In the third part of our collaboration with Dom Publishers, the editors of the Sub-Saharan Africa Architectural Guide pick their architectural highlights from countries along West Africa’s Atlantic coast.

With contributions from nearly 350 authors, the Sub-Saharan Africa Architectural Guide aims to be a comprehensive guide to architecture in the southern part of the continent.

在與Dom Publishers合作的第三部分中,《撒哈拉以南非洲建築指南》的編輯從西非大西洋沿岸國家中挑選了他們的建築亮點。


The third volume of the seven-volume publication is named Western Africa along the Atlantic Ocean Coast and focuses on the architecture of Guinea-Bissau, Guinea, Sierra Leone, Liberia, Ivory Coast, Ghana, Togo, Benin and Nigeria.

Read on for picks from the region selected by the book’s editors Philipp Meuser and Adil Dalbai:


繼續閱讀本書編輯Philipp Meuser和Adil Dalbai選擇的地區的精選:

Guinea-Bissau 幾內亞比紹

TAP Airline Delegation, Bissau by José Pinto da Cunha

Located on National Heroes’ Square, to the southwest of the Presidential Palace, this building can be related to other revisionists’ experiences of the modern movement during the period of new brutalism.

It is defined by one single volume with the main facade covered in a vertical brise-soleil to enable control of the heat excess in the offices. The arched roof was also used to create ventilation, adjusting the building to its tropical climate.

A wide spiral staircase characterises the entrance level and establishes access to the other levels of the building.

比紹TAP航空公司代表團,何塞·平托·達庫納(JoséPinto da Cunha)


它由一個單獨的空間定義,主立面覆蓋在垂直的垂直電刷牆中,從而可以控制辦公室中的多餘熱量。 拱形的屋頂也被用來創造通風,從而使建築適應熱帶氣候。


Guinea 幾內亞

Gamal Abdel Nasser University, Conakry, by E V Rybitsky and G N Tsytovich

As in many other African countries, a large-scale education offensive began in Guinea after independence in order to facilitate the training of a local elite. In 1962 the Institut Polytechnique de Conakry (IPC) was founded as the first institution for higher education in the country.

Under its first president Ahmed Sékou Touré, Guinea wanted to break away from the former colonial power and aligned itself with the Soviet Union, and the country’s first university complex was designed by a collective of Soviet architects.

The university was initially designed for 1,500 students – one of the largest university projects in western Africa at the time. Its main building, completed in 1964, housed the administration, rectorate, library, and conference hall, as well as a few classrooms and offices.

Most of the offices and classrooms for the faculties were spread over several elongated blocks. With their concrete mesh ⁄ brise-soleil – an element often found in late colonial and early post-independence modernist architecture – these buildings made natural ventilation possible and so were a good response to the local tropical climate. The dominant characteristic of the main building is the large mosaic on the north side of the main lecture hall, which shows a black Prometheus breaking free from his chains.

加納爾·阿卜杜勒·納賽爾大學(科納克里分校),作者:E V Rybitsky和G N Tsytovich

與許多其他非洲國家一樣,幾內亞獨立後開始了大規模的教育攻勢,以促進當地精英的培訓。 1962年,科納克里理工學院(IPC)成立,是該國第一所高等教育機構。



系的大多數辦公室和教室分佈在幾個細長的塊上。憑藉其混凝土絲網⁄ brise-soleil(混凝土網格brise-soleil)–在殖民地晚期和獨立後早期的現代主義建築中經常發現的這種元素–這些建築使自然通風成為可能,因此對當地的熱帶氣候做出了很好的反應。主樓的主要特徵是主演講廳北側的巨大馬賽克,顯示出黑色的普羅米修斯擺脫了鐵鎖。

Sierra Leone 塞拉利昂
Swawou School for Girls, Kenema, Eastern Province, by Orkidstudio

Orkidstudio’s new girls’ school in Kenema was designed to provide extensive new learning facilities for up to 120 young girls from the local area and was the only local school that didn’t allow corporal punishment.

