Universal Studios Singapore and Resorts World Sentosa announced today a major S$ 4.5 Billion expansion plan with Super Nintendo World and Minion Park coming to Universal Studios Singapore, and much more for Sentosa Island! Full press release and renderings below!
新加坡環球影城和聖淘沙名勝世界今天宣布了一項重大的45億新元擴張計劃,其中包括Super Nintendo World和Minion Park將來到新加坡環球影城,以及更多聖淘沙島! 完整的新聞稿和渲染圖如下!

Resorts World Sentosa Embarks on Mega Expansion Plans

History-making investment of S$4.5 billion will see RWS expanding by about 50%, cementing RWS as the region’s most exciting and iconic leisure and lifestyle destination SINGAPORE, 3 April 2019 – Bigger, bolder and more engaging will define a new era of fun and experiences at Resorts World Sentosa (RWS) as it announces major plans for a history-making expansion and transformation to create a new wave of tourism growth for the next decade. At a total development investment of S$4.5 billion, RWS 2.0 will see an expansion of about 50% new Gross Floor Area (GFA), adding over 164,000 square metres of new and exciting attractions, entertainment and lifestyle offerings. This major expansion will be delivered in phases with new experiences opening every year from 2020 to a projected completion around 2025. RWS 2.0 represents a vote of confidence in Singapore as RWS embarks on the next exciting decade of its journey that will unlock the full potential of the Sentosa waterfront.

歷史建設投資45億新元將使RWS擴大約50%,鞏固RWS作為該地區最令人興奮和標誌性的休閒和生活方式目的地新加坡,2019年4月3日 – 更大,更大膽,更具吸引力的將定義一個新的樂趣時代和聖淘沙名勝世界(RWS)的經驗,因為它宣布了一項歷史性擴張和轉型的重大計劃,以創造未來十年的新一輪旅遊增長。總投資額為45億新元,RWS 2.0將新增約50%的總建築面積(GFA),增加超過164,000平方米的新興景點,娛樂和生活方式。這一重大擴張將分階段實施,從2020年開始每年都有新的經驗,預計在2025年左右完成.RWS 2.0代表著對新加坡的信任投票,因為RWS開始了下一個令人興奮的十年旅程,將充分發揮其潛力。聖淘沙海濱。

Both RWS major attractions, Universal Studios Singapore and S.E.A. Aquarium, will see substantial increase in size. The expansion of Universal Studios Singapore will unveil two new, highly themed and immersive environments based on hugely popular entertainment concepts – Minion Park and Super Nintendo World. These new and expansive areas will feature all-audience and family-friendly attractions as well as themed shops and restaurants. The award winning S.E.A. Aquarium will be expanded to more than three times its present size, and proposed to be rebranded as Singapore Oceanarium. The expansion will see its transformation to an exciting blend of specially curated marine life and additional exhibits of prehistoric marine life and deep sea creatures that will be part of the story of the history of evolution, exploration and how mankind has to embrace conservation.

RWS主要景點,新加坡環球影城和S.E.A. 水族館,將看到規模大幅增加。 新加坡環球影城的擴建將推出兩個基於極受歡迎的娛樂概念–Minion Park和Super Nintendo World的全新,高度主題和沈浸式環境。 這些新的和廣闊的區域將包括所有觀眾和家庭友好的景點以及主題商店和餐館。 獲獎的S.E.A. 水族館將擴大到目前規模的三倍以上,並建議更名為新加坡海洋水族館。 擴建將轉變為特別策劃的海洋生物和史前海洋生物和深海生物的其他展品的令人興奮的混合,這將成為進化史,探索以及人類如何接受保護的故事的一部分。

