Architects: Practice Architecture, Unit 7, London Metropolitan University
Area: 30 m²
Year: 2019
Photographs: David Grandorge
Manufacturers: Accoya, Nemetschek, Margent Farm, Trimble
Design Team:Josh Kaile, Arbana Berdynaj, Marcello Seminara, Oliver Carter, Tarn Philipp, Rebecca Johansson, Dahu Mumagi, Enrico Grimani, Daisy Zhai, Charlie Tomlinson, Ross Ellmore, Laurence Hillier, Philomena Reinmuller, Alex Scally
Clients:Margent Farm
Engineering:Structure Workshop
Consultants:Will Stanwix – Hempcrete Consultant

製造商:Accoya,Nemetschek,Margent Farm,Trimble
設計團隊:喬什·凱伊勒(Josh Kaile),阿爾巴納·貝爾迪納(Arbana Berdynaj),馬塞洛·塞米納拉(Marcello Seminara),奧利弗·卡特(Oliver Carter),塔恩·菲利普(Tann Philipp),麗貝卡·約翰遜(Rebecca Johansson),達摩·穆瑪吉(Enhuco Grimani),黛西·翟(Daisy Zhai),查理·湯姆林森(Charles Tomlinson),羅斯·埃爾莫(Ross Ellmore),勞倫斯·希利爾(Laurence Hillier),菲洛梅娜·賴因米勒(Alexander Scally)
顧問:Will Stanwix –大麻顧問

The project was conceived within the parameters of the caravan act, meaning in most contexts it does not require planning permission. Designed by students from Diploma Unit 7 at the CASS and built by them in just 12 days it is an exemplar of not only low embodied energy design but the capacity of students to take on and deliver live projects as part of their education. The design is 30m2 prototype for a scalable studio built on a budget of £10,000. The design can be adapted with minimal modification to be situated at multiple sites and hosts multiple programmes including living, working and education. Imagined in section, the form drew inspiration from cantilevered barns traditionally used for the storage of agricultural produce.

該項目是在商隊活動的參數範圍內構思的,這意味著在大多數情況下,不需要計劃許可。 由CASS文憑7單元的學生設計,並由他們在短短12天內建造,不僅體現了低能耗設計,還體現了學生接受和交付實地項目作為其教育能力的典範。 該設計是30平方米的原型,用於可擴展的工作室,預算為10,000英鎊。 該設計可以進行修改,而只需進行最小的修改即可位於多個站點,並承載包括生活,工作和教育在內的多個程序。 在截面上可以想像,這種形式從傳統上用於存儲農產品的懸臂式穀倉中汲取了靈感。

The building is raised from the ground maximising valuable covered external space and creating a belvedere to survey the farm from above the line of hemp. The minimal material palette consists of cast in situ Hempcrete; a spruce stud and plywood superstructure; Accoya® acetylated softwood footings and custom-made windows, door and stair (raw timber provided in kind); wood fibre insulation and hemp fibre bio-resin corrugated cladding sheets developed by Margent Farm.

該建築物是從地面抬起的,可最大程度地利用寶貴的外部空間,並形成一個眺望台,可從麻線上方對農場進行調查。 最小的材料調色板包括現場澆鑄的Hempcrete; 雲杉的螺栓和膠合板上部結構; Accoya®乙酰化的軟木立腳和定制的窗戶,門和樓梯(以實物提供); Margent Farm開發的木纖維絕緣材料和麻纖維生物樹脂瓦楞裝飾板。

Less than a cubic metre of concrete was required for pad foundations with the potential for this to be completely eliminated. The building is effectively carbon negative, with a biomass stove and solar power and being built predominately from carbon capturing, grown materials. The unit was led by David Grandorge and Paloma Gormley of Practice Architecture.

墊塊基礎所需的混凝土少於一立方米,因此可以完全消除這種可能性。 該建築實際上是負碳的,帶有生物質爐具和太陽能,並且主要由碳捕獲物,生長材料建造而成。 該部門由實踐建築學的David Grandorge和Paloma Gormley領導。

The project was established within the context of Practice Architecture’s research into natural materials and low carbon construction techniques with projects such as Flat House. Engineering consultancy came from Structure Workshop and a hempcrete workshop run by Will Stanwix. The client, Margent Farm, is an industrial hemp farm developing hemp-based products including the cladding for the building.

該項目是在實踐建築公司對自然材料和低碳建築技術的研究範圍內通過Flat House等項目建立的。 工程諮詢來自結構工作室和由Will Stanwix運營的大麻建築工作室。 客戶Margent Farm是一家工業大麻農場,主要開發基於大麻的產品,包括建築物的外牆。


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