Bez + Kock Architekten used a bridge to connect an extension and a 17th-century museum in Arnsberg, Germany, forming the Museum and Cultural Forum South Westphalia.

The new building is a travertine-clad extension to the Sauerland Museum, housed in the Landsberger Hof, that dates from 1605.

Bez + Kock Architekten用一座橋連接延伸部分和位於德國Arnsberg的17世紀博物館,形成了博物館和南威斯特伐利亞文化論壇。

新建築是石灰岩覆蓋的Sauerland博物館的擴建部分,該博物館建於1605年,位於Landsberger Hof中。

Museum and Cultural Forum South Westphalia steps down down its hillside site to meet the road and contains a series galleries for temporary exhibitions.

Bez + Kock Architekten won the competition for the project in 2012 with a proposal was to link the two structures via an underground passageway.

博物館和文化論壇南威斯特伐利亞(South Westphalia)從山坡上走下來與道路相接,並設有一系列臨時展覽的畫廊。

Bez + Kock Architekten在2012年贏得了該項目的競爭,其提議是通過地下通道將兩個結構連接起來。

At the client’s request, this original plan was completely redesigned.

Instead of going under the sloping site Bez + Kock Architekten designed a second proposal for going over it.


Bez + Kock Architekten並未在傾斜的站點下進行設計,而是設計了第二條建議。

The basement of the original museum building now links to through to the top floor of the new gallery building with a bridge-like corridor.

This corridor link features three diagonal bay openings with narrow glazed windows.



Three blocks that form the Museum and Cultural Forum South Westphalia are staggered down the hillside between the old town above and the busy Ruhrstrasse below.

“By adopting the two main angles of Landsberger Hof and Ruhrstrasse, the new construction blends in naturally in its built environment,” said the practice.


該做法說:“通過採用Landsberger Hof和Ruhrstrasse的兩個主要角度,新建築在其建築環境中自然融合。”

The smallest, uppermost level houses the beginning of the exhibition.

Views out over the town are visible through a large panoramic window that is on-axis with the bridge connection.



Continuing down through the extension, a white stairwells leads to a multi-purpose hall on the second level.

The extension ends in the main exhibition hall, with a reception area opening out onto the street.



An existing historical footpath, known as the English Promenade, has been retained and now passes underneath the bridge.


It joins up with a public terrace on the roof of the extension’s lowest block, and a staircase that leads down along its southern elevation.


The entire exterior of the extension is clad in travertine from Gauingen in southern Germany.

Deep diagonal cuts with glazed ends, similar to those on the connecting bridge, have been made in the facade to draw light into the galleries.



White walls and pale wood flooring creates bright gallery spaces out from which the diagonally-positioned windows frame views across the town.

Bez + Kock Architekten was founded in 2001 by Martin Bez and Thorsten Kock and is based in Stuttgart.


Bez + Kock建築事務所由Martin Bez和Thorsten Kock於2001年創立,總部位於斯圖加特。

In Berlin, David Chipperfield added a new stone-clad gallery to Museum Island, and JKMM Architects has designed an extension for a museum in Helsinki that will feature a disc-shaped concrete roof.

在柏林,大衛·奇珀菲爾德(David Chipperfield)向博物館島增加了一個新的石砌畫廊,而JKMM建築師事務所為赫爾辛基的博物館設計了擴建部分,該建築將採用圓盤形混凝土屋頂。

Project credits:

Client: Hochsauerlandkreis, represented by Landrat Karl Schneider
Architects: Bez + Kock Architekten Generalplaner, Stuttgart Martin Bez, Thorsten Kock
Competition team: Tilman Rösch, Lisa Diez
Project team: Meredith Atkinson, Lea Keim, Antonia Hauser, Anna Piontek, Maria Dallinger, Roman Ramminger, Andrea Stegmaier
Local construction management: BBM Bodem Baumanagement
Structural engineering: wh-p Ingenieure
Electrical planning: GBI Gackstatter Beratende Ingenieure
Building services engineering: Henne & Walter Ingenieurbüro für technische Gebäudesysteme
Building physics: Wolfgang Sorge Ingenieurbüro für Bauphysik,
Project and exhibition concept: Dr. Ulrich Hermanns Ausstellung Medien Transfer
Landscape design: Wiederkehr Landschaftsarchitekten


客戶:Hochsauerlandkreis,由Landrat Karl Schneider代表
建築師:Bez + Kock建築總規劃師,斯圖加特馬丁·貝茲,Thorsten Kock
比賽隊:蒂爾曼·羅施(TilmanRösch),麗莎·迪斯(Lisa Diez)
項目團隊:Meredith Atkinson,Lea Keim,Antonia Hauser,Anna Piontek,Maria Dallinger,Roman Ramminger,Andrea Stegmaier
本地施工管理:BBM Bodem倉庫管理
結構工程:Wh-P Ingenieure
電氣規劃:GBI Gackstatter Beratende Ingenieure
建築服務工程:Henne&WalterIngenieurbürofu techrcheGebäudesysteme
建築物理學:Wolfgang SorgeIngenieurbürofürBauphysik,
項目和展覽概念:Ulrich Hermanns Ausstellung Medien Transfer博士
景觀設計:Wiederkehr Landschaftsarchitekten



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