Ripley’s Believe It or Not!里普利的信不信由你!

Ripley’s Believe It or Not! is an American franchise, founded by Robert Ripley, which deals in bizarre events and items so strange and unusual that readers might question the claims. Originally a newspaper panel, the Believe It or Not feature proved popular and was later adapted into a wide variety of formats, including radio, television, comic books, a chain of museums, and a book series.

The Ripley collection includes 20,000 photographs, 30,000 artifacts and more than 100,000 cartoon panels. With 80-plus attractions, the Orlando-based Ripley Entertainment, Inc., a division of the Jim Pattison Group, is a global company with an annual attendance of more than 12 million guests. Ripley Entertainment’s publishing and broadcast divisions oversee numerous projects, including the syndicated TV series, the newspaper cartoon panel, books, posters, and games.

里普利的信不信由你! 是一個由羅伯特里普利創立的美國特許經營公司,該公司處理奇怪的事件和非常不尋常的項目,讀者可能質疑這些說法。 最初是一個報紙小組,相信它或不是特色證明是受歡迎的,後來被改編成各種各樣的格式,包括廣播,電視,漫畫書,一系列博物館和一系列書籍。

Ripley系列包括20,000張照片,30,000件文物和超過100,000張卡通面板。 總部位於奧蘭多的Ripley Entertainment,Inc。是Jim Pattison集團的一個部門,擁有80多個景點,是一家全球性公司,年訪客人數超過1200萬。 Ripley Entertainment的出版和廣播部門負責監督眾多項目,包括聯合電視劇,報紙卡通小組,書籍,海報和遊戲。

When Ripley first displayed his collection to the public at the Chicago World’s Fair in 1933, it was labeled Ripley’s Odditorium and attracted over two million visitors during the run of the fair. (In an apparent promotional gimmick, beds were provided in the Odditorium for people who “fainted” daily.) That successful exhibition led to trailer shows across the country during the 1930s, and Ripley’s collections were exhibited at many major fairs and expositions, including San Francisco, San Diego, Dallas, and Cleveland. In New York, the famed Times Square exhibit opened in 1939 on Broadway. In 1950, a year after Ripley’s death, the first permanent Odditorium opened in St. Augustine, Florida.

As of December 2010, there are 32 Ripley’s Believe It or Not! Odditoriums around the world. Odditoriums, in the spirit of Believe It or Not!, are often more than simple museums cluttered with curiosities. Some include theaters and arcades, such as the ones in Gatlinburg, Tennessee and Wisconsin Dells, Wisconsin. Others are constructed oddly, such as the Orlando, Florida Odditorium which is built off-level as if the building is sinking. Expected to open summer 2016 is the first Odditorium in the Netherlands, at Dam square in Amsterdam.

當Ripley於1933年在芝加哥世界博覽會上首次向公眾展示他的收藏品時,它被標記為Ripley’s Odditorium,並在展會期間吸引了超過200萬的參觀者。 (在一個明顯的宣傳噱頭中,Odditorium為每天“暈倒”的人們提供了床位。)這個成功的展覽在20世紀30年代導致全國各地的預告片展示,Ripley的系列作品在包括San在內的許多大型展覽會和博覽會上展出。舊金山,聖地亞哥,達拉斯和克利夫蘭。在紐約,著名的時代廣場展覽於1939年在百老匯開幕。 1950年,也就是里普利逝世一年後,第一個永久性的Odditorium在佛羅里達州聖奧古斯丁開業。

截至2010年12月,有32個Ripley的信不信由你!世界各地的Odditorium。 Odditoriums,本著信不信由你的精神,往往不僅僅是簡單的博物館,充滿了好奇心。其中一些包括劇院和商場,如加特林堡,田納西州和威斯康星州威斯康星州的威斯康星州。其他的建造奇特,如奧蘭多,佛羅里達州的Odditorium,建在樓外,好像建築物正在下沉。預計將於2016年夏季開放,是荷蘭第一座位於阿姆斯特丹水壩廣場的Odditorium。


Shanghai, China 上海,中國

Shanghai, China-This Ripley’s museum is located at Huangpu River.

中國上海 – 這個里普利博物館位於黃浦江畔。


Bangalore, India 印度班加羅爾

This Ripley’s Museum is at the Innovative Film city.