A new Waterfront Lifestyle Complex helmed by two new destination hotels, together with the expansion of Central Zone, will add up to 1,100 more keys. The additional keys will encourage international visitors to our attractions to stay longer and enjoy more of our night activities. Together with the significant expansion of our MICE capacity, the extra room capacity will allow RWS to garner more top tier events. The entire waterfront promenade will be completely renewed, anchored by a spectacular public attraction that will set the scene for vibrant seafront activities that include eclectic dining and lifestyle activities. Replacing the Resorts World Theatre will be a new Adventure Dining Playhouse where fun dining will never be the same again. A new Driverless Transport System will provide last-mile connectivity between the mainland and Sentosa with better efficiency and capacity, hence encouraging more visitors to RWS and the rest of Sentosa Island. The expansion plans, when completed, will integrate with the transformation of the future Greater Southern Waterfront and continue to be the tourism leader in this region.


Since opening in 2010, RWS has played an instrumental role in driving the transformation of Singapore’s tourism sector. RWS has been welcoming more than 20 million international and local visitors annually, accounting for more than one-third of all international visitor arrivals into Singapore and thereby contributing greatly to the GDP of Singapore. This has propelled the growth of Singapore’s international visitor arrivals by nearly two times to 18.5 million in 2018, enabling it to surpass its 2015 goal of 17 million visitors.

自2010年開業以來,RWS在推動新加坡旅遊業轉型方面發揮了重要作用。 RWS每年迎接超過2000萬國際和本地遊客,佔新加坡國際遊客總數的三分之一以上,從而為新加坡的GDP貢獻很大。這促使2018年新加坡國際遊客人數增長近兩倍,達到1,850萬人次,使其超過了2015年1700萬遊客的目標。

The mega investment and expansion of RWS is expected to have significant impact on the Singapore economy. Today, RWS is one of Singapore’s largest private sector employers and home to over 13,000 employees. The expanded RWS will result in approximately 2,800 new employment created across a wide diversity of trades, professions and career opportunities. Through the adoption of technology and innovation, higher-value roles will be created for the PME segment. RWS will nurture and mentor team members to provide them with multi business unit cross-training that generates meaningful jobs and careers.

預計RWS的大規模投資和擴張將對新加坡經濟產生重大影響。 今天,RWS是新加坡最大的私營部門雇主之一,擁有超過13,000名員工。 擴大的RWS將在各種各樣的行業,職業和職業機會中創造約2,800個新的就業機會。 通過採用技術和創新,將為PME細分市場創造更高價值的角色。 RWS將培養和指導團隊成員為他們提供多業務單元交叉培訓,從而產生有意義的工作和職業。

Mr Tan Hee Teck, Chief Executive Officer of RWS said: “RWS has been a major game-changer and growth engine in the last ten years in transforming Singapore’s tourism landscape. This major re- investment and expansion here in Singapore underlines our belief in the business model and the future opportunities that lie ahead when we complete the development. An even brighter future will lie ahead when RWS will form an integral part of the future Greater Southern Waterfront and become a centrepiece of the transformative journey to enliven the southern corridor. In the year of Singapore’s Bicentennial celebrations, RWS is excited to be embarking on this makeover to ensure that we continue to be the top Integrated Resort in this region. The journey has been fulfilling with RWS providing strong leadership in the Singapore tourism industry. Our achievements are the fruits of the dedication and passion of all our talented team members, happy customers and all stakeholders from both the private and public sectors who have contributed their resources to make RWS a success. We are confident that all these valued people will continue to support us to make RWS 2.0 a resounding success.”

RWS首席執行官Tan Hee Teck先生表示:“RWS在過去十年中一直是改變新加坡旅遊業的重要改變遊戲規則和增長引擎。新加坡的這次重大投資和擴張突顯了我們對商業模式的信念以及我們完成開發所面臨的未來機遇。如果RWS將成為未來大南部海濱不可分割的一部分,並成為改善南部走廊活力的變革之旅的核心,那麼未來將更加光明。在新加坡舉辦的二百週年慶祝活動中,RWS很高興能夠開始這一改造,以確保我們繼續成為該地區的頂級綜合度假村。 RWS在新加坡旅遊業中發揮著強大的領導作用。我們的成就是我們所有才華橫溢的團隊成員,滿意的客戶以及來自私營和公共部門的所有利益相關者的奉獻和熱情的成果,他們貢獻了自己的資源,使RWS取得成功。我們相信所有這些有價值的人將繼續支持我們使RWS 2.0取得圓滿成功。“

