Mont Saint-Michel 聖米歇爾山

Le Mont-Saint-Michel (pronounced [mɔ̃ sɛ̃ mi.ʃɛl]; Norman: Mont Saint Miché, English: Saint Michael’s Mount) is an island and mainland commune in Normandy, France.

The island is located about one kilometer (0.6 miles) off the country’s northwestern coast, at the mouth of the Couesnon River near Avranches and is 7 hectares (17 acres) in area. The mainland part of the commune is 393 hectares (971 acres) in area so that the total surface of the commune is 400 hectares (988 acres).

As of 2015, the island has a population of 50.

The island has held strategic fortifications since ancient times and since the 8th century AD has been the seat of the monastery from which it draws its name. The structural composition of the town exemplifies the feudal society that constructed it: on top, God, the abbey and monastery; below, the great halls; then stores and housing; and at the bottom, outside the walls, houses for fishermen and farmers.

The commune’s position—on an island just a few hundred metres from land—made it accessible at low tide to the many pilgrims to its abbey, but defensible as an incoming tide stranded, drove off, or drowned would-be assailants. The Mont remained unconquered during the Hundred Years’ War; a small garrison fended off a full attack by the English in 1433. The reverse benefits of its natural defence were not lost on Louis XI, who turned the Mont into a prison. Thereafter the abbey began to be used regularly as a jail during the Ancien Régime.

One of France’s most recognisable landmarks, visited by more than 3 million people each year, the Mont Saint-Michel and its bay are on the UNESCO list of World Heritage Sites. Over 60 buildings within the commune are protected in France as monuments historiques.

Le Mont-Saint-Michel(發音為[mɔsɛmi.ʃɛl]; Norman:MontSaintMiché,英語:Saint Michael’s Mount)是法國諾曼底的一個島嶼和大陸公社。




公社的位置 – 在距離陸地幾百米的島嶼上 – 使得它可以在退潮時到達其修道院的許多朝聖者,但是當一股入境潮流擱淺,開車或被淹沒的潛在攻擊者時可以防禦。在百年戰爭期間,蒙特仍然未被征服; 1433年,英國一次小型駐軍擋住了英國人的全面攻擊。路易十一將自然防禦帶來的逆轉利益並沒有丟失,後者將蒙特爾變成了一座監獄。此後,修道院在AncienRégime期間開始被定期用作監獄。


Intercommunality:Pontorson – Le Mont-Saint-Michel

社區間:Pontorson – Le Mont-Saint-Michel

Abbey design

Plan of the mount by Eugène Viollet-le-Duc
In the 11th century, William of Volpiano, the Italian architect who had built Fécamp Abbey in Normandy, was chosen by Richard II, Duke of Normandy, to be the building contractor. He designed the Romanesque church of the abbey, daringly placing the transept crossing at the top of the mount. Many underground crypts and chapels had to be built to compensate for this weight; these formed the basis for the supportive upward structure that can be seen today. Today Mont Saint-Michel is seen as a building of Romanesque architecture.

Robert de Thorigny, a great supporter of Henry II of England (who was also Duke of Normandy), reinforced the structure of the buildings and built the main façade of the church in the 12th century. In 1204, Guy of Thouars, regent for the Duchess of Brittany, as vassal of the King of France, undertook a siege of the Mount. After having set fire to the village and having massacred the population, he was obliged to beat a retreat under the powerful walls of the abbey. Unfortunately, the fire which he himself lit extended to the buildings, and the roofs fell prey to the flames. Horrified by the cruelty and the exactions of his Breton ally, Philip Augustus offered Abbot Jordan a grant for the construction of a new Gothic architectural set which included the addition of the refectory and cloister.

Charles VI is credited with adding major fortifications to the abbey-mount, building towers, successive courtyards, and strengthening the ramparts.



羅伯特·德·索里尼(Robert de Thorigny)是英格蘭亨利二世(也是諾曼底公爵)的偉大支持者,他在12世紀強化了建築的結構,並建造了教堂的主立面。在1204年,作為法國國王附庸的布列塔尼公爵夫人托馬斯的蓋伊進行了對山的圍攻。在放火燒毀村莊並屠殺人口之後,他不得不在修道院的強大城牆下擊退。不幸的是,他自己點燃的火焰延伸到了建築物,屋頂成了火焰的犧牲品。菲利普·奧古斯都為他的布列塔尼盟友的殘忍和侮辱而感到震驚,他為阿伯特·喬丹提供了建造新哥特式建築的資助,其中包括加入了食堂和修道院。


The original site was founded by an Irish hermit, who gathered a following from the local community. Mont Saint-Michel was used in the sixth and seventh centuries as an Armorican stronghold of Gallo-Roman culture and power until it was ransacked by the Franks, thus ending the trans-channel culture that had stood since the departure of the Romans in 460. From roughly the fifth to the eighth century, Mont Saint-Michel belonged to the territory of Neustria and, in the early ninth century, was an important place in the marches of Neustria.

Before the construction of the first monastic establishment in the 8th century, the island was called Mont Tombe (Latin: tumba). According to a legend, the archangel Michael appeared in 708 to Aubert of Avranches, the bishop of Avranches, and instructed him to build a church on the rocky islet.

Unable to defend his kingdom against the assaults of the Vikings, the king of the Franks agreed to grant the Cotentin peninsula and the Avranchin, including Mont Saint-Michel traditionally linked to the city of Avranches, to the Bretons in the Treaty of Compiègne (867). This marked the beginning of a brief period of Breton possession of the Mont. In fact, these lands and Mont Saint-Michel were never really included in the duchy of Brittany and remained independent bishoprics from the newly created Breton archbishopric of Dol. When Rollo confirmed Franco as archbishop of Rouen, these traditional dependences of the Rouen archbishopric were retained in it.