Genting Highlands, Malaysia 馬來西亞雲頂高原

Genting Highlands, Malaysia-This Ripley’s museum was located in the First World Plaza. It reopened as Ripley’s Adventureland located on level 4 in SkyAvenue.

馬來西亞雲頂高原 – 這個里普利博物館位於第一世界廣場。 它重新開放為Ripley的Adventureland,位於SkyAvenue的4樓。

Jeju Island, South Korea 韓國濟州島

Pattaya, Thailand 芭堤雅,泰國

Pattaya, Thailand – This Ripley’s museum is in Royal Garden Plaza in Pattaya. It appears as if an airplane has crashed into it.

芭堤雅,泰國 – 這個里普利博物館位於芭堤雅的皇家花園廣場。 看起來好像一架飛機墜毀了。

Denmark 丹麥

Copenhagen 哥本哈根

The Netherlands 荷蘭

Amsterdam 阿姆斯特丹

Amsterdam – The Ripley’s Believe It or Not! Amsterdam museum opened on June 23, 2016, at the Dam Square, Dam 21, in a building that belongs to the Heritage of Amsterdam. It has more than 500 exhibits.

阿姆斯特丹 – 里普利的信不信由你! 阿姆斯特丹博物館於2016年6月23日在大壩廣場21號大壩開放,該大樓屬於阿姆斯特丹遺產。 它有超過500個展品。

United Kingdom 英國

Blackpool 布萊克浦

Blackpool – This Ripley’s museum was the first and is based in the popular holiday destination of Blackpool. Located at Blackpool Pleasure Beach

布萊克浦 – 這個里普利博物館是第一個,位於布萊克浦的熱門度假勝地。 位於布萊克浦遊樂海灘

Canada 加拿大

Cavendish, Prince Edward Island 愛德華王子島卡文迪什

Cavendish, Prince Edward Island – This Ripley’s museum is located in a concentrated area of tourist attractions adjacent to the Prince Edward Island National Park. A lighthouse (the top broken) features the Ripley’s sign. The museum is adjoined to a wax museum and also features a mini-golf attraction.

愛德華王子島卡文迪什 – 這座里普利博物館位於愛德華王子島國家公園附近的旅遊景點集中區。 一座燈塔(頂部破碎)以Ripley的標誌為特色。 博物館毗鄰蠟像館,還設有迷你高爾夫球場。

Niagara Falls, Ontario 尼亞加拉瀑布,安大略省

Niagara Falls, Ontario – This Ripley’s museum is shaped like the Empire State Building fallen over, with King Kong standing on top of it. This is the second oldest Ripley’s Museum in the world and is one of two in Canada. The museum was closed for major renovations between November 2015 and May 2016 but is now reopened. The newly updated museum is the largest and most valuable museum for the company. Located across the street is a Ripley’s 4D Moving Theatre, and up the street there is a Louis Tussauds Wax Works which is owned by Ripley’s.

尼亞加拉瀑布,安大略省 – 這個里普利的博物館形狀像帝國大廈倒塌,金剛站在它上面。 這是世界上第二古老的里普利博物館,是加拿大的兩個博物館之一。 該博物館於2015年11月至2016年5月期間因大型翻修而關閉,但現已重新開放。 新近更新的博物館是該公司規模最大,最有價值的博物館。 位於街對面的是里普利的4D移動劇院,街道上有一個由里普利擁有的Louis Tussauds Wax Works。

Toronto, Ontario 多倫多,安大略省

Mexico 墨西哥

Mexico City 墨西哥城

Mexico City – Opened in 1992, this Ripley’s museum is shaped like a medieval castle and has 14 exhibition halls within it. This was the first of three locations to open in Latin America.

墨西哥城 – 這個里普利博物館於1992年開業,其形狀像一座中世紀城堡,裡面有14個展廳。 這是在拉丁美洲開設的三個地點中的第一個。

California 加州

Hollywood 好萊塢

Hollywood – This Ripley’s Museum is on Hollywood Boulevard.

好萊塢 – 這個里普利博物館位於好萊塢大道上。

San Francisco 舊金山

San Francisco – This Ripley’s Museum is located near Fisherman’s Wharf, San Francisco.

舊金山 – 這個里普利博物館位於舊金山漁人碼頭附近。

Florida 佛羅里達

Key West 基韋斯特

Key West – This Ripley’s Museum is located on the famous Duval Street.

