Architects: Dimitri Roussel, Manal Rachdi OXO architects, Nicolas Laisné, Sou Fujimoto Architects
Area: 10225 m²
Year: 2019
Photographs: Cyrille Weiner
Clients:Opalia, Promeo Patrimoine, Evolis Promotion, Crédit Agricole Immobilier Languedoc-Roussillon
Engineering:André Verdier (Structure), ARGETEC (Fluids), Franck Boutté Consultants (Environmental), VPEAS (Cost management), Relief GE (Surveying, Roads and services), Les Eclaireurs (Lighting), SOCOTEC (Inspection), Efectis (Fire performance)
Landscape:Now Here Studio

建築師:Dimitri Roussel,Manal Rachdi OXO建築師,NicolasLaisné,Sou Fujimoto建築師
攝影:Cyrille Weiner
客戶:Opalia,Promeo Patrimoine,Evolis推廣,法國農業信貸銀行Languedoc-Roussillon
工程:AndréVerdier(結構),ARGETEC(流體),FranckBoutté顧問(環境),VPEAS(成本管理),GE救濟(測量,道路和服務),Les Eclaireurs(照明),SOCOTEC(檢查),Efectis(消防) 性能)
景觀:Now Here Studio

The sight of a bushy, white, curvilinear 17-story tower in the city of Montpellier, France, could stop you in your tracks. And this is before you notice that the balconies of this mostly residential building extend out like branches of a thickly foliated tree, almost defying gravity. Aptly called L’Arbre Blanc (White Tree), the recent addition to the city of 278,000, close to the Mediterranean, makes a dramatic gesture to the region’s sunny climate. Here 113 luxury apartments, contained in the “trunk,” open onto balconies that cantilever as much as 25 feet.

在法國蒙彼利埃市,看到一棵濃密,白色,曲線形的17層塔樓,可能會阻止您前進。 而且這是在您注意到這主要是民居建築的陽台像一棵茂密的葉樹的樹枝一樣伸展開來時,幾乎克服重力的作用。 這座被稱為L’Arbre Blanc(白樹)的城市最近被添加到這座靠近地中海的278,000的城市中,對該地區的陽光明媚氣候產生了戲劇性的影響。 這里共有113個豪華公寓(包含在“行李箱”中),可通往25英尺高懸臂的陽台。

The organic design was conceived by a team led by Tokyo architect Sou Fujimoto, working with three Paris-based architects: Manal Rachdi of OXO Architects; Nicolas Laisné, and Laisné’s former partner Dimitri Roussel. The project is the second result of a series of competitions started by Montpellier in 2013, called the Folies Richter, to bring more experimental architecture to the city. (The first winner, a nine-story apartment block, La Folie Divine, was designed by London-based architect Farshid Moussavi, and opened in 2017.)

Montpellier officials hope to commission a dozen such more “folies” in the future that will join a variegated assortment of buildings previously designed by such architects as Ateliers Jean Nouvel, Zaha Hadid Architects, Studio Fuksas, and Ricardo Bofill (Taller de Arquitectura).

有機設計是由東京建築師藤本壯介(Sou Fujimoto)帶領的團隊與三位巴黎建築師合作設計的:OXO Architects的Manal Rachdi; NicolasLaisné和Laisné的前合夥人Dimitri Roussel。 該項目是蒙彼利埃(Montpellier)在2013年發起的一系列競賽(名為Folies Richter)的第二個結果,該競賽旨在為這座城市帶來更多的實驗建築。 (第一個獲獎者是九層樓高的公寓樓La Folie Divine,由倫敦建築師Farshid Moussavi設計,於2017年開業。)

蒙彼利埃官員希望將來能委託更多這樣的“飛葉”,並將加入以前由建築師Ateliers Jean Nouvel,Zaha Hadid Architects,Studio Fuksas和Ricardo Bofill(塔勒·德·阿基特圖拉)等建築師設計的各種建築物。

In this case, Laisné and Rachdi, who had both worked for Jean Nouvel, wanted to enter the competition but in partnership with a more experienced architect: the RFP encouraged younger generations of architects to collaborate with somewhat older ones. Even though Fujimoto, age 48, hadn’t practiced in France, his ethereal and idiosyncratic residential work, such as the N House, House NA, and House K had brought him international stature.

