Akshardham 阿克薩達姆

Akshardham or Swaminarayan Akshardham complex is a Hindu temple, and a spiritual-cultural campus in Delhi, India. Also referred to as Akshardham Temple or Swaminarayan Akshardham, the complex displays millennia of traditional Hindu and Indian culture, spirituality, and architecture. Inspired by Yogiji Maharaj and created by Pramukh Swami Maharaj, it was constructed by BAPS.

The temple was officially opened on 6 November 2005 by Pramukh Swami Maharaj in the presence of Dr. A. P. J. Abdul Kalam, Manmohan Singh, L.K Advani and B.L Joshi. The temple, at the centre of the complex, was built according to the Vastu shastra and Pancharatra shastra.

In Akshardham Delhi, similar to its predecessor Akshardham Gandhinagar, Gujarat, the main shrine is the focal point and maintains the central position of the entire complex. There are various exhibition halls which provide information about the life and work of Swaminarayan. The designers of the complex have adopted contemporary modes of communication and technology to create the various exhibition halls.

The complex features an Abhisheka Mandap, Sahaj Anand water show, a thematic garden and three exhibitions namely Sahajanand Darshan (Hall of Values), Neelkanth Darshan (an IMAX film on the early life of Swaminarayan as the teenage yogi, Neelkanth), and Sanskruti Darshan (cultural boat ride). According to Swaminarayan Hinduism, the word Akshardham means the abode of almighty Lord Swaminarayan and believed by followers as a temporal home of God on earth.

Akshardham或Swaminarayan Akshardham綜合體是印度教寺廟,也是印度德里的精神文化校園。該建築群也被稱為Akshardham Temple或Swaminarayan Akshardham,展示了數千年的傳統印度教和印度文化,靈性和建築。它由Yogiji Maharaj啟發,由Pramukh Swami Maharaj創作,由BAPS建造。

該寺廟於2005年11月6日由Pramukh Swami Maharaj在A. P. J. J. Abdul Kalam博士,Manmohan Singh,L.K Advani和B.L Joshi的陪同下正式開放。位於建築群中心的寺廟是根據Vastu shastra和Pancharatra shastra建造的。

在Akshardham德里,與其前身古吉拉特邦的Akshardham Gandhinagar相似,主要的神殿是焦點,並保持整個建築群的中心位置。有各種展廳,提供有關Swaminarayan的生活和工作的信息。該綜合體的設計師採用現代通訊和技術模式來創建各種展廳。

該建築群包括Abhisheka Mandap,Sahaj Anand水上表演,主題花園和三個展覽,即Sahajanand Darshan(價值殿堂),Neelkanth Darshan(一部關於Swaminarayan早期生活的IMAX電影作為青少年瑜伽士,Neelkanth)和Sanskruti Darshan (文化乘船)。根據Swaminarayan印度教,Akshardham這個詞意味著全能的Swaminarayan勳爵的居所,並被追隨者認為是地球上帝的臨時家園。

Location:Noida Mor, New Delhi
Geographic coordinates:28°36′45″N 77°16′38″E
Creator:Bochasanwasi Shri Akshar Purushottam Swaminarayan Sanstha, Pramukh Swami Maharaj
Completed:6 November 2005 (consecration)

地點:新德里Noida Mor
地理坐標:28°36’45“N 77°16’38”E
創作者:Bochasanwasi Shri Akshar Purushottam Swaminarayan Sanstha,Pramukh Swami Maharaj

Akshardham Mandir
The main attraction of the Swaminarayan Akshardham complex is the Akshardham Mandir. It rises 141-foot (43 m) high, spans 316-foot (96 m) wide, and extends 356-foot (109 m) long. It is intricately carved with flora, fauna, dancers, musicians, and deities.

Designed in accordance with the standards of Maharishi Vastu Architecture, it features a blend of architectural styles across India. It is entirely constructed from Rajasthani pink sandstone and Italian Carrara marble. Based on traditional Hindu architectural guidelines (Shilpa shastras) on maximum temple life span, it makes no use of ferrous metal. Thus, it has no support from steel or concrete.

The mandir also consists of 234 ornately carved pillars, nine domes, and 20,000 murtis of sadhus, devotees, and acharyas. The mandir also features the Gajendra Pith at its base, a plinth paying tribute to the elephant for its importance in Hindu culture and India’s history. It contains 148 life sized elephants in total weighing a total of 3000 tons.

