Saigon Central Post Office 西貢中央郵局

The Ho Chi Minh City Post Office, or the Saigon Central Post Office (Vietnamese: Bưu điện Trung tâm Sài Gòn, French: Poste centrale de Saïgon) is a post office in the downtown Ho Chi Minh City, near Saigon Notre-Dame Basilica, the city’s cathedral. The building was constructed when Vietnam was part of French Indochina in the late 19th century. It counts with Gothic, Renaissance and French influences. It was constructed between 1886-1891 and is now a tourist attraction.

胡志明市郵局或西貢中央郵局(越南語:BưuđiệnTrungTâmSàiGòn,法語:Poste centraledeSaïgon)是位於胡志明市中心的郵局,靠近西貢聖母大教堂, 這座城市的大教堂。 該建築是在19世紀後期越南成為法屬印度支那的一部分時建造的。 它具有哥特式,文藝復興式和法國式的影響。 它建於1886年至1891年之間,現在是一個旅遊景點。

It was designed by Alfred Foulhoux, but is often erroneously credited as being the work of Gustave Eiffel or a collaboration between Foulhoux and Hanoi-based Auguste Henri Vildieu. As translated by the historian Tim Doling, the journal Architecte constructeur: Revue du monde architectural et artistique of 15 September 1891 commented: “The inauguration the new Saigon Post Office, which was held on July 14, had been postponed until the return of the Governor General. This monument, adorned with a most artistic façade, is particularly well laid out and well equipped for the different services to which it is intended; it does the greatest honour to the skill and talent of the distinguished Chief Architect of the Colony, M. Foulhoux.”

它由Alfred Foulhoux設計,但經常被錯誤地認為是Gustave Eiffel的作品或Foulhoux和河內的Auguste Henri Vildieu之間的合作。 由歷史學家Tim Doling翻譯,1891年9月15日Architecte constructeur:Revue du monde architecture et artistique評論說:“7月14日舉行的新西貢郵局就職典禮已經推遲到總督回歸 一般。 這座紀念碑裝飾著最具藝術性的外觀,佈局特別好,設施齊全,可滿足不同的服務需求。 它對著名的殖民地首席建築師M. Foulhoux的技能和才能給予了最大的榮譽。“

Inside the Saigon Central Post office of special note are two painted maps that were created just after the post office was built, the first one located on the left side of the building is a map of Southern Vietnam and Cambodia titled Lignes telegraphiques du Sud Vietnam et Cambodge 1892 which translates to “Telegraphic lines of Southern Vietnam and Cambodia 1892”. The second map of greater Saigon is titled Saigon et ses environs 1892 that translates as “Saigon and its surroundings 1892”.

特別注意的西貢中央郵局內部是兩個繪製的地圖,這些地圖是在郵局建成後創建的,第一個位於建築物左側的是越南南部和柬埔寨的地圖,標題為Lignes telegraphiques du Sud Vietnam et Cambodge 1892翻譯為“越南南部和柬埔寨1892年的電報線”。 大西貢的第二張地圖名為Saigon et ses environs 1892,翻譯為“西貢及其周圍的1892年”。


FROM:Saigon Central Post Office by City Pass Guide

FROM:Saigon Central Post Office

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