Fujimoto was game. The designers all convened for a five-day charrette in Tokyo to generate the Montpellier scheme. When they won the competition in 2014, Fujimoto set up shop in Paris, and brought in Marie de France as project architect. (In 2016, the Paris office won another competition—with Laisné and Roussel—for the arresting Vertical Village proposal in Rosny-sous-Bois, part of the Grand Paris urban plan.)

在這種情況下,曾在Jean Nouvel工作的Laisné和Rachdi希望參加比賽,但與經驗更豐富的建築師合作:RFP鼓勵年輕一代的建築師與年齡較大的建築師合作。 即使48歲的藤本(Fujimoto)尚未在法國實習,但他空靈而獨特的住宅工作(例如N房屋,NA房屋和K房屋)使他享有國際聲譽。

藤本是遊戲。 設計師們在東京召集了為期五天的憲章,以產生蒙彼利埃方案。 當他們在2014年贏得比賽時,Fujimoto在巴黎開設了商店,並聘請了Marie de France作為項目建築師。 (2016年,巴黎辦事處又與Laisné和Roussel贏得了另一項競爭,以在Rosny-sous-Bois中逮捕“垂直村”提案,這是大巴黎城市計劃的一部分。)

Since the 25,000-square-foot site for L’Arbre Blanc along the Lez River offered panoramic views of the city, the brief called for a rooftop bar and restaurant for the public. In addition, an art gallery occupies the base, with coworking office space on the floor above.

From several angles, the tower appears to be cylindrical, although the plan is actually kidney-shaped, which allowed longer, gentler curvilinear expanses for the generously proportioned apartments, many of which have two balconies. Even so, the reinforced- concrete column-and-slab structure and the enclosing walls rely on faceted planes, instead of curves, to bend around corners.

由於沿著勒茲河(Lez River)的L’Arbre Blanc佔地25,000平方英尺,可以看到城市的全景,因此該簡報要求為公眾提供屋頂酒吧和餐廳。 此外,美術館佔據了基地,辦公樓層位於上層。

從計劃的角度看,塔樓似乎是圓柱形的,儘管該計劃實際上是腎形的,這為寬敞的比例公寓提供了更長,更緩和的曲線擴張,其中許多公寓設有兩個陽台。 即便如此,鋼筋混凝土柱板結構和圍牆仍依靠刻面而不是曲線來圍繞拐角彎曲。

The facade is clad in white metal. The balconies are formed of built-up welded sections and bolted to vertical steel H-beams, which in turn are fixed to the concrete floor slabs. While the balconies appear to be cantilevered, they are connected to the tower by tie rods. Basically steel trays, their loads have been calculated according to their orientation and length, and the assemblages are covered with fireproofing and wood decking. Steel pergolas above the terraces act as brises-soleil.

These extrusions seem to float; the exterior stairs that connect the terraces of the few duplex apartments might pose exciting moments for those who are susceptible to vertigo. But on a beautiful evening at sunset, with plenty of Languedoc wine, you can relax and forget any fears of going out on a limb.

外牆覆蓋著白色金屬。 陽台由組裝的焊接部分組成,並用螺栓固定到垂直的H型鋼上,然後再將H型鋼固定到混凝土樓板上。 雖然陽台看起來是懸臂的,但它們通過拉桿連接到塔。 基本上是鋼製托盤,其載荷已根據其方向和長度進行了計算,並且這些組件都覆蓋有防火層和木地板。 梯田上方的鋼製涼棚架充當Brises-soleil。

這些擠壓似乎漂浮了。 連接少數複式公寓的露台的外部樓梯對於那些容易產生眩暈感的人可能會帶來激動人心的時刻。 但是,在日落的美麗夜晚,喝上大量的朗格多克葡萄酒,您可以放鬆身心,而不必擔心四肢抽筋。


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