In the fourth part of our collaboration with Dom Publishers, the editors of the Sub-Saharan Africa Architectural Guide pick their architectural highlights from countries in northeast Africa.

With contributions from nearly 350 authors, the Sub-Saharan Africa Architectural Guide aims to be a comprehensive guide to architecture in the African countries that lie south of the Sahara.

在與Dom Publishers合作的第四部分中,《撒哈拉以南非洲建築指南》的編輯從非洲東北部國家中挑選了他們的建築亮點。


The fourth volume of the seven-volume publication is named Eastern Africa from the Sahel to the Horn of Africa and focuses on the architecture of Chad, Sudan, South Sudan, Eritrea, Djibouti, Ethiopia and Somalia.


Read on for picks from the region selected by the book’s editors Philipp Meuser and Adil Dalbai:

繼續閱讀本書編輯Philipp Meuser和Adil Dalbai選擇的地區的精選:


N’Djamena Grand Hotel, N’Djamena, by TAU ⁄ Roberto Sechi, Luca Compri

The N’Djamena Grand Hotel is part of an architectural complex designed to host big political events. It is situated in N’Djamena city centre, overlooking the Chari River. The building is characterised by its palace-like structure and its rectangular shape.

The facade of this hotel building clearly shows the Arabic influence on Chadian architecture. The repetitive patterns of the facade give the building a grandeur that many modern mosques can hardly match.

In total, it has eight levels. On the ground floor is the lobby (a double-height space), the restaurant, the cafeteria, the meeting room, and all of the administrative offices. The 187 bedrooms cover the remaining floors and have varying sizes: the higher the floor number, the bigger and more luxurious the rooms become, ending with the deluxe executive suites on the top floor.

恩賈梅納恩賈梅納大酒店,TAU ⁄ Roberto Sechi,盧卡·康普里

恩賈梅納大酒店是旨在舉辦大型政治活動的建築群的一部分。 它位於恩賈梅納(N’Djamena)市中心,俯瞰著Chari河。 該建築的特點是其宮殿式結構和矩形形狀。

這家酒店建築的立面清楚地表明了阿拉伯對乍得建築的影響。 立面的重複圖案使建築具有宏偉的外觀,許多現代清真寺都無法比擬。

總共有八個級別。 一樓是大廳(雙高空間),餐廳,自助餐廳,會議室和所有行政辦公室。 187間臥室覆蓋其餘樓層,並具有不同的大小:樓層數越高,房間變得越大越豪華,最後一層是豪華行政套房。


Al-Nilein Mosque, Morada, Gamar Eldowla Abdelgadir

Al-Nilein Mosque stands near the confluence of the two Niles, facing west onto the White Nile. It was a graduation project by Gamar Eldowla Abdelgadir, one of the University of Khartoum’s architecture students during the mid-1970s.

The project comprises three components: the mosque, the library, and the space for communal activities. Shaped like a giant shell, the main building’s geodesic dome shelters a large column-less room, where the walls are continuously connected through the curved ceiling.

The form of this mosque almost resembles a coconut macaroon – even if strictly devout Muslims don’t like to hear that. But from an architectural point of view, it is a true masterpiece.

Al-Nilein清真寺,摩拉達,Gamar Eldowla Abdelgadir

Al-Nilein清真寺靠近兩個尼勒河的交匯處,向西面向白尼羅河。 這是1970年代中期喀土穆大學建築系學生之一加瑪·埃爾多拉·阿卜杜勒加迪爾(Gamar Eldowla Abdelgadir)的畢業設計。

該項目包括三個部分:清真寺,圖書館和公共活動空間。 主樓的測地線圓頂形狀像一個巨大的貝殼,掩蓋了一個大的無柱房間,牆壁通過彎曲的天花板連續地相連。

這座清真寺的形式幾乎類似於椰子杏仁餅,即使嚴格虔誠的穆斯林不願聽到這一消息。 但是從架構的角度來看,它是真正的傑作。

South Sudan|南蘇丹

Juba International Airport, Juba, by China Communications Construction Company

Following the 2005 Comprehensive Peace Agreement (CPA) and the establishment of the autonomous government of Southern Sudan, the building of a new, modern airport was initiated in 2009, but was marred by successive failures, which led to the squandering of vast sums of public money.

An unfinished terminal remains in that state and has been left abandoned. A new terminal with two halls was erected next to it and was finally inaugurated in October 2018.

The airport may not be photographed for security reasons. From an architectural point of view, it is hardly worthy of a photo, too.

What is interesting here again is that China has also extended its claws into South Sudan and has taken the small state in Africa under its wings as part of its global trade network.


繼2005年《全面和平協議》(CPA)和蘇丹南部自治政府成立之後,新的現代化機場於2009年開始建設,但由於接連的失敗而受到損害,這導致大量公眾浪費 錢。

未完成的終端仍保持該狀態,並被丟棄。 一個新的航站樓旁邊有兩個大廳,最終於2018年10月投入使用。

出於安全原因,可能無法為機場拍照。 從架構的角度來看,也幾乎不值得拍攝照片。



Fiat Tagliero Service Station, Asmara, Giuseppe Petazzi

The Fiat Tagliero Service Station is probably the most remarkable building in Asmara and perhaps one of the finest examples of futurist architecture in Africa and the world.