Expansion of Universal Studios Singapore

As Universal Studios Singapore gears up to embrace the next generation of theme park entertainment, it will welcome two highly themed and immersive environments – Minion Park and Super Nintendo World – marking its first expansion since its opening in 2010. The two new environments, one inspired by Illumination’s blockbuster Despicable Me franchise and its sweet but subversive Minions, who have become a worldwide phenomenon, and the other by Nintendo’s globally popular games, beloved characters and adventures, will feature new rides and attractions for all audiences.

隨著新加坡環球影城開始接受下一代主題公園娛樂活動,它將迎來兩個高度主題和沈浸式環境–Minion Park和Super Nintendo World–標誌著自2010年開業以來的首次擴張。兩個新環境,一個啟發 通過Illumination的大片“卑鄙的我”系列及其甜美但顛覆性的Minions,它們已經成為一種全球性的現象,另一種是任天堂的全球流行遊戲,深受喜愛的人物和冒險,將為所有觀眾提供新的遊樂設施和景點。

Universal Studios Singapore: Minion Park Concept Rendering of Minion Park at Universal Studios Singapore Credit: Universal Parks & Resorts
新加坡環球影城:Minion Park概念渲染新加坡環球影城的Minion Park信用:環球公園和度假村

Despicable Me Minion Mayhem at Universal Studios Singapore Credit: Universal Parks & Resorts

The area’s main attraction will be Despicable Me Minion Mayhem, an award-winning, immersive motion-simulator thrill ride. Join Gru, his daughters, and the mischievous Minions on an unpredictable 3-D ride, Despicable Me Minion Mayhem. Join the ranks of the Minions, literally, as part of Gru’s latest scheme. But when things don’t go as planned, you’re launched into an unforgettable journey through his super-villain laboratory. It’s heartwarming and humorous family fun for everyone! There will be other attractions as well as themed dining and merchandise shops. The new Minion Park area will replace the current Madagascar area.

新加坡環球影城卑鄙的Me Minion混亂信譽:環球公園和度假村

該地區的主要景點將是Despicable Me Minion Mayhem,這是一款屢獲殊榮的沉浸式運動模擬器驚險刺激之旅。 加入Gru,他的女兒們,以及頑皮的Minions,以無法預測的3-D騎行,Despicable Me Minion Mayhem。 作為Gru最新計劃的一部分,加入Minions的行列。 但是當事情沒有按計劃進行時,你就會通過他的超級惡棍實驗室進入一次難忘的旅程。 這是每個人的溫馨和幽默的家庭樂趣! 還有其他景點以及主題餐飲和商品店。 新的Minion Park區域將取代目前的馬達加斯加地區。

Universal Studios Singapore: Super Nintendo World

Super Nintendo World will bring the fun, characters, action and adventure of Nintendo games to life within a highly themed environment. Guests will enter an exciting world filled with highly themed attractions, shops and restaurants where they will feel as if they have stepped into a larger- than-life Nintendo adventure. More details will be announced later.

超級任天堂世界將在高度主題化的環境中將任天堂遊戲的樂趣,角色,動作和冒險帶入生活。 客人將進入一個充滿激動人心的世界,這裡充滿了高度主題的景點,商店和餐館,他們會覺得他們已經進入了一個超越生活的任天堂冒險之旅。 更多細節將在稍後公佈。

Singapore Oceanarium 新加坡海洋館

Artist’s impression of Evolution & Extinction zone at Singapore Oceanarium Credit: Resorts World Sentosa

