Two shipping containers are joined together and topped by an angular polycarbonate extension in this conceptual design for low-cost housing by Peruvian firm TRS Studio.

兩個集裝箱連接在一起,在這個概念設計中由一個有角度的聚碳酸酯延伸部分頂部,用於秘魯公司TRS Studio的低成本住房。

TRS Studio designed the speculative dwellings for communities that struggle with housing issues and lack resources to devote to buying construction materials. The studio uses Peruvian town Pachacutec, a small settlement roughly 300 kilometres south of Lima, as an example.

TRS工作室為那些在住房問題上掙扎並且缺乏投入購買建築材料的資源的社區設計了投機住宅。 該工作室使用秘魯小鎮Pachacutec,一個位於利馬以南約300公里的小型居民區。

Many homes in the area are built with salvaged materials, and are of “non-architectural quality,” according to the Lima architecture studio. Its proposal suggests using repurposed shipping containers, which are abundant, cheap, and durable, to provide a structure better suited to inhabitation.

The ISO containers used for the proposal have a combined footprint of approximately 60 square metres. In the scheme, they would be joined on their long side to create a rectangular floor plan four metres wide and 15 metres long.

據利馬建築工作室稱,該地區的許多房屋都採用打撈材料建造,具有“非建築品質”。 其提議建議使用豐富,廉價且耐用的重新定位的集裝箱,以提供更適合居住的結構。

用於該提案的ISO容器的總佔地面積約為60平方米。 在該計劃中,他們將在長邊連接,以創建一個四米寬,15米長的矩形平面圖。

Renderings of the project illustrate how the container’s broad doors could swing open, extending the residence’s living spaces to the outdoors. In addition to the main living area, the ground floor would also contain a kitchenette, toilet, and a bedroom at the back.

Planting areas along either side of the master bedroom would allow the owners to keep a small garden indoors. These would be exposed to the polycarbonate ceiling above, providing plenty of natural light.

該項目的渲染圖解說明了集裝箱寬闊的門是如何打開的,將住宅的生活空間延伸到戶外。 除了主要生活區外,底層還設有小廚房,衛生間和後面的臥室。

在主臥室兩側種植區域將允許業主在室內保持一個小花園。 這些將暴露在上面的聚碳酸酯天花板上,提供充足的自然光線。

“Its important to consider gardens inside the design because greenery [is] an excellent thermal regulator,” said TRS Studio in a project description.

Interior partitions would be built in Oriented strand board (OSB) plywood, an inexpensive material that is already available in the Pachacutec community.

“在設計中考慮花園很重要,因為綠色植物是一種優秀的熱調節器,”TRS Studio在一個項目描述中說。


A central staircase made of the same material would lead to the upper level, which is shown as an angular extension made of recycled polycarbonate panels.

The partial second floor would contain two bedrooms and a study built as a mezzanine, as well as a shared bathroom in the middle. The studio chose to limit the upper level’s floor areas to allow ample daylight into the main living spaces below.


部分二樓將包含兩間臥室和一間作為夾層樓的書房,以及位於中間的共用浴室。 該工作室選擇限制上層的樓層面積,讓充足的日光進入下面的主要生活空間。

“Light and ventilation are direct and natural by windows in the roof,” said TRS Studio.

The architects have also anticipated the occupant’s potential need for more sleeping space in their design. The bedrooms would be large enough to fit bunk beds and the study area upstairs could be converted to a fourth bedroom.


建築師還預測了乘客在設計中可能需要更多的睡眠空間。 臥室足夠大,可以放置雙層床,樓上的學習區可以轉換成第四間臥室。

Rather than proposing a one-off design for housing, the studio envisions this prototype to be replicated by other residents of Pachacutec and beyond.


“The participation of the community will be active in every moment, and it will be needed to support and regulate the sustainable construction,” it said.


Images show different houses in various contexts, either clustered together or as single modules. According to TRS Studio, the locality of Pachacutec could become a model for providing low-cost and self-built housing throughout Peru.

“A fundamental aspect in this experience will be the change in the urban image of Pachacutec City, as a demonstrative zone in the field of sustainable construction,” they said in a project statement.

圖像顯示了不同環境中的不同房屋,無論是聚集在一起還是作為單個模塊。 根據TRS工作室的說法,Pachacutec的地方可以成為在整個秘魯提供低成本和自建住房的典範。


“The attention will not be only in the project as architectural design, but also in the formation of future and sustainable constructors, improving their quality life and strengthening their values,” it added.

A number of architects and designers have similarly imagined ways to use shipping containers, which are modular and robust, to make places to live on a low budget. Others conceptual projects include a proposal to fill a multi-storey car park with containers to create a low-cost housing development and micro-housing in Cairo.


許多建築師和設計師都有類似想像的方法來使用模塊化和堅固的集裝箱,以便以低預算生活。 其他概念性項目包括建議用集裝箱填充多層停車場,以便在開羅建造低成本住房開發和微型住房。



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