Giuseppe Pettazzi designed the building to resemble the streamlined and dynamic form of a plane, and translated the modernist spirit of his time into a build manifesto. Its cantilevered concrete wings have a span of 30 metres and hang unsupported above street level.

The colonial architecture of the 20th century is a reminder of an inglorious chapter in European-African history. It is linked to racism and exploitation. It is no different in Eritrea.

But the Italian occupiers left behind an architectural heritage that is unique in the world. One could almost think that the architects were more creative in Africa than in their European homeland.

朱塞佩·佩塔齊(Giuseppe Petazzi),阿斯馬拉(Firm Tagliero)服務站


朱塞佩·皮塔齊(Giuseppe Pettazzi)將建築設計為類似於飛機的流線型和動態形式,並將他那個時代的現代主義精神轉化為建築宣言。 它的懸臂混凝土翼跨度達30米,無支撐地懸掛在街道上方。

20世紀的殖民時期建築讓人想起歐洲-非洲歷史上一個光榮的篇章。 它與種族主義和剝削有關。 厄立特里亞也是如此。

但是意大利佔領者留下了世界上獨一無二的建築遺產。 幾乎可以認為,非洲的建築師比歐洲的祖國更具創造力。


Djibouti Cathedral, Djibouti, by Joseph Müller

A masterpiece of architecture! A clear cube, a successful composition of the entrance and a facade made of seashells that seems almost more mystical than the Word of God – no church can be built better!

Our Lady of the Good Shepherd Cathedral (Cathédrale Notre-Dame du Bon-Pasteur de Djibouti) was built on the site of a previous church, Sainte-Jeanne-d’Arc. The Bishop of Djibouti at the time, Henri Hoffmann, backed its construction, and the Catholic church was consecrated in January 1964.

The architect of the church, Joseph Müller (1906–1992), who drew its plans free of charge, acquired the nickname Kirchenmüller for the many religious buildings he designed at home in France and abroad, from the 1940s to the 1960s.


建築的傑作! 一個清晰的立方體,一個成功的入口組成以及一個由貝殼製成的外牆,看起來比神的話幾乎神秘得多–沒有哪個教堂可以建造得更好!

我們的好牧羊人大教堂夫人(吉卜賽大教堂聖母院(CathédraleNotre-Dame du Bon-Pasteur de Djibouti))是在以前的教堂Sainte-Jeanne-d’Arc的所在地建造的。 當時的吉布提主教亨利·霍夫曼(Henri Hoffmann)支持該建築,天主教教堂於1964年1月奉獻。



Lideta Market, Addis Ababa, by Vilalta Architects ⁄ Xavier Vilalta

Another cube. Another mystical building that works with the staging of light. But this is not a sacred building, it’s a shopping temple!

The Lideta Market in Addis Ababa is a 14,200-square-metre multistorey building designed by Xavier Vilalta for a competition in 2010. It is located in an area that has been redeveloped within the frame of the government’s housing programme.

The surrounding buildings define a dense and lively neighbourhood. The project is a simple rectangular volume with a carved interior void that creates an inclined atrium, which delivers a spatial quality to a traditional market layout.

The building is enclosed by a perforated concrete facade, which allows natural ventilation and light to flow in. The pattern of the facade is inspired by traditional Ethiopian dress and makes the building a landmark in the area.

亞的斯亞貝巴的利德塔市場(Lideta Market),由Vilalta Architects ⁄ Xavier Vilalta

另一個立方體。 另一個神秘的建築,與光的舞台融為一體。 但這不是一座神聖的建築,而是一座購物聖殿!

亞的斯亞貝巴的Lideta市場是一棟14200平方米的多層建築,由Xavier Vilalta設計,用於2010年的競賽。它位於政府住房計劃框架內經過重新開發的區域。

周圍的建築定義了一個密集而熱鬧的社區。 該項目是一個簡單的矩形體積,帶有雕刻的內部空隙,形成了一個傾斜的中庭,為傳統的市場佈局提供了空間品質。



Binocularsi, Mogadishu, by Carlo Enrico Rava

The Italian colonial heritage in Somalia is less preserved than in Eritrea. And the Arc de Triomphe is more irritating than reminiscent of an architectural heritage of world importance.

But the civil war has preserved few architectural monuments. Thus, even an almost destroyed relic of the Italian occupiers can become part of a new national identity.

This triumphal arch was designed by the Italian architect Carlo Enrico Rava and realised by the Ciccotti company to celebrate King Vittorio Emanuele III’s visit to Mogadishu in December 1934. It stands by the seafront near the customs section of the old port, on a square formerly known as Piazza 21 April.

The arch is made up of rounded twin towers, joined in the middle – hence the name Binoculars.

雙筒望遠鏡,摩加迪沙,卡洛·恩里科·拉瓦(Carlo Enrico Rava)

在索馬里的意大利殖民地遺產保存得比在厄立特里亞少。 凱旋門比讓人想起具有世界重要性的建築遺產更具刺激性。

但是內戰幾乎沒有保留任何建築遺跡。 因此,即使是幾乎被摧毀的意大利佔領者文物也可以成為新的民族身份的一部分。

這座凱旋門由意大利建築師Carlo Enrico Rava設計,並由Ciccotti公司實現,以慶祝1934年12月維托里奧·埃馬努埃萊三世國王對摩加迪沙的訪問。它位於舊港口海關區域附近的海濱,坐落在一個以前廣為人知的廣場上 如4月21日的廣場。




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