RWS will expand its popular S.E.A. Aquarium, taking over the adjacent Maritime Experiential Museum, and elevate the aquarium to the next level by creating a three times larger Singapore Oceanarium. The Oceanarium will be the first of its kind in the world, commanding a larger scale and depth of content than before, and featuring a seamless and exciting blend of marine life collection and history about the ocean and evolution of its inhabitants – brought to life using state- of-the-art digital innovation and interactive technology. Offering an immersive experience designed for the 21st century audience, the Oceanarium will demonstrate its thought leadership in marine education, conservation and research efforts. Ocean history and marine biology will meet in a fresh and exciting way in three zones: (1) Evolution & Extinction, (2) Exploration & Deep Ocean, and (3) Conservation.


RWS將擴大其受歡迎的S.E.A. 水族館,接管相鄰的海事經驗博物館,並通過創建一個三倍大的新加坡海洋水族館將水族館提升到一個新的水平。 海洋水族館將成為世界上第一個這樣的海洋水族館,擁有比以往更大規模和更深的內容,並且具有無縫和令人興奮的海洋生物收集和海洋歷史以及居民進化的融合 – 使用它來生活 最先進的數字創新和互動技術。 海洋水族館為21世紀的觀眾提供身臨其境的體驗,將展示其在海洋教育,保護和研究工作中的思想領導力。 海洋歷史和海洋生物學將在三個區域以一種新鮮和令人興奮的方式相遇:(1)進化與滅絕,(2)探索與深海,以及(3)保護。

Artist’s impression of Exploration & Deep Ocean zone at Singapore Oceanarium Credit: Resorts World Sentosa

Guests begin the journey in ‘Evolution & Extinction’ by walking on a simulated ocean floor and experiencing prehistoric marine life from cradle to grave, before proceeding to ‘Exploration & Deep Ocean’ where they meet famous Asian ocean navigators, embark on deep sea exploration and view life-like holographic images of rare ocean creatures, get up close and personal with live marine creatures at a borderless discovery pool and interact with the local intertidal ecosystem through digital mapping. Completing their visit at ‘Conservation’, guests will be inspired to take actions to protect the majestic yet fragile oceans through special installations highlighting the threats to marine biodiversity such as climate change, over-fishing and pollution.


客人可以在模擬的海底漫步,體驗從搖籃到墳墓的史前海洋生物,開始“進化與滅絕”之旅,然後前往“探索與深海”,在那裡他們會見著名的亞洲海洋航海家,開始深海探險和 查看罕見海洋生物的逼真全息圖像,在無邊界發現池中與活海洋生物親密接觸,並通過數字繪圖與當地潮間帶生態系統相互作用。 完成對“保護”的訪問,客人將受到啟發,通過特殊設施採取行動保護雄偉而脆弱的海洋,突出海洋生物多樣性面臨的威脅,如氣候變化,過度捕撈和污染。

New Adventure Dining Playhouse 新冒險餐廳劇場

Artist’s impression of the stage designed like a pirate ship (top) and pre-show experience through a ‘secret passage’ (below) Credit: Resorts World Sentosa


Building on its strong capabilities in creating and delivering live entertainment and original production, RWS will introduce a new immersive Adventure Dining Playhouse, a concept that is quickly gaining huge popularity worldwide. The first-of-its-kind immersive dining and performance concept in the region on the adventures of Asian pirates, guests will be actively engaged and drawn into the performance that features an original storyline about these courageous seafarers overcoming turbulent thunderstorms and treacherous sea creatures to conquer a giant octopus sea monster.

The new entertainment sensation, comprising pre-show, multi-course meal and lots of audience participation, will keep guests at the edge of their seats with exhilarating live stunts, thrilling acrobatic acts, special effects, project mapping technology and spectacular mechanical effects. Guests will brave stormy seas, audacious pirates and lots of swashbuckling action at this all-in-one entertainment sensation.

