Preservation groups are fighting to save Paul Rudolph’s Burroughs Wellcome building in North Carolina, one of his “most significant projects”, after discovering its current owner had secured a demolition permit.

在發現保羅·魯道夫的現任所有者已獲得拆除許可後,保護組織正在為保存保羅·魯道夫在北卡羅來納州的Burroughs Wellcome建築而奮鬥。

The Paul Rudolph Heritage Foundation, Preservation North Carolina, Preservation Durham and non-profit conservation group Docomomo US are working to raise awareness in order to preserve the building, which the celebrated architect completed in Durham, North Carolina in the 1970s.

保羅·魯道夫遺產基金會,北卡羅萊納州保護區,達勒姆保護區和非營利性保護組織Docomomo US正在努力提高人們對建築物的認識,以保護這座建築物。這位著名建築師於1970年代在北卡羅來納州達勒姆完成了該建築。

Kelvin Dickinson, president of Paul Rudolph Heritage Foundation, which is based in New York City, said he first learned of the plan following a tip-off from a local resident.


Local tip “sent the alarm bells off”|當地提示“關閉鬧鐘”

He initially thought the owner, biotechnology company United Therapeutics, was undertaking asbestos abatement but discovered it secured a demolition permit on 4 September.

“A guy down in North Carolina who lives down the street from the building reached out to me and said, I see that there’s a construction fence and there’s construction equipment going up,” Dickinson told Dezeen.

他最初以為生物技術公司United Therapeutics的所有者正在進行石棉減排,但是發現它在9月4日獲得了拆除許可。


“Somebody from the demolition crew also posted some pictures on Google Maps, saying this a beautiful building, it’s a shame it’s going to be demolished,” he added.

“That sent the alarm bells off.”



Owner originally planned to turn building into museum|業主原計劃將建築物改建為博物館

According to Dickinson, United Therapeutics filed for the permit after it was advised by a construction department that restoring the building, including removing asbestos, would require significant work.

Dezeen contacted United Therapeutics for comment but is yet to receive a response.

“United Therapeutics… told me that they had spent a lot of effort on trying to save the building but that the asbestos abatement was too much,” Dickinson said. “It was going to be too expensive. The building was not designed in a way that they were it was going to be useful to them. ”

United Therapeutics originally planned to demolish Burroughs Wellcome when it first purchased the building in 2012, but curtailed these plans so that only part of the structure was torn down in 2014.

Dickinson said the company told him the rest of the existing building would be transformed into “a mini museum”.


Dezeen與United Therapeutics聯繫以徵詢意見,但尚未收到回复。

狄金森說:“聯合療法公司……告訴我,他們為挽救建築物付出了很多努力,但減少石棉的方法太多了。” “這將太昂貴了。這座建築的設計沒有像對他們有用的那樣。”

United Therapeutics最初計劃在2012年首次購買Burroughs Wellcome時將其拆除,但由於削減了這些計劃,因此2014年僅拆除了部分結構。


Preservationists respond to demolition permit|環保人士回應拆除許可證

As the building is privately owned and is not recognised as a landmark, the foundation and preservation groups are now working to save the building and encourage United Therapeutics to take alternative options by raising awareness of its demolition and cultural history.

“Reacting to a demolition permit is not how any of us like to work,” added Docomomo US executive director Liz Waytkus.


Docomomo美國執行董事利茲·韋特庫斯(Liz Waytkus)補充說:“對拆除許可證作出反應並不是我們每個人的工作方式。”

“We are trying to get to the bottom of why United Therapeutics changed the scope of the work from asbestos abatement to full demolition,” she continued. “I don’t know if anyone has talked to them about the tax benefit of adding the building to the national register and future additions.”

“Other than standing in front of bulldozers, there’s nothing we’re going to be able to do other than just raise awareness,” Dickinson added. “I would appreciate it if there was all this effort put into it to try to save the building before it’s demolished. Let’s see it, let’s share it.”