Under the temple’s central dome lies the 11-foot (3.4m) high murti of Swaminarayan seated in abhayamudra to whom the temple is dedicated. Swaminarayan is surrounded by images of the faith’s lineage of Gurus depicted either in a devotional posture or in a posture of service. Each murti is made of paanch dhaatu or five metals in accordance to Hindu tradition. The temple also houses the murtis of Sita Ram, Radha Krishna, Shiv Parvati, and Lakshmi Narayan.

Akshardham Mandir
Swaminarayan Akshardham建築群的主要景點是Akshardham Mandir。它高141英尺(43米),寬316英尺(96米),長356英尺(109米)。它由植物,動物,舞者,音樂家和神靈精心雕刻而成。

它按照Maharishi Vastu建築的標准設計,融合了印度各地的建築風格。它完全由Rajasthani粉紅砂岩和意大利卡拉拉大理石建造而成。根據傳統的印度教建築指南(Shilpa shastras),最大的寺廟壽命,它不使用黑色金屬。因此,它沒有鋼或混凝土的支撐。

該mandir還包括234個華麗雕刻的柱子,9個圓頂,以及20,000 murtis的sadhus,奉獻者和acharyas。該mandir還以Gajendra Pith為基地,以大象為基礎,向印度文化和印度歷史的重要性致敬。它包含148個真人大小的大象,總重達3000噸。

在寺廟的中央圓頂下面是11英尺(3.4米)高的斯瓦米納拉人,坐在abhayamudra,寺廟是專門為他們服務的。 Swaminarayan被信仰的大師血統的圖像所包圍,無論是以虔誠的姿勢還是以服務的姿態描繪的。根據印度傳統,每個murti都是由paanch dhaatu或五種金屬製成。寺內還有Sita Ram,Radha Krishna,Shiv Parvati和Lakshmi Narayan的murtis。

Sahajanand Darshan [Hall of Values]
The Hall of Values features lifelike robotics and dioramas which display incidents from Swaminarayan’s life, portraying his message about the importance of peace, harmony, humility, service to others and devotion to God. Set in 18th century India, the audience experiences eternal messages gleaned from ancient Hindu culture such as non‐violence, vegetarianism, perseverance, prayers, morality, and family harmony through 15 3-D dioramas which make use of state of the art robotics, fibre optics, light and sound effects, dialogues, and music. The hall also features the world’s smallest animatronic robot in the form of Ghanshyam Maharaj, the child form of Swaminarayan.

Nilkanth Darshan [Theatre]
The theatre houses Delhi’s first and only large format screen, measuring 85-foot (26 m) by 65-foot (20 m). The theatre shows a 40-minute film specially commissioned for the complex, Neelkanth Yatra, to recount a seven-year pilgrimage made by Swaminarayan made during his teenage years throughout India. Mystic India, an international version of the film produced by BAPS Charities, was released in 2005 at IMAX theatres and giant screen cinemas worldwide. A 27-foot (8.2 m) tall bronze murti of Neelkanth Varni is located outside the theatre.

Sanskruti Vihar [Boat Ride]
The Boat Ride is a 12-minute journey through 10,000 years glorious heritage, using life size figures and robotics to depict life in Vedic India, from family life to bazaars and teaching. It also shows the contributions of Vedic Indians to various fields such as science, astronomy, arts, literature, yoga, mathematics, etc. by eminent persons like mathematician-astronomers Aryabhata and Brahmagupta, grammarian Pāṇini, contributors to the ancient art and science of Ayurveda like Sushruta and Charaka, Classical Sanskrit writer Kālidāsa, philosopher, economist and royal advisor Chanakya, among others. It shows the world’s first university, Takshashila and the subjects taught there such as horse riding and warfare. It moves on to the Middle Ages to Sufi saints like Kabir and saints from the Bhakti movement such as Meera and Ramananda and then to recent times highlighting the contributions of modern Indian mathematicians such as Jagadish Chandra Bose, Srinivasa Ramanujan, C. V. Raman and Satyendra Nath Bose and philosophers like Swami Vivekananda.