憑藉其在創建和提供現場娛樂和原創作品方面的強大能力,RWS將推出一款全新的沉浸式Adventure Dining Playhouse,這一概念在全球迅速普及。 在亞洲海盜探險活動中,該地區首創的身臨其境的餐飲和表演概念,客人將積極參與並吸引到有關這些勇敢的海員克服湍流雷暴和奸詐海洋生物的原始故事情節。 征服巨型章魚海怪。

新的娛樂活動,包括預展,多道菜餐和大量觀眾參與,將讓客人坐在座位邊緣,享受令人振奮的現場特技,驚險刺激的雜技表演,特效,項目製圖技術和壯觀的機械效果。 在這一體化的娛樂活動中,客人將勇敢的海洋,大膽的海盜和許多虛張聲勢的行動。

Waterfront Lifestyle Complex 海濱生活綜合體

Artist’s impression of promenade along Waterfront Lifestyle Complex

The new Waterfront Lifestyle Complex with iconic design and architecture will house two destination hotels, retail and F&B choices, and a new public attraction, giving the existing promenade a complete makeover and transforming the RWS waterfront into an exciting all-day, all- night premium lifestyle venue for both tourists and locals.

Two new destination hotels, one luxury and the other upscale, will be built as part of the complex. They are envisaged to continue the signature RWS hospitality of premium accommodation, personalised gold standard service and lifestyle pampering such as spa facilities, with each hotel owning its unique character and concept differentiated from existing RWS hotels. Together with the expansion of Central Zone, they will add up to 1,100 more keys and grow in-resort accommodation by more than 70%.

A new public attraction will replace the current Crane Dance in the form of a multi-functional event zone that can be decked out for different festivals and events. An iconic structure will function as a meeting point by day and the focus of an evening show by night. Commanding high visibility within RWS and as far as across the waters from the promenade at Harbourfront and VivoCity, the attraction comes alive at dusk with a spectacular nightly show.

The complex incorporates lush greenery and beautiful landscaping, paying homage to the natural terrain of Sentosa and the island’s green tropical features. A network of pedestrian thoroughfares, generous open green spaces and public meeting spaces across three levels of walkway from the Sentosa Boardwalk will provide fresh visual and physical porosity to the new waterfront.

藝術家對Waterfront Lifestyle Complex長廊的印象



一個新的公共景點將以多功能活動區的形式取代目前的Crane Dance,可以為不同的節日和活動裝飾。標誌性的結構將作為白天的會麵點和晚上的夜間節目的焦點。在RWS內以及在Harbourfront和VivoCity長廊的水域中享有很高的能見度,這個景點在黃昏帶來了壯觀的夜間表演。


Driverless Transport System 無人駕駛運輸系統

Finally, RWS will introduce a seamless, efficient and accessible ‘last mile’ connectivity in the form of a Driverless Transport System (DTS) running in both directions along the Sentosa Boardwalk, offering commuters the fastest, shortest and most comfortable route to reach the new RWS waterfront and other parts of Sentosa.

A strategic initiative by RWS in support of the future Greater Southern Waterfront and to enhance ‘first-impression’ visitor experience for guests travelling to Sentosa, the new system will contribute additional commuter capacity with a peak ridership of 1,800 passengers per hour per direction for visitors to Sentosa and RWS. It is also an energy efficient solution with low environmental footprint to significantly improve the accessibility of Sentosa.

Occupying a dedicated track of about 600 metres lining the Sentosa boardwalk, the DTS will shuttle between a station at the start of the boardwalk outside VivoCity and another at the new RWS waterfront. It will run alongside the existing travellator, and adjacent to the pedestrian stretch of the boardwalk.

Pictures: copyrigth Universal Studios Singapore, Resorts World Sentosa

最後,RWS將以無人駕駛運輸系統(DTS)的形式引入無縫,高效和可訪問的“最後一英里”連接,該系統沿聖淘沙木板路兩個方向運行,為通勤者提供最快,最短和最舒適的通道。 RWS海濱和聖淘沙的其他地方。






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