她繼續說:“我們正試圖弄清楚為什麼聯合治療公司將工作範圍從減少石棉改為全面拆除。” “我不知道是否有人與他們討論過將建築物增加到國家登記冊的稅收優惠以及將來的增加。”

狄金森補充說:“除了站在推土機前,我們除了提高知名度外,將無能為力。” “如果將所有這些努力投入到試圖在建築物拆除之前將其保存起來的情況下,我將不勝感激。讓我們來看看,讓我們分享一下。”

“One of Rudolph’s most well known, most loved and most significant projects”|“魯道夫最著名,最受愛和最重要的項目之一”

Burroughs Wellcome was completed in 1972 for a pharmaceutical company of the same name. Measuring 312,303 square feet, it marks one of Rudolphs’s largest buildings.

The American architect was asked to design a building that would be flexible and so created a series of volumes with hexagonal ends that could be added to over time. The exterior has a textural finish formed of limestone aggregate that is also partially used inside.

“It is one of Paul Rudolph’s most well known, most loved and most significant projects,” said Waytkus.

The building was the location for Burroughs Wellcome’s development of AZT, the first drug approved by the US Food and Drug Administration for the treatment of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS). It also provided the set for 1983 American science fiction film Brainstorm.

Burroughs Wellcome於1972年為一家同名製藥公司完成。 它的面積為312,303平方英尺,是魯道夫(Rudolphs)最大的建築之一。

這位美國建築師被要求設計靈活的建築,因此創建了一系列具有六邊形末端的體積,這些體積可以隨時間增加。 外部具有由石灰石骨料形成的質地飾面,也部分用於內部。

Waytkus說:“這是Paul Rudolph最著名,最受歡迎和最重要的項目之一。”

該建築是Burroughs Wellcome開發AZT的所在地,這是美國食品和藥物管理局批准用於治療後天免疫機能喪失綜合症(AIDS)的第一種藥物。 它還為1983年美國科幻電影《頭腦風暴》提供了背景。

Rudolph’s housing complex Shoreline Apartments demolished|魯道夫的住宅區海岸線公寓被拆除

“In this case, we’ve got several examples at the building was the setting for several cultural events that would make anybody, anywhere else nominate the building as a landmark, for several reasons,” Dickinson added.”We believe that this is why the building is getting so much support from the community.”

“This doesn’t normally happen with a Rudolph building,” Dickinson added. “It is normally saved because the building is good and of Paul Rudolph.”

Born in Kentucky in 1918, Rudolph studied architecture at Alabama’s Auburn University, formerly known as Alabama Polytechnic Institute, and at Harvard Graduate School of Design (GSD) under Walter Gropius of the Bauhaus school.

迪金森補充說:“在這種情況下,我們在建築物上有幾個例子,這是一些文化活動的場所,由於某些原因,這些活動會使任何地方的任何人提名建築物為地標。” 該建築得到了社區的大力支持。”

狄金森補充說:“在魯道夫的建築物中通常不會發生這種情況。” “通常可以節省下來,因為這是保羅·魯道夫(Paul Rudolph)的好建築。”

魯道夫(Rudolph)於1918年出生於肯塔基州,曾在阿拉巴馬州的奧本大學(原名阿拉巴馬州理工學院)和包豪斯學院的沃爾特·格羅皮烏斯(Walter Gropius)的哈佛設計研究生院(GSD)學習建築。

Demolition work also started this year on Rudolph’s 1970s brutalist housing complex Shoreline Apartments in Buffalo, New York. The work was initially halted two years ago when a resident refused to move off the premises.

Other brutalist buildings by Rudolph include Yale University’s architecture and art building, which is celebrated as one of the earliest known examples of the style architecture in America, and Hong Kong’s Lippo Centre.

He died in 1997 at the age of 78.

Photos are courtesy of Paul Rudolph Heritage Found unless stated otherwise.

魯道夫(Rudolph)1970年代在紐約州布法羅(Buffalo)的野蠻人住宅區Shoreline Apartments的拆除工作也在今年開始。 兩年前,當居民拒絕搬離房屋時,這項工作最初停止了。



除非另有說明,否則照片均由Paul Rudolph Heritage Found提供。



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