Architects: KAJIMA DESIGN, Kengo Kuma & Associates
Area: 87433 m²
Year: 2020
Photographs: Forward Stroke
Manufacturers: Daiko, Laticrete, Time & Style, FOREST NISHIKAWA, Panasonic, woody world
Desing Architect:Kengo Kuma, Suguru Watanabe
Architects:Kengo Kuma & Associates, Koji Motoyama, Tokihiko Hoshino, Hidehito Nojima
Interior Design Advisor:Seigow Matsuoka
Wundercomer General Manager:Hiroshi Aramata
Wundercomer Producer:usaginonedoko
Wundercomer Interior Design & Contractor:Tansei Display
Landscape:Landscape Design
Contractor:Kajima Corporation
Project Manager:KUME SEKKEI
Interior Design:y + A yojitakahashiarchitects
Sign Design:10 inc

生產商:Daiko,Laticrete,Time&Style,FOREST NISHIKAWA,Panasonic,woody world
設計建築師:渡邊剛吾(Suguru Watanabe)K研吾
建築師:Kengo Kuma&Associates,本山浩二,星野時彥,野島英人
Wundercomer室內設計與承包商:Tanei Display
MEP / HVAC:鹿島設計
室內設計:y + A yojitakahashiArchitects
標牌設計:10 inc

The Kadokawa Culture Museum is a futuristic cultural labyrinth that agitates various binary oppositions brought by modern times, such as cities and suburbs, high culture and low culture, in a three-dimensional and cross-sectional.The site, the Musashino Plateau, was created by the collision of four tectonic plates surrounding Japan.

角川文化博物館是一個未來派的文化迷宮,它以三維和橫斷面的方式激起了城市和郊區,高文化和低文化等現代社會帶來的各種二元對立,創建了武藏野高原。 由日本周圍的四個構造板塊碰撞而成。

We aimed for an architecture in which the granite, which is a component of magma, solidified while rising from the cracks in tectonics plates. The rock mass architecture reunited the modern suburban landscape, such as the factories on the north, the suburban houses on the south, and Higashi Tokorozawa Park on the east.

我們的目標是一種建築,其中作為岩漿成分的花崗岩在從構造板塊的裂縫中上升時會凝固。 岩石建築重新融合了現代郊區景觀,例如北部的工廠,南部的郊區房屋和東部的東所澤公園。

The 20,000 pieces of granite that cover the outer wall are named Black Fantasy, quarried in China. It features a strong undulating shade of white spots on a black background. We adopted a rough texture made by breaking 70 mm thick stones and details that do not dare to align the steps at the joints between the stones. We have acquired a feeling of particles suitable for the rough surrounding environment where nature and artificiality coexist.

覆蓋在外牆上的兩萬塊花崗岩被命名為“黑色幻想”,在中國採石。 它在黑色背景上具有強烈的起伏的白色斑點陰影。 我們採用了將70毫米厚的石頭打碎而製成的粗糙紋理,這些細節不敢使石頭之間的接縫處的台階對齊。 我們獲得了適合自然與人造並存的惡劣環境的顆粒感。

The structure is based on a steel structure, but the outer wall is made of steel-framed reinforced concrete that can withstand the weight of thick stones. It achieved an uncertain appearance of several floors and allowed us to naturally blend objects beyond the normal architectural scale.

該結構基於鋼結構,但外壁由可承受厚石重量的鋼框架鋼筋混凝土製成。 它實現了幾層樓的不確定外觀,使我們能夠自然融合超出正常建築規模的對象。

The interior is in a chaotic state with high culture like contemporary art, low culture like anime, white and black spaces, and real and fake exhibits. But we integrated the space into one by adjusting the particles of materials such as cedar plywood, cypress and stainless mesh. The plan of “Edit Town”, which is a fusion of museums and libraries, has a gallery in the center, a library on the outside, and a museum on the outside.

內部處於混亂狀態,充滿了當代藝術這樣的高文化,動漫,白色和黑色空間等低文化以及真實和虛假的展品。 但是我們通過調整雪松膠合板,柏樹和不銹鋼網等材料的顆粒,將空間整合為一個。 “博物館之鄉”的計劃是博物館和圖書館的融合,其中心有一個美術館,外面有一個圖書館,外面有一個博物館。

Six walls with different angles were set up to separate the museum from the library, and holes were freely made to give the impression of each program. On the main street, “Book Street,” bookshelves made of cedar plywood branch off from nine large headlines to form a network that resembles the structure of the brain.

設置了六個不同角度的牆,以將博物館與圖書館分開,並隨意打孔,以給每個程序留下深刻的印象。 在大街上的“書街”上,由雪松膠合板製成的書架從九個大標題中分叉出來,形成了一個類似於大腦結構的網絡。

We designed a unit that combines three types of shelves with different depths so that books can be stacked flat and objects can be displayed in front of the back cover. A chaotic street with a random rhythm with a total length of 85 m has emerged, consisting of 44 units that combine 6 patterns of units (width 1.8 m, height 2.4 m).

我們設計了一個單元,該單元組合了三種不同深度的書架,以便可以將書本平整地堆放起來,並可以在封底的前面顯示物品。 出現了一條隨機節奏的混亂街道,總長度為85 m,由44個單元組成,這些單元結合了6種模式的單元(寬1.8 m,高2.4 m)。

Unlike “Book Street”, the bookshelf of “Bookshelf Theater” at the end of Edit Town has the same depth of shelves, but by changing the depth of vertical cedar plywood, it becomes a cliff of bookshelf with enhanced verticality. The particles of the dynamic bookshelf, which can be felt above the ceiling height of 8 m, are dispersed and expanded to the ceiling louver, and by connecting multiple programs on the upper floor in three dimensions, a labyrinth of particles was created.

與“書街”不同,編輯鎮盡頭的“書架劇院”的書架具有相同的架子深度,但是通過更改垂直雪松膠合板的深度,它成為書架的懸崖,具有更高的垂直度。 可以在8 m的天花板高度以上感覺到的動態書架的粒子被分散並擴展到天花板百葉窗,並且通過在三維上連接多個程序在上層上,創建了迷宮式粒子。


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