Sahajanand Darshan [價值廳]
價值大廳以栩栩如生的機器人和立體模型為特色,展示了Swaminarayan生活中的事件,描繪了他關於和平,和諧,謙遜,為他人服務和對上帝的奉獻的重要性的信息。坐落在18世紀的印度,觀眾通過使用最先進的機器人技術,纖維的15個三維立體模型,體驗古代印度教文化中的永恆信息,如非暴力,素食,堅持,祈禱,道德和家庭和諧。光學,燈光和聲音效果,對話和音樂。大廳還設有世界上最小的電子機器人Ghanshyam Maharaj,Swaminarayan的兒童形式。

Nilkanth Darshan [劇院]
劇院裡面是德里第一個也是唯一一個大尺寸屏幕,尺寸為85英尺(26米),65英尺(20米)。劇院展示了一部專門為該綜合體Neelkanth Yatra委託拍攝的40分鐘電影,講述了Swaminarayan在印度各地青少年時期製作的七年朝聖之旅。神秘印度是BAPS慈善機構製作的電影的國際版本,於2005年在全球IMAX影院和巨型電影院上映。 Neelkanth Varni高27英尺(8.2米)高的青銅土地位於劇院外。

Sanskruti Vihar [乘船遊覽]
乘船遊覽是一個12分鐘的旅程,通過1萬年的輝煌遺產,使用真人大小的數字和機器人來描繪吠陀印度的生活,從家庭生活到集市和教學。它還展示了吠陀印第安人對科學,天文學,藝術,文學,瑜伽,數學等各個領域的貢獻,如數學家 – 天文學家Aryabhata和Brahmagupta等著名人物,語法學家Pāṇini,古代藝術和阿育吠陀科學的貢獻者像Sushruta和Charaka,古典梵語作家Kālidāsa,哲學家,經濟學家和皇家顧問Chanakya等。它展示了世界上第一所大學,Takshashila以及在那裡教授的科目,如騎馬和戰爭。它繼續向中世紀移動到像卡比爾這樣的蘇菲聖徒和來自巴克提運動的聖徒,如米拉和拉曼達,然後到近代時期突出了現代印度數學家的貢獻,如Jagadish Chandra Bose,Srinivasa Ramanujan,CV Raman和Satyendra Nath Bose和Swami Vivekananda這樣的哲學家。

Musical fountain
Musical fountain, also Known as the Yagnapurush Kund, is India’s largest step well. It features a very large series of steps down to a traditional ‘yagna kund’. During the day, these steps provide rest for the visitors to the complex and at night, a musical fountain show named Sahaj Anand – Multi Media Water Show is shown. Sahaj Anand Water Show is a breathtaking 24-minute presentation which unites a variety of intriguing media to bring to life a story from the Kena Upanishad. Multi-color lasers, video projections, underwater flames, water jets and surround sound in symphony with lights and live actors produce a captivating and inspiring presentation. International experts contributed their expertise with BAPS volunteers and sadhus to produce this one-of-a-kind presentation. The fountain is named after the founder of the Hindu organisation BAPS, Shastriji Maharaj. The fountain measures 300 feet (91 m) by 300 feet (91 m) with 2,870 steps and 108 small shrines. In its centre lies an eight-petaled lotus shaped yagna kund designed according to the Jayaakhya Samhita of the Pancharatra shastra.

Garden of India
Also known as the Bharat Upavan, this garden has lush manicured lawns, trees, and shrubs. The garden is lined with bronze sculptures of contributors to India’s culture and history. These sculptures include children, women, national figures, freedom fighters, and warriors of India, including notable figures such as Mahatma Gandhi.

音樂噴泉,也被稱為Yagnapurush Kund,是印度最大的一步。它有一系列非常大的步驟,直到傳統的’yagna kund’。白天,這些步驟為參觀者提供了休息,晚上,還有一個名為Sahaj Anand – 多媒體水展的音樂噴泉表演。 Sahaj Anand Water Show是一場令人驚嘆的24分鐘演講,匯集了各種有趣的媒體,讓Kena Upanishad的故事更加生動。多色激光,視頻投影,水下火焰,水射流和環繞聲交響樂與燈光和現場演員產生一個迷人和鼓舞人心的演示。國際專家為BAPS志願者和sadhus貢獻了他們的專業知識,以製作這種獨一無二的演示文稿。噴泉以印度教組織BAPS,Shastriji Maharaj的創始人命名。噴泉的尺寸為300英尺(91米)乘300英尺(91米),有2,870級台階和108個小型神龕。它的中心是一個八瓣形蓮花形狀的yagna kund,根據Pancharatra shastra的Jayaakhya Samhita設計。

這個花園也被稱為Bharat Upavan,擁有修剪整齊的草坪,樹木和灌木。花園裡擺滿了青銅雕塑,是印度文化和歷史的貢獻者。這些雕塑包括兒童,婦女,國家人物,自由戰士和印度戰士,包括聖雄甘地等著名人物。


FROM:Indian PM Narendra Modi and Australian PM Malcolm Turnbull visit Swaminarayan Akshardham

FROM:Akshardham Water Show, New Delhi, India

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