基韋斯特 – 這個里普利博物館位於著名的杜瓦爾街。

Orlando 奧蘭多

Orlando – This museum is located on the busy International Drive tourist corridor, and is built to appear as though it is dropping into a sinkhole.

奧蘭多 – 這個博物館位於繁忙的國際大道旅遊走廊上,看起來好像它正在落入一個下沉洞。

Panama City Beach 巴拿馬城海灘

Panama City Beach – Opened in 2006, this Ripley’s Museum is at the intersection of Front Beach Road, Middle Beach Road, and Thomas Drive on Panama City Beach and is designed to look like a 1950s luxury cruise liner that has run aground on the beach. It also has a moving 4-D theater.

巴拿馬城海灘 – 這個里普利博物館於2006年開放,位於前灘路,中灘路和巴拿馬城海灘的托馬斯大道的交匯處,其設計看起來像是20世紀50年代的豪華郵輪,在海灘擱淺。它還有一個移動的4-D劇院。

St. Augustine 聖奧古斯丁

St. Augustine – It is the oldest Ripley’s Believe It or Not! and is located in the Castle Warden, was purchased shortly after his death in 1949 and opened in 1950. Prior to becoming home to his vast collections from his many travels, “The Castle”, as it is known, was once a hotel which played host to many famous guests, including Ripley himself and author/owner Marjorie Kinnan Rawlings. It was originally a Moorish Revival style mansion, built in 1887 by millionaire William Warden as a winter home. Its popularity and success led Ripley’s associates to open new establishments throughout the United States and the world. Perhaps not surprisingly, it is also rumored to be haunted. Segments of the most recent Ripley’s TV series were filmed here, including the opening credits. Among the attractions here are a mummified cat, a 1/12 scale model of the original Ferris wheel made out of Erector sets, life and death masks of famous celebrities (including Abraham Lincoln), and shamanistic apparati from cultures around the world.

聖奧古斯丁 – 這是最古老的里普利的信不信由你!位於Castle Warden,於1949年去世後不久購買並於1950年開業。在他的眾多旅行中成為他的大量藏品之前,眾所周知,“城堡”曾經是一個酒店許多著名的嘉賓,包括里普利本人和作家/所有者瑪喬麗金南羅林斯。它最初是一座摩爾復興風格的豪宅,由百萬富翁威廉·沃登(William Warden)於1887年建造,作為冬季住宅。它的受歡迎程度和成功使得Ripley的員工在美國和全世界開設了新的機構。也許並不奇怪,也有傳言說它會被困擾。最近的里普利電視劇的片段在這裡拍攝,包括開場演出。這裡的景點包括木乃伊貓,由Erector套裝製成的原始摩天輪的1/12比例模型,著名名人(包括亞伯拉罕林肯)的生死面具,以及來自世界各地文化的薩滿教裝置。

Maryland 馬里蘭

Baltimore 巴爾的摩

Baltimore – This Ripley’s Museum opened June 26, 2012, in the Light Street Pavilion of Harborplace on the Inner Harbor.

巴爾的摩 – 這個里普利博物館於2012年6月26日在內港的Harborplace輕街亭開幕。

Ocean City 大洋城

Ocean City – This Ripley’s Museum is located on the boardwalk at Wicomico Street. It is a popular destination for tourists and it sits at the entrance to Jolly Roger’s Pier Amusement Park. It features a large model of a shark that appears as if it has crashed through the museum.

大洋城 – 這個里普利博物館位於Wicomico街的木板路上。 它是遊客的熱門目的地,坐落在Jolly Roger碼頭遊樂園的入口處。 它有一個大型鯊魚模型,好像它已經在博物館中墜毀。

Missouri 密蘇里州

Branson 布蘭森

Branson – This Ripley’s museum looks like a stone edifice that was cracked by an earthquake.

布蘭森 – 這個里普利博物館看起來就像一座被地震破壞的石頭大廈。

New Jersey 新澤西州

Atlantic City – The Ripley’s museum is on the famous Boardwalk.

大西洋城 – 里普利博物館位於著名的浮橋上。

New York 紐約

New York City 紐約市

New York City – This location reopened in Manhattan on 42nd Street in July 2007. This is the largest Ripley’s in the world, housing over 1000 authentic artifacts and interactive exhibits.
紐約市 – 這個位置於2007年7月在曼哈頓第42街重新開放。這是世界上最大的里普利,擁有1000多件真品和互動展品。

Oregon 俄勒岡

Newport  紐波特

Newport – This Ripley’s museum was funded by Jacob Walters and built in 1986. It is at the Historic Bayfront and one of three amusements known as Mariner Square. The other two are the Wax Works and the Undersea Gardens.

紐波特 – 這個里普利博物館由雅各布沃爾特斯資助,建於1986年。它位於歷史悠久的海灣,是三個娛樂場所之一,被稱為水手廣場。 另外兩個是Wax Works和Undersea Gardens。

South Carolina 南卡羅來納

Myrtle Beach 默特爾海灘

Myrtle Beach – This Ripley’s museum looks like a building cracked by a hurricane, located near the center of Myrtle Beach’s celebrated Ocean Boulevard. Also in Myrtle Beach you will find one of their 5D Motion Theaters, a mirror maze, Ripley’s Haunted Adventure, and Ripley’s Aquarium of Myrtle Beach.
默特爾海灘 – 這個里普利博物館看起來就像一座被颶風破壞的建築,位於默特爾海灘著名的海洋大道中心附近。 此外,在默特爾比奇,你會發現他們的5D動感劇院之一,鏡子迷宮,里普利的鬼屋冒險和里普利的默特爾海灘水族館。

Tennessee 田納西

Gatlinburg 蓋特林堡

Gatlinburg – The original museum, built in 1970, was destroyed by a massive fire caused by a faulty light fixture in a neighboring shop on July 14, 1992. It had to be completely rebuilt. Some of Ripley’s most prized and unique possessions were consumed by the blaze. The current museum opened in 1994, with a tribute to the city’s firefighters included among the collections. Artifacts salvaged from the blaze sport “I Survived The Fire” decals. It also has nearly twice the amount of exhibit space as the original. As with some other Ripley museums, it has a theme. It looks as if it has survived a major earthquake. Its interior and exterior feature cracks throughout, adhering to the theme. The Ripley’s Company has since opened several other attractions in the area, including a “four-dimensional” theater, a state-of-the-art aquarium, a haunted factory, several arcades, two miniature golf courses, and a mirror maze all of which carry the Ripley’s brand name and signature logo.

蓋特林堡 – 原始博物館建於1970年,於1992年7月14日被鄰近商店的燈具故障引起的巨大火災摧毀。它必須完全重建。里普利的一些最珍貴和獨特的財產被大火所消耗。目前的博物館於1994年開放,向該城市的消防隊員致敬。從火焰運動“我倖存的火”貼紙中拯救出來的文物。它的展示空間也幾乎是原始展覽空間的兩倍。和其他一些里普利博物館一樣,它有一個主題。它看起來好像在大地震中倖存了下來。它的內部和外部貫穿整個裂縫,堅持主題。此後,里普利公司開設了該地區的其他幾個景點,包括“四維”劇院,最先進的水族館,鬧鬼的工廠,幾個拱廊,兩個迷你高爾夫球場和一個鏡子迷宮。它帶有Ripley的品牌名稱和簽名標誌。


Grand Prairie 大草原

Grand Prairie – This Ripley’s Museum is located at 601 East Safari Parkway in Grand Prairie, Texas. It is west of downtown Dallas on IH-30 and is on the northwest intersection of Belt Line Road and IH-30, 7 miles (11 km) east of Six Flags Over Texas.

大草原 – 這個里普利博物館位於德克薩斯州大草原城的601 East Safari Parkway。 它位於達拉斯市中心以西,位於IH-30,位於Belt Line Road和IH-30的西北交叉口,距離Six Flags Over Texas以東7英里(11公里)。

Wisconsin 威斯康星

Wisconsin Dells 威斯康星德爾斯

Wisconsin Dells – This Ripley’s museum looks like a plane flew through the front and has a car parked on the side. It is located in the Downtown Strip.

威斯康星德爾斯 – 這個里普利的博物館看起來就像一架飛機從前面飛過,並在側面停放了一輛汽車。 它位於市中心地帶。


FROM:Just Reopened! Gatlinburg Ripley’s Believe it or Not!

FROM:Ripley’s Believe It or Not! Grand Prairie Texas 2018 Tour & Review with The Legend

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