The mount gained strategic significance again in 933 when William I Longsword annexed the Cotentin Peninsula from the weakened Duchy of Brittany. This made the mount definitively part of Normandy, and is depicted in the Bayeux Tapestry, which commemorates the 1066 Norman conquest of England. Harold Godwinson is pictured on the tapestry rescuing two Norman knights from the quicksand in the tidal flats during a battle with Conan II, Duke of Brittany. Norman ducal patronage financed the spectacular Norman architecture of the abbey in subsequent centuries.

Bayeux Tapestry scenes 16 and 17: William and Harold at Mont Saint-Michel (at top centre); Harold rescuing knights from quicksand
In 1067 the monastery of Mont Saint-Michel gave its support to William the Conqueror in his claim to the throne of England. This he rewarded with properties and grounds on the English side of the Channel, including a small island off the southwestern coast of Cornwall which was modelled after the Mount and became a Norman priory named St Michael’s Mount of Penzance.

Cannons abandoned by Thomas de Scales, 7th Baron Scales at Mont Saint-Michel on 17 June 1434. As of June 2013 only the second cannon, the one closer to the wall, is on display inside the entrance to the Mont’s outer wall.
During the Hundred Years’ War, the Kingdom of England made repeated assaults on the island but were unable to seize it due to the abbey’s improved fortifications. The English initially besieged the Mont in 1423–24, and then again in 1433–34 with English forces under the command of Thomas de Scales, 7th Baron Scales. Two wrought-iron bombards that Scales abandoned when he gave up his siege are still on site. They are known as les Michelettes. Mont Saint-Michel’s resolute resistance inspired the French, especially Joan of Arc.

When Louis XI of France founded the Order of Saint Michael in 1469, he intended that the abbey church of Mont Saint-Michel become the chapel for the Order, but because of its great distance from Paris, his intention could never be realised.

The wealth and influence of the abbey extended to many daughter foundations, including St. Michael’s Mount in Cornwall. However, its popularity and prestige as a centre of pilgrimage waned with the Reformation, and by the time of the French Revolution there were scarcely any monks in residence. The abbey was closed and converted into a prison, initially to hold clerical opponents of the republican regime. High-profile political prisoners followed, but by 1836, influential figures—including Victor Hugo—had launched a campaign to restore what was seen as a national architectural treasure. The prison was finally closed in 1863, and the mount was declared a historic monument in 1874. Mont Saint-Michel and its bay were added to the UNESCO list of World Heritage Sites in 1979, and it was listed with criteria such as cultural, historical, and architectural significance, as well as human-created and natural beauty.


在8世紀建造第一座修道院之前,該島被稱為Mont Tombe(拉丁語:tumba)。根據一個傳說,大天使邁克爾出現在708到阿夫朗什主教阿夫朗什的奧貝特,並指示他在岩石小島上建造一座教堂。

弗蘭克斯國王無法為維京人的攻擊辯護他的王國,同意授予科唐坦半島和Avranchin,包括傳統上與阿夫朗什市相連的聖米歇爾山,以及Compiègne條約中的布列塔尼(867) )。這標誌著布列塔尼擁有蒙特的短暫時期的開始。事實上,這些土地和聖米歇爾山從未真正包含在布列塔尼公國中,並且仍然是新建的布列塔尼大主教Dol的獨立主教。當羅洛確認佛朗哥為魯昂大主教時,魯昂大主教的這些傳統依賴被保留在其中。

933年,當威廉一號長劍從布列塔尼公國的弱者中吞併科唐坦半島時,山脈又獲得了戰略意義。這使得山脈最終成為諾曼底的一部分,並在巴約掛毯中描繪,以紀念1066年諾曼征服英格蘭。 Harold Godwinson在與布列塔尼公爵柯南二世的戰鬥中,在潮汐平原上從流沙中救出兩名諾曼騎士的掛毯上的照片。諾曼公爵的讚助資助了後來幾個世紀修道院壯觀的諾曼式建築。


在百年戰爭期間,英國王國多次襲擊該島,但由於修道院改善了防禦工事而無法抓住它。英國人最初在1423年至24年間圍攻蒙特,然後在1433年至34年間,英國軍隊在7號男爵天秤座的托馬斯德斯卡萊斯的指揮下。當Scales放棄圍攻時​​,Scales放棄的兩枚鍛鐵轟炸仍在現場。他們被稱為les Michelettes。聖米歇爾山的堅決抵抗激發了法國人,特別是聖女貞德。


修道院的財富和影響擴展到許多女兒基金會,包括康沃爾郡的聖邁克爾山。然而,它作為朝聖中心的聲望和威望隨著宗教改革而減弱,到法國大革命時期,幾乎沒有任何僧侶居住。修道院被關閉並改建成監獄,最初是為了擔任共和政權的神職人員。隨後是備受矚目的政治犯,但到了1836年,包括維克多·雨果在內的有影響力的人物發起了一場恢復被視為國家建築瑰寶的活動。該監獄於1863年終於關閉,並於1874年宣布該山為歷史古蹟。聖米歇爾山及其海灣於1979年被列入聯合國教科文組織世界遺產名錄,並列入文化,歷史等標準。 ,具有建築意義,以及人類創造和自然美。


FROM:The Magical Mont-Saint-Michel: an Island once more at high tide

FROM:Mont Saint Michel from a drone.

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