Architects: JNDA
Area: 293 m²
Year: 2020
Photographs: Yoon Joonhwan
Manufacturers: Bonticello, Eagon window & door systems, Rolladen
Lead Architect: Lee Seung-june
Mechanical Engineers: Dong Bang MEC
Construction: HID / Homento
Design / Computer Graphic:Im sun-yu
Design:Kim hyun-ju
Computer Graphic:Lee won-bong
Physical Modeling:Oh Neul
Structure Engineers:Quantum Engineering
Country:South Korea

機械工程師:Dong Bang MEC
建設:HID / Homento

Until a single house is built, there is a lot of dialogue and communication between the architect and the client. During this project, there were countless precious stories filled with respect for each other, so all the processes and results remained happy memories. This is why the name of this project is ‘Precious talk’.

在建造一所房子之前,建築師與客戶之間需要進行很多對話和交流。 在這個項目中,有無數相互珍視的珍貴故事,因此所有過程和結果仍然是美好的回憶。 這就是為什麼該項目的名稱為“珍貴的談話”的原因。

The client chose this land because of its location. This location allows the house to have an entire view of the mountain without getting any interference from other houses since it’s located on the way into the complex. The hierarchy of the house is vertically organized and it’s sorted by the characteristic of the spaces; the 1st floor with publicness, the 2nd floor composed of private spaces and the 3rd floor with mentally private space.

客戶選擇這片土地是因為其位置。 由於該位置位於通往綜合大樓的道路上,因此該位置可以使房屋擁有整個山脈的全景,而不會受到其他房屋的干擾。 房子的層次結構是垂直組織的,並按照空間的特徵進行排序。 一樓是公共場所,二樓是私人空間,三樓是精神上的私人空間。

This hierarchy leads to the gradual changes through the floors. The 1st floor, where living room, dining area and kitchen are placed is for all family members and it also has a function of reception for guests as well. On the 2nd floor, there are a dress room, all bedrooms, and a bathroom where has a bathtub looking out the east window. The bathroom, which is connected to the outside through windows and natural light, provides an experience that seems to be in the middle of the forest.

這種層次結構導致整個樓層的逐漸變化。 位於一樓的客廳,用餐區和廚房適合所有家庭成員使用,還具有接待客人的功能。 在2樓,有一個更衣室,所有臥室和一間浴室,浴室的浴缸向東看。 浴室通過窗戶和自然光與外部相連,提供了彷彿置身於森林中央的體驗。

In order to maximize the effect of attracting nature into the bathroom, the materials of the wall and bathtub were selected as cypress trees and long windows vertically allowed to capture the forest landscape and natural lighting as much as possible. As such, while the 1st floor is a space where all family members gather up and have conversation, the 2nd floor will be a space only for themselves.

為了最大程度地吸引自然風光進入浴室,牆壁和浴缸的材料被選為柏樹,並且垂直放置的長窗盡可能地捕獲了森林景觀和自然採光。 因此,雖然第一層是所有家庭成員聚集在一起並進行交談的空間,但是第二層將是僅適合自己的空間。

The 3rd floor is a very private space even mentally, with space for meditation and terrace that melt the requests of the client as much as possible. For the client who enjoy prayer and meditation, there is a place where he can feel the rising sun and small forest through the window opened to the east. The client has the life of flying into the sky and he wanted to have a space to contemplate while floating and looking at the sky, and the terrace on the 3rd floor realized this. There are rings to hang a hammock on the wooden finish around the terrace of the gable. It depicts the client’s imagination of floating in a hammock and staring at the sky by himself among a forest.

3樓是一個非常私密的空間,即使在精神上也是如此,這裡有沉思空間和露台,可最大限度地滿足客戶的要求。 對於喜歡祈禱和冥想的服務對象,有一個地方可以通過向東打開的窗戶感覺到冉冉升起的太陽和小樹林。 客戶擁有飛翔在天空中的生活,他希望有一個空間可以在漂浮和注視著天空的同時進行沉思,而三樓的露台則意識到了這一點。 山牆的露台周圍有木製的吊環上懸掛的吊環。 它描繪了客戶對漂浮在吊床上,獨自在森林中凝視天空的想像。


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