Studio Puisto has designed an adaptable, prefabricated cabin that can be built anywhere and used as anything from a garden office to a remote off-grid retreat.

Named Space of Mind, the compact cabin was developed in collaboration with furniture brand Made By Choice in response to the coronavirus pandemic, to offer people who are forced to spend more time at home a space to unwind.

Studio Puisto設計了一種適應性強的預製小屋,可以在任何地方建造,並且可以用作從花園辦公室到遠程離網撤退的任何事物。

這種緊湊的機艙名為“心靈空間”,是與家具品牌Made By Choice合作開發的,旨在應對日冕病毒大流行,為被迫在家里花費更多時間的人們提供放鬆的空間。

Studio Puisto intends for Space of Mind to serve primarily as a remote, off-grid hideout, but they can also be built closer to home for use as an office, garden gym or spare bedroom.

The cabins have modular interiors that also allow them to be quickly and easily adapted to suit a user’s changing needs.

Studio Puisto打算將“心靈空間”主要用作遠程的,離網的藏身處,但也可以將它們建在離家較近的地方,以用作辦公室,花園健身房或備用臥室。


“Space of Mind is a modern cabin that acts as a dedicated space to think, recharge and unwind – somewhere we can find our own peace of mind,” explained the Finnish studio.

“How we find that peace of mind looks different for all of us. Therefore, an integral aspect to the design of Space of Mind is its versatility and adaptability,” it said.

“Through a modular system, Space of Mind can serve as anything from a spare bedroom to a gym to a home office with the flexibility to be placed nearly anywhere in the world.”




Space of Mind cabins have a lightweight, wooden structure measuring just under 10 square metres.

They are prefabricated in a factory to minimise damage to the site and ensure they can be easily transported and erected in remote locations.

Cladding options include larch wood, black tar paper, or galvanised steel with standing seams, while the foundations are made from either removable helical piers or lightweight concrete. This ensures a cabin can be adapted to suit different climates and ground conditions.

Mind of Mind客艙採用輕巧的木質結構,面積不到10平方米。


覆層選項包括落葉松木材,黑焦油紙或帶有直立接縫的鍍鋅鋼,而地基則由可移動的螺旋形墩台或輕質混凝土製成。 這確保了機艙可以適應不同的氣候和地麵條件。

“To make Space of Mind available to even the most remote of locations, it was strategically planned to be light enough for transportation by crane or helicopter with a resilient foundation that supports almost any site,” the studio explained.

“This, in turn, adds to its versatility, ultimately creating an opportunity where we have the freedom to tailor a spatial experience to our exact needs.”



The first Space of Mind cabin to have been installed is clad in larch and located on an outcrop in the archipelago of Porvoo in Finland.

Larch was chosen as it will grey with time to complement its surroundings, and Studio Puisto will soon build more beside it to rent out as a holiday retreat.


選擇落葉松屬植物是因為它會隨著時間的流逝而變灰,以補充周圍的環境,而Studio Puisto將很快在其旁邊建造更多房屋,以出租作為度假勝地。

The angular form of the cabins was developed to offer an “element of surprise” while maintaining an efficient, compact shape. Its overhanging roof functions as a sheltered entrance.

Their structures are uninsulated to encourage users to connect “the raw, natural elements and ever-changing weather conditions outside”.

機艙的斜角形式旨在提供“驚喜元素”,同時保持高效緊湊的外形。 其懸垂的屋頂用作有遮蓋的入口。


The interiors of the Space of Mind cabins are also modular and can be fitted with different furniture pieces. These are attached to the main structure using wooden pegs.

Described by Studio Puisto as a puzzle, this modular system relies on a simple slot and lock mechanism that allows for easy reconfiguration.

“心靈空間”客艙的內部空間也是模塊化的,可以安裝不同的家具。 這些通過木釘固定在主體結構上。

Studio Puisto將其描述為一個難題,該模塊化系統依賴於簡單的插槽和鎖定機制,可輕鬆進行重新配置。

“The interior is modular and connected to the structure of the cabin by wooden pegs,” said the studio’s partner Willem van Bolderen.

“The interior can be switched from a rest-space to a focus-space or a wellness-space. The wooden pegs slide into the slot and lock the furniture elements in place,” he told Dezeen.

該工作室的合夥人威廉·範·博爾德倫(Willem van Bolderen)說:“內部是模塊化的,並通過木釘連接到機艙的結構。”


Wood was chosen for the interior finishes to create a warm quality that is simultaneously pared-back, but there is also the option to have a wool carpet.

The Space of Mind cabins can be purchased with a separate dry toilet that can be placed near the cabin, alongside an outside kitchen or storage element next to the door.



Studio Puisto is a Finnish architecture studio founded in Helsinki in 2010. It is headed up by van Bolderen alongside architects Mikko Jakonen, Emma Johansson and Sampsa Palva, Heikki Riitahuhta.

Space of Mind is now available for purchase, and the studio is currently also developing a sauna version.

Studio Puisto工作室是一家於2010年在赫爾辛基成立的芬蘭建築工作室。由van Bolderen以及建築師Mikko Jakonen,Emma Johansson和Sampsa Palva,Heikki Riitahuhta領導。


Elsewhere, housing startup Koto also recently developed an angular, prefabricated cabin that is intended for working from home. It follows the launch of its larger four-bedroom cabins in 2018 that are designed for a Nordic lifestyle.

Italian architects Massimo Gnocchi and Paolo Danesi have developed a conceptual cabin called Mountain Refuge that is designed as a space to find “connection with nature”.

Photography is by Marc Goodwin, Archmospheres.

在其他地方,房屋初創公司Koto最近還開發了一種有角度的預製機艙,旨在在家中工作。 在此之前,它於2018年推出了專為北歐生活方式設計的更大的四居室客艙。

意大利建築師Massimo Gnocchi和Paolo Danesi開發了一種名為Mountain Refuge的概念客艙,該客艙旨在尋找“與自然的聯繫”。

攝影是來自Archmospheres的Marc Goodwin。



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