Shanghai Disneyland-Peter Pan’s Flight 上海迪士尼-小飛俠天空奇遇

Drift by enchanted skies to the second star to the right with Peter Pan, Tinker Bell and the Never Land gang!

與彼得·潘(Peter Pan),廷克·貝爾(Tinker Bell)和夢幻島(Never Land)幫派在迷人的天空中向右邊的第二顆星星漂流!

Board the magical pirate galleon and set sail for a make-believe world where imagination takes flight—and tickles your fancy. From the Darling’s nursery in Kensington Gardens to swooping over rooftops and beyond, buckle up for a joyous voyage to Never Land that’ll have you “hooked” on faith, trust and pixie dust!

Your adventure begins in London, where you’ll learn to fly with Wendy, Michael and John, courtesy of their bedtime heroes—Peter Pan and Tinker Bell. Next, head off into the night sky as Peter leads the way to Pixie Hollow, the Lost Boys’ hideout, Mermaid Lagoon and Skull Rock, where he finally comes dagger to cutlass with Captain Hook. It’s a swordfight to the finish as the two face-off in a dastardly duel that leaves Hook cooked!

Proud of this Jolly Roger victory, Peter and company help you navigate through the clouds back to sleepy London Town, where your extraordinary journey began.

登上這艘神奇的海盜帆船,駛向一個虛幻的世界,在這個世界中,想像力飛速發展,並為您驚嘆不已。 從肯辛頓花園的達令托兒所到俯伏在屋頂之外的其他地方,係好安全帶,踏上通往Never Land的歡樂旅程,讓您“沉迷”於信念,信任和小精靈的塵土!

您的冒險之旅始於倫敦,在這裡,您將學習與溫迪,邁克爾和約翰的飛行,這要歸功於他們的睡前英雄彼得·潘和廷克·貝爾。 接下來,進入夜空,彼得帶路前往失落男孩的隱居地Pixie Hollow,美人魚潟湖和骷髏石,他最終與胡克船長一起匕首彎刀。 這是一場劍拔to張的戰鬥,因為兩個對決在殘酷的決鬥中將胡克煮熟!

彼得(Peter)和他的公司為獲得喬利·羅傑(Jolly Roger)的勝利感到自豪,可以幫助您穿越雲層回到昏昏欲睡的倫敦鎮,那裡是您非凡旅程的開始。

FROM:4K Peter Pan’s Flight Ride Shanghai Disneyland 2018

FROM:Peter Pan Ride at Shanghai Disneyland – Best Peter Pan Ride Ever!


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