However, just four weeks from completion progress was brought to a halt and the site closed as the first confirmed cases of the Ebola virus hit the region. After a two-year delay, the school opened in 2016.



但是,距離竣工僅四周的時間就停了下來,隨著第一批確診的埃博拉病毒病例襲擊該地區,該地點關閉了。 經過兩年的延遲,學校於2016年開業。

Liberia 利比里亞

Masonic Temple, Monrovia, by unknown architect

The overall style of the imposing, neo-classical masonic temple on Mamba Point was influenced by the secret society’s lodges in the US.

The edifice has various classical elements: high Doric marbled columns, cornices at the top of the parapets, and pediments. Originally it was covered in marble, but due to damage it suffered during the civil war, most of this skin is gone.

A historic monument that hovers above Monrovia, the masonic temple was likely the site where decisions affecting the entire country were debated and finalised, as members of the True Whig Party, which dominated Liberian politics from the 1870s to the 1980s, were often Freemasons.


Mamba Point雄偉的新古典共濟會神廟的整體風格受到美國秘密社團住所的影響。

大廈具有各種古典元素:高高的Doric大理石柱,欄杆頂部的簷口和山牆飾。 它最初是用大理石覆蓋的,但是由於在內戰中遭受的損壞,大部分皮膚都消失了。


Ivory Coast 象牙海岸

Hôtel Président, Yamoussoukro, by Olivier-Clément Cacoub

Initially a small village that gained its name in 1901, Yamoussoukro became the political capital of Ivory Coast in 1983, while the port of Abidjan remained the country’s economic capital.

The reason behind the relocation of the coastal capital to a more central, inland location was not only to emphasise the prosperity and national identity of the country away from the former colonies, but also that the location was the birthplace of the then head of state, President Félix Houphouët-Boigny.

The master plan for the new city was drawn up by the Tunisian-born architect Olivier-Clément Cacoub in the 1970s and early 1980s. It was an attempt to combine a great city and a village in the form of a new town made up of a collection of modern villas.

Olivier-Clément Cacoub designed the Hôtel Président in 1980, three years before the city was appointed the Ivory Coast capital.



將沿海首都轉移到更中心的內陸地區的原因,不僅是為了強調遠離前殖民地的國家的繁榮和民族特色,而且還因為該地區是當時的國家元首的發源地, FélixHouphouët-Boigny總統。

1970年代和1980年代初,突尼斯出生的建築師Olivier-ClémentCacoub制定了新城市的總體規劃。 試圖將一個偉大的城市和一個村莊結合在一起,形成一個由一系列現代別墅組成的新城鎮。


Ghana 加納

One Airport Square, Accra, by Mario Cucinella Architects, Deweger Gruter Brown & Partners

As the first building in Ghana to have been awarded a four-star rating by the Green Building Council of South Africa, One Airport Square draws equally on the themes of globalisation, sustainability, and tradition.

The Italian and Ghanaian architects constructed a diagrid exterior in homage to the patterns on the palm-tree bark, and of the style of rural homes in northwest Ghana. The frame is structured to support Accra’s seismic sensitivity, and the projected terraces shield the large office windows from strong solar-rays.

As a multi-purpose edifice, the recently completed building boasts offices, cafes, and restaurants, as well as a sculpture by the local artist Kofi Setordji in its piazza. One Airport Square has become the landmark of Accra’s new architecture landscape.

Mario Cucinella Architects,Deweger Gruter Brown&Partners設計的阿克拉機場一號廣場


意大利和加納的建築師建造了一個斜向外部的建築,以向棕櫚樹皮上的圖案以及加納西北部鄉村房屋的風格致敬。 框架的結構可支持阿克拉的地震敏感性,而投影式露台則可遮擋大型辦公室窗戶,使其免受強烈的太陽光照射。

作為一座多功能建築,新近完工的建築擁有辦公室,咖啡廳和餐館,並在其廣場上擺放著當地藝術家科菲·塞多吉(Kofi Setordji)的雕塑。 一個機場廣場已成為阿克拉新建築景觀的地標。

Togo 多哥

Bank for Investment and Development, Lomé, by Pierre Goudiaby Atepa

The Bank for Investment and Development (EBID) is a landmark building in Togo’s capital city Lomé. It consists of two elements, connected by a bridge symbolising the link between the fifteen member countries of the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS).

