Architects: TAO – Trace Architecture Office
Area: 500 m²
Year: 2010
Photographs: Li Yao


The clubhouse is located on one side of a river in Yancheng, surrounded by a park and sports field. The extended horizon, sky, water, island in river, and reed, these elements of the site define a tranquil, pure and poetic atmosphere. In such an environment, we think architecture must be a careful intervention to the site, to avoid ruining the original sense of place and meanwhile create the close contact with nature. Thus a glass building on riverside and in trees naturally comes to mind as beginning idea, to integrate visitor, architecture and landscape.

俱樂部會所位於鹽城的一條河的一側,周圍環繞著公園和運動場。 廣闊的地平線,天空,水,河中的小島和蘆葦叢,這些景點構成了寧靜,純淨和詩意的氛圍。 在這樣的環境下,我們認為建築必須是對場地的仔細干預,以避免破壞原始的地方感,同時與大自然建立緊密的聯繫。 因此,自然而然地想到了在河邊和樹木中的玻璃建築,將游客,建築和景觀融為一體。

The design therefore takes Mies’ Farnsworth as a prototype concept and creates a new form through a series of actions on it: stretch, loop, and fold. These actions lead to following results: smaller building depth with better views, introversive courtyard space offering more privacy, getting closer to water and accessible roof as extension of landscape. The transparency dematerializes architecture. The concern to physical form of building is replaced by desire to create flowing and see-through space to maximize visitors’ experience of natural environment outside.

因此,設計以密斯(Mies)的法恩斯沃斯(Farnsworth)為原型概念,並通過一系列的拉伸,彎折和折疊動作創建了一種新形式。 這些行動產生了以下結果:較小的建築深度,更佳的視野,內向的庭院空間提供了更多的私密性,與水的距離越來越近以及屋頂作為景觀的延伸。 透明性使架構物化。 對建築物理形式的關注已被創造流動和透明空間以最大程度地增加訪客對室外自然環境的體驗的願望所取代。

Responding to the horizontal feature of surrounding landscape and trees in site, the building is made into a linear and folded form. It zigzags and flows, sometimes approaching the ground, sometimes floating in the air. While inside it provides to visitors various views at different level and angle, it also gives an impression that architecture is touching the site in a very “light” form, thus creating a subtlety. The soft soil geo-condition of the site also makes this floating form structurally reasonable since slim columns on pile foundations support the building.

根據現場周圍景觀和樹木的水平特徵,該建築被製成線性折疊形式。 它曲折而流動,有時接近地面,有時漂浮在空中。 在其內部,可以為遊客提供不同層次和角度的各種視野,同時還給人一種印象,即建築以一種非常“輕巧”的形式觸及了該場所,從而產生了一種微妙的感覺。 該場地的軟土地質條件也使這種漂浮形式在結構上是合理的,因為樁基上的細長柱支撐了建築物。

The floor thickness and column size are made to their minimum dimensions to emphasize the “light” character of building and feeling of floating. The materials such as low iron glass, white aluminum panel, travertine floor, precast concrete panel and translucent glass partition are used to gain formal abstraction and to create the atmosphere of simplicity and purity. In the context of lacking local materials and craftsmanship, an abstract form becomes a natural choice aesthetically.

地板厚度和立柱尺寸應達到其最小尺寸,以強調建築物的“輕”特性和漂浮感。 低鐵玻璃,白鋁板,石灰華地板,預製混凝土板和半透明玻璃隔板等材料用於獲得正式的抽象感,並營造簡約和純淨的氛圍。 在缺乏當地材料和工藝的情況下,抽象形式在美學上成為一種自然的選擇。


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