Construction has begun on “The Spiral,” a 1,031-foot-tall project in New York’s Hudson Yards designed by Bjarke Ingels Group. The fifth supertall to be added to the area, The Spiral was commissioned by developer Tishman Speyer as part of the ongoing revitalization of the Midtown West region of Manhattan.

The tower is named after its defining feature – an “ascending ribbon of lively green spaces” that extend the High Line “to the sky,” says Bjarke Ingels. The scheme will offer 2.85 million of office space, with the anchor tenant Pfizer occupying 18 floors, according to New York YIMBY.

“螺旋”(The Spiral)已經開始施工,這是一個由Bjarke Ingels Group設計的紐約Hudson Yards的一個1,031英尺高的項目。 第五個超高層建築將被添加到該地區,The Spiral由開發商Tishman Speyer委託,作為曼哈頓中城西區不斷振興的一部分。

Bjarke Ingels說,這座塔以其定義的特徵命名 – 一條“活躍綠色空間的上升帶”,將高線延伸至“天空”。 根據紐約YIMBY的說法,該計劃將提供285萬個辦公空間,主要租戶輝瑞佔據18個樓層。

“The Spiral combines the classic Ziggurat silhouette of the premodern skyscraper with the slender proportions and efficient layouts of the modern high-rise,” adds Ingels. “Designed for the people that occupy it, The Spiral ensures that every floor of the tower opens up to the outdoors creating hanging gardens and cascading atria that connect the open floor plates from the ground floor to the summit into a single uninterrupted workspace. The string of terraces wrapping around the building expand the daily life of the tenants to the outside air and light.”

“螺旋結合了現代摩天大樓的經典Ziggurat輪廓與現代高層建築的纖細比例和高效佈局,”Ingels補充道。 “Spiral確保塔樓的每個樓層都能打開戶外空間,從而將開放式地板從底層連接到山頂,形成一個不間斷的工作空間。”圍繞建築物的梯田將住戶的日常生活擴展到外面的空氣和光線。“

The 2.85 million-square-foot tower’s cascading gardens are being referred to as “the evolution of the modern, collaborative and sustainable workplace.” As the developer describes, “The terraces will ascend, one per floor, in a spiraling motion to create a unique, continuous green pathway that wraps around the façade of the tower and supplies each occupant with readily accessible outdoor space.”


The project is expected to be completed in 2022. News of the scheme’s progress follows on from the completion of Diller Scofidio + Renfro (Lead Architect) and Rockwell Group’s (Lead Interior Architect) 15 Hudson Yards, an 88-story skyscraper marking the first residential project in the Manhattan masterplan

該項目預計將於2022年完工。該計劃的進展新聞繼Diller Scofidio + Renfro(首席建築師)和羅克韋爾集團(首席室內建築師)15 Hudson Yards完成後,這座88層高的摩天大樓標誌著第一座住宅項目在曼哈頓總體規劃中

The first phase of Hudson Yards – including 15 Hudson Yards as well as five other commercial and residential towers, The Shed, the Public Square and Gardens, “Vessel,” and The Shops & Restaurants at Hudson Yards – is expected to open to the public by March of this year.

Hudson Yards的第一階段 – 包括15個Hudson Yards以及其他五個商業和住宅樓,The Shed,公共廣場和花園,“Vessel”以及Hudson Yards的商店和餐館 – 預計將向公眾開放到今年3月。



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