Thes thirteen-storey building rests on a basic structure composed of fifteen elements, which also stand for the member countries. It is dedicated to African women, as represented by a three-metre-wide sculpture depicting three figures, a mother, a sister, and a daughter.

The patterned conference room rotunda suggests an inverted gourd and a fountain makes a feature of the essential element of water. The project is one of Atepa’s personal favourites and he later applied the same architec­tural and symbolic gesture in his design for Yundum International Airport in Banjul, the Gambia.


投資與發展銀行(EBID)是位於多哥首都洛美的地標性建築。 它由兩個元素組成,它們通過一座橋相連,象徵著西非國家經濟共同體(西非經共體)的十五個成員國之間的聯繫。

這棟十三層的建築以十五個元素組成的基本結構為基礎,也代表著成員國。 它專門針對非洲婦女,以一個三米寬的雕塑為代表,描繪了三個人物,一個母親,一個妹妹和一個女兒。

圓形會議室的圖案暗示著一個倒置的葫蘆,而噴泉則是水的基本元素。 該項目是Atepa的個人最愛之一,後來他在岡比亞班珠爾的Yundum國際機場的設計中採用了相同的建築和象徵性手勢。

Benin 貝寧

Marina Residence, Cotonou, by Peia Associati and Atelier(s) Alfonso Femia

According to the architects, the aim of this residential complex was to not only to create a luxury compound in the increasingly expanding city of Cotonou but also to reinterpret African identity through reinventing the local contemporary style.

The team of Italian architects succeeded in their aim, although the inspiration behind the roadside walls appears to originate from northern Africa.

The closed and solid-looking exterior walls are painted an intense shade of red, therefore generating a stark contrast to the glistening white buildings within the complex. These internal structures are pierced by unevenly distributed square windows with cedar frames, giving the residential buildings a decidedly unique, varied, and picturesque appearance.

Peton Associati和工作室Alfonso Femia的科托努濱海住宅



封閉且外觀堅固的外牆塗上了強烈的紅色陰影,因此與大樓中閃閃發光的白色建築物形成了鮮明的對比。 這些內部結構被不規則分佈的帶有雪松框架的方形窗戶刺穿,使住宅建築具有絕對獨特,多樣且風景如畫的外觀。

Nigeria 奈及利亞

Dominican Chapel, Ibadan, by Demas Nwoko

Demas Nwoko’s approach to architecture is through art and combines modern elements with a Nigerian vernacular architectural language. Though he was not formally trained as an architect, his works embody his in-depth understanding of the nation’s architecture and its heritage. This can be seen in the chapel he created for the Dominican Institute.

The Dominican Chapel also includes sculptural elements such as carved timber columns and elaborate metalwork on the balustrades and gates. Situated at the site’s highest point and accessible by way of a steep road off the main Ibadan–Oyo Highway, the house of worship is a prominent landmark.

The chapel was consecrated in 1973 and four years later in the journal of the Royal Institute of British Architects, architecture critic Noel Moffat said: “Here, under a tropical sun, architecture and sculpture combine in a way which only Antoni Gaudí perhaps, among architects, has been able to do so convincingly.”

伊巴丹多米尼加教堂,作者Demas Nwoko

Demas Nwoko的建築方法是通過藝術,將現代元素與尼日利亞的本土建築語言結合在一起。儘管他沒有接受過建築師的正式培訓,但他的作品體現了他對國家建築及其遺產的深入了解。從他為多米尼加研究所創建的教堂中可以看出這一點。


這座教堂於1973年被奉獻,四年後,在英國皇家建築師學會的雜誌上,建築評論家Noel Moffat表示:“在熱帶的陽光下,建築和雕塑在某種程度上融合了建築師安東尼奧·高迪(AntoniGaudí) ,已經能夠令人信服地做到這一點。”



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