通過掌握從內到外,反之亦然的觀點和觀點來設計計劃。 透明性和與網站性質的聯繫為用戶提供了視覺逃生以及與景觀環境的直接關係。

The programming and interior design of this work campus consisted first of all in controlling the flow between the offices and the distribution center through a main artery and natural direct interior paths to create a human, dynamic work environment, efficient and above all flexible. The orientations and concerns relating to interior design were aimed at giving users spaces bathed in natural light and offering them a real experience of collaborative space by offering them the possibility of being able to gather, meet and exchange in every place in the project.

該工作園區的編程和室內設計首先包括通過主要動脈和自然的直接內部路徑控制辦公室和配送中心之間的流動,以創建高效,最靈活的人為,動態的工作環境。 與室內設計有關的方向和關注點旨在為用戶提供沐浴在自然光線下的空間,並為他們提供在項目中每個地方都可以聚會,聚會和交流的可能性,從而為他們提供協作空間的真實體驗。

The objective of this approach was to foster the team and community spirit that underpin the values and culture of Maison Simons. The overall architectural composition as well as the interior architectural principles were dictated by the desire to put the user, the needs, and the functions of the program at the heart of our design. The Simons Campus Project’s identity and vocation are to provide La Maison Simons with a stimulating and inspiring work environment focused on the daily well-being of its employees.

這種方法的目的是培養團隊精神和社區精神,這些精神和精神是Maison Simons價值觀和文化的基礎。 將用戶,需求和程序功能置於我們設計的核心的願望決定了整體的建築結構以及內部的建築原理。 Simons校園項目的身份和職業旨在為La Maison Simons提供專注於員工日常健康的刺激性和啟發性工作環境。


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