Architects: HILBERINKBOSCH Architecten
Area: 28916 m²
Year: 2020
Photographs: Rene de Wit
Lead Architecs:Annemariken Hilberink, Geert Bosch, Frenske Wijnen, Jaap Janssen, Robert van Leur
Client:B.V. Ontwikkelingsmaatschappij Paleiskwartier, ‘s-Hertogenbosch
Urban Planning Bureau:BDP Kandekhar, Rotterdam
Landscape Architect Roof Garden:Bureau OSLO, Berlicum
Country:The Netherlands

建築師:HILBERINKBOSCH Architecten
攝影:Rene de Wit
首席建築師:Annemariken Hilberink,Geert Bosch,Frenske Wijnen,Jaap Janssen,Robert van Leur
客戶:B.V。 Ontwikkelingsmaatschappij Paleiskwartier,‘s-Hertogenbosch
城市規劃局:鹿特丹BDP Kandekhar

Since 1995, an industrial area west of the railroad that runs through ‘s-Hertogenbosch is being redeveloped into a new premium residential quarter. An occasional industrial relic, like the saw-tooth complex, has been included in the development plan. Winning the architects selection in 2016, led to the design for a residential building on the smallest plot in the quarter. The 1050 m2 plot on the intersection of the Bordeslaan and the Vijverlaan is tucked away behind the saw-tooth complex, and next to the six-meter-high bridge made of Corten steel that crosses the railways to connect the quarter with the historic city centre. To the west, a new hotel will shield the residential area from the railway.

自1995年以來,貫穿s-Hertogenbosch的鐵路以西的工業區被重新開發為新的高檔住宅區。 偶爾的工業遺跡,如鋸齒綜合體,已包含在開發計劃中。 在2016年贏得建築師的選拔後,導致了本季度最小地塊上住宅建築的設計。 1050平方米的地塊位於Bordeslaan和Vijverlaan的交匯處,位於鋸齒形建築群後面,旁邊是六米高的Corten鋼製成的橋樑,該橋樑橫穿鐵路,將城區與歷史悠久的市中心連接起來 。 在西部,新的酒店將使住宅區免受鐵路的干擾。

The commercial plinth, with its increased storey height, tightly follows the plot’s boundaries. On top of this plinth a 10-storey residential block has been designed, featuring a varied apartment programme of 7 sizes, ranging from small 49 m2 studios to large apartments of nearly 150 m2. The apartments follow the lines of the Vijverlaan and Bordeslaan, creating space in the lee of the block for a community roof garden on the first floor. The first four floors slowly fan out from the Vijverlaan to hover over the Bordeslaan, eventually reaching a columnless cantilever of over 10 meters. This provides the building with a prominent face towards the Paleiskwartier. The entire façade of this 7-layer accent on the Bordeslaan has been executed in a white concrete with large glass fronts. The other façades manifest a subtle play of horizontal bands and a grid with vertical fillings of brick, window frames and aluminium panels.

商業基座,其樓層高度增加,緊隨地塊的邊界。 在這個基座的頂部,設計了一個10層高的住宅區,提供7種大小的多樣化公寓計劃,範圍從49平方米的小型工作室到近150平方米的大型公寓。 這些公寓遵循Vijverlaan和Bordeslaan的風格,在街區的後部為一樓的社區屋頂花園創造了空間。 前四層樓從Vijverlaan逐漸散開,懸停在Bordeslaan上空,最終到達超過10米的無柱懸臂。 這為建築物提供了一個面向Paleiskwartier的顯眼面孔。 Bordeslaan上這層7層裝飾的整個立面採用白色混凝土製成,帶有大玻璃面板。 其他立面則表現出水平帶和網格的細微變化,垂直填充磚,窗框和鋁面板。

The horizontal bands run all the way around the building. Cast in white concrete with subtle shadow edges, the bands designate the separate storeys. Cantilevering balconies spring forth from these concrete bands. Pilaster strips built with a soft-yellow double Waal-format bricks form vertical frames with recessed brickwork penants positioned inside them. These penants are masoned in a brick of the same colour, but smaller in size, with a false joint that here allows for a finer stack bond to appear. Aluminium window frames and panels in a light bronze colour fill in the openings. The use of high-quality materials and careful detailing gives the building an outstanding character. The eleven-storey complex with the twisted tower has attained its contour in the new urban landscape of the Paleiskwartier.

水平帶一直圍繞建築物。 帶子用白色混凝土澆鑄而成,帶有細微的陰影邊緣,代表著不同的樓層。 懸臂式陽台從這些混凝土帶中冒出來。 用柔軟的黃色Waal格式的雙磚砌成的枕形條形成垂直框架,並在其中嵌入凹進的磚砌飾條。 這些細絲用相同顏色的磚砌成,但尺寸較小,並帶有假接縫,從而可以出現更細的堆疊鍵。 開口處填充淺鋁色鋁質窗框和麵板。 高品質材料的使用和精心的細節處理使建築具有傑出的特色。 這座帶有扭曲塔樓的11層建築群已在Paleiskwartier的新城市景觀中達